Tesla Owner Doxing Site ‘Dogequest’ Relaunches on Dark Web
Tesla Owner Doxing Site ‘Dogequest’ Relaunches on Dark Web

Tesla Owner Doxing Site ‘Dogequest’ Relaunches on Dark Web

Oh noez! Anyway…
Tesla Owner Doxing Site ‘Dogequest’ Relaunches on Dark Web
Tesla Owner Doxing Site ‘Dogequest’ Relaunches on Dark Web
Oh noez! Anyway…
I'm indifferent on unsold Teslas being targeted, not like law exists in this country anymore. 🤷🏻♂️
I am absolutely 100% fucking appalled that people would be ok with doxing Tesla owners. These are real people with families who now have to fear for their safety because they thought it was cool technology when they bought the car. They also may not be able to easily afford to sell the car and buy a new or used one right away.
This does nothing good for anyone and hurts any resistance movement and sadly makes any resistance look like it lacks empathy for fellow human beings just like how what the right is doing shows they lack empathy.
Eh, I think most people would agree with you here but no one would go out of their way to stop or even denounce this cause that's at the very bottom of the list of issues.
Musk lost his mind before Tesla sold a car.
No innocent people on this website as far as I can tell
You shouldn't be ok with doxing people even if they are not good people.
It's an all or nothing standpoint. If you are fine with people getting doxxed for some reason you believe to be evil, then you inadvertently say that doxxing as a whole is fine. Eventually someone innocent is going to get doxxed, whether it be by accident (no such list of doxxed people is 100% accurate) or by someone with different viewpoints than you.
I went there and there are 5 people listed on it, like Elon and Kash Patel. If they have regular innocent people on the site it isn't showing them to me.
The vast majority of icons are just dealerships and superchargers.
Reminds me: HOW THE HELL is their stock UP 23.72% this past week. I mean, what. the. fuck.
probably artificially kept up by investors, or by musk or his cohorts so they can sell thier stocks before it crashes.
Is there a paywall-free version of this article?
The energy is good, the aim is shit.
This is gonna be the thing that splits the left into “fuck yeah burn them” and “this is going too far” and then nothing will get done because we’ll focus too much on infighting. Can’t we all come together for something not stupid like destroying random people’s cars? If you’re going to take drastic measures, at least do something more productive. Throw a Molotov at your representatives’ cars instead. I have no tears for a burnt Tesla, but I wish people were using this energy to punish more deserving people in more meaningful ways. I’m still waiting on all those “Luigi copycats” people keep thinking are gonna appear
It's not random peoples' cars. It's cars at Tesla dealerships.
Random peoples' cars may not be getting burnt, but they are absolutely getting damaged by keying or spray paint or whatever. I know at least one owner who had something like that happen to them and they now fear for their family's safety because of it. That's not cool.
I’m still waiting on all those “Luigi copycats” people keep thinking are gonna appear
There's been 2 attacks on CEOs since... The copycats are appearing.
There’s been 2 attacks on CEOs since
List 'em pls
Billionaire Media just learned not to sensationalize them.
My friend told me about this show he was working at. It was a pharmaceutical meeting with lots of c suite execs.
They told him to not mention to anyone that the execs would be there on account of "recent news".
What about destroying unsold teslas, as well as other acts of resistance?
Destroying unsold Teslas at least doesn't hurt people who may have bought their cars just because at one point Tesla made the best EVs (not even close to the best cars, but definitely the best EVs in terms of powertrain and battery. A while ago, anyway). So there's way less collateral damage and fewer people to alienate.
There is one caveat though. The dealerships are probably insured and would financially be better off having the cars burn as nobody's buying them right now. Though maybe if enough Teslas burn, Tesla dealers become uninsurable. Now that would put them out of business real quick.
Additionally, if someone managed to somehow disable a Tesla factory without directly hurting the workers, that would bring tears of joy to many people. The workers themselves are just simple laborers though. It's not like jobs are easy to come by right now and I'm sure plenty would leave if they could. So I hope nobody shoots up a factory with workers inside or something. Even leaving the moral implications of homicide aside, it would also instantly boost Elon and Tesla in a lot of people's eyes if something like this happened.
I think the charging stations would be good. It's not like they're that useful for anyone not driving a tesla. Even when your non-tesla car can be used in one I've heard of people getting harassed by tesla drivers for doing so.
I don't know why but some leftists will just find the dumbest fucking hills to die on, while completely ignoring real causes that actually move agendas forward.
Where is this energy in our unions and community groups? Where are these people in town halls and school board meetings? Where are the canvassers, the volunteers, the organizers?
Stop burning cars and start doing some of the damned work you cowards. Invest in your community and show people you're helpful and trustworthy instead of psychotic and destructive.
You're describing the same person.
you're assuming those things aren't being done simultaneously. additionally, the type of misplaced violent rage you will continue to witness is born from oppression and having no voice or power. eventually, the caged animal thrashes regardless of what it damages, itself included. it might not be rational or logical but it has to be expected as an outcome. we are not going to stop people from burning shit down. it simply will never happen. too many people feel they have no other way to make it known that fascism will not be the way of life here than to scare the shit out of our leaders through violence and a demonstration of the people's willingness to execute.
you can fucking hate that this is happening, but it is always going to. i'm not personally going to condemn these kinds of responses because i recognize it as an emotional and forced reaction to living year after year in a country that doesn't give a shit about you but will exploit you until you die. tesla is a representation of what the last 70 years have come to: we are now speeding on the path towards technofascism and they're not even doing it behind our backs. people are going to take their anger out on the fascist car endorsed by our fascist presidential figurehead and sold by our South African fascist president.
do you think that after defacing a Tesla the person is real tired and has to take a nap for a while
I'm fucking pissed at leftists who burn teslas. It's an incredible waste of an electric car ... It's terrible for the environment. There's better things to burn down if you want to create change
Anyone who thought Luigi copycats would appear is coping and I've been saying that from the start. And I say that as someone who wishes they would.
It still looks like there's a clearweb site: https://dogeque.st/
I'm not sure if it's a mirror or the OG. Love the custom cursor.
And, for convenience, the .onion link: dogeqstqzn2yjns2d6ccns7aa52tglno63ay2uv2orfvd7e23khcsxid.onion (you will need Tor to access)
"DOGEQUEST values your privacy and does not collect any personal information about our users." 🤣
I fundamentally disagree with doxing regular people. It's one thing if it's a public figure who is actively antagonizing people and using anonymity as a layer of protection against repercussions for their awful acts. But publishing the names and addresses of people who simply bought a car is not something we should be doing.
I’m not seeing normal people on this website. Am I missing something?
Normally I'd agree.
But, I don't really care anymore.
One side has crossed all sorts of lines and now pushback is happening. Innocents always get caught up in situations like that.
They can sell their Teslas.
Isn't this just class infighting though, something completely against the benefit of the workers so the owners can continue to pick our pockets while we aren't looking?
As someone who was raised in a conservative family but who climbed through a great many hoops to finally arrive at socialist thought: if you nutters were the left while I made that journey, I doubt I ever would have finished it.
The world has enough psychos in it, please stop hurting people who you can't even be sure are complicit.
They didn't "simply buy a car", they bought a symbol, and everything that brings along with it.
If you buy one today, sure, a few years ago, before their QC issues and mush really started fucking with the company, they weren't an awful deal.
Even the cyberdumpsters, you could have been on a waiting list for 3-4 years and paid a solid downpayment.
What happens if mush buys out Rivian, all those retroactively turn to shit?
They're also probably trapped in a loan. That 50-60k car was financed. it's now worth 1/3 of it's original cost. A lot of people who shouldn't have spent 50k on a car will because monthly payments make it affordable to them, now they sell it and can only replace it with a hundai.
The site is nearly useless anyway. It lists very few actual car owners and the ones I've looked at weren't even accurate.
This topic is unfortunately a black spot for the lemmy community. The hate boner for musk is so hard, that some people now fail to see that burning other people's cars is a problem. This kind of behavior can lead to some very bad consequences for people who's only crime was literally just buying a car. Kinda leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
its mostly trucks and dealerships getting targeted.
All of the burned cars that I have seen have been owned by Tesla dealerships. At least people are attacking the company's property at much greater scale than individual owners.
The hate boner for musk is so hard, that some people now fail to see that burning other people’s cars is a problem.
So, you'd be ok with someone wearing a Nazi pin, because "It was their grandpa's"?
Im gonna put it this way, I'd be OK with not burning down someones house because their their grandpa was a nazi and they lived in it before. Also, not even remotely comparable, get your head out of your ass.
Lets just burn all the VW's too they were literal card carrying Nazi's. Who cares if it was 80 years ago these new owners should be punished! Driving a car made by a Nazi is driving a car made by a Nazi eh?
Can’t wait to visit.
People showing exactly where they draw the class line in here lmao
I feel like unless you bought an Incel Camino or a brand new Tesla like in the last year, you really shouldn't be on the receiving end of quite so much hate, TBH. They were the car that finally got EVs off the ground as an acceptable alternative, so it's a shame early adopters are possibly being lumped in with MAGA truck owners.
The only reason EV's never got off the ground in the US is because the auto industry was shutting that shit down every step of the way. Iirc a few people even got disappeared. There are numerous documentaries out there.
I agree though, going after regular folks just because they bought a car isn't cool. People should stay focused on the actual fascis7s.
Disappeared? The oil and gas industry has been making people disappear for profit since before automobiles became a thing. This industry will murder you if you're actually competition or inhibiting them.
Car dealerships are fair game I don't care what happens to cars there. But an individual's car, I wouldn't go beyond leaving notes on the windshield, otherwise you're just making people angry for no good reason. Before 2020 a lot of people may have bought a Tesla and while Musk was always fishy, at the time it wasn't any worse than most other car companies. And not everyone can "just sell" their cars. Cybertrucks though... These are actively dangerous and disabling them is a matter of public safety 😝
The only reason EV’s never got off the ground in the US is because the auto industry was shutting that shit down every step of the way.
Is this Tesla's fault? How is this relevant? Everyone knows this; it's like, the number one "did you know?" fact about EVs.
Leaf was the first "off the ground". Tesla were the first to show that production EVs weren't limited to boring econoboxes.
Anyway, you can filter out early adopters because they didn't have factory anti-chrome, so if you see a shiny trim around the windows - it's probably got a pre-public meltdown era owner.
But look harder than just that! Many owners got the chrome blacked out with a vinyl wrap. And the blacked out appeared in 2018 in the model y first, which could’ve been just right after the pedo remarks.
The leaf did such a disservice to EVs that the world would probably have been better off without it. It was ugly, it was slow, it had no range, it had no battery cooling so degradation was awful, and charging was slow to boot.
That's actually pretty cool to know. Thanks!
so it’s a shame early adopters are possibly being lumped in with MAGA truck owners.
They could just sell it, or just not drive it, and keep it covered with a tarp...
Tbh there was also a time where I was under the assumption that all the big car manufacturing CEOs are probably not much better, Elon was just stupid enough to be open about it. For that I'm willing to give the benefit of doubt unless they recently got a Tesla brand new or have the PS1 graphics car.
ive seen people around my area buying new teslas as of recently including the truck, they know full well elon is capable of, they just seem ignorant to his politics. also the fact the teslas as QC problems people are ignoring, going back all the way before twitter purchase. on reddit people were buying the truck as way to get attention, so im not surprised they are this ignorant.
I'm kinda conflicted about this. On the one hand, selling a car takes time and energy, and might not necessarily be feasible to do in just a few months, especially since the market for em is going to SUCK. On the other hand, if you continue to drive a car from a company owned by a literal Nazi once you know, then... well I don't feel too bad for you.
Once you purchase the vehicle, the damage is already done. There is nothing to gain from busting up cars people already purchased.
Carvana takes like... a couple of hours to sell on. Check in hand and all.
I switched to EVs in 2014, and went fully electric in 2018. My problem is that there still isn't a good alternative I can use for long distance trips for my family of 7. I'd love to switch to something like the Kia EV9, but I almost have my current car paid off, and can't afford another $80k car. I'm conflicted, because I don't want to switch back to a gas car, and I believe my current power company is on track to be 50% sustainable/renewable in 5-10 years. I feel like it could take me years as opposed to months to find a replacement EV that works for me.
Sell their cars to who BEN? Aquaman?
In the end someone will own the car and be f'ed because of it. The seller will take a huge financial loss because other people think it helps to force people to make bad financial decisions while Tesla already has the money.
I'd point out Volkswagen and Porsche also still exist. With the former now owning a laundry list of other brands.
I'm definately in the camp where people need to take a step back and look at who they are hurting with this and how realistic it is to expect people to just get rid of their car. Especially now nobody wants them.
After all just because Democrats now hate this brand doesn't mean MAGA starts buying them up...
Anyone got the address? I want to add it to my block list so I never get tempted to visit it.
I went here https://dogeque.st/
Wherr there is the onion link dogeqstqzn2yjns2d6ccns7aa52tglno63ay2uv2orfvd7e23khcsxid.onion
I want my information removed. Absolutely! Just provide us with proof that you've sold your Tesla. Email takedown@dogeque.st. We only accept scanned documents in JPG and PNG formats.
Can I mirror this website? Of course! Anticipating that some might try to take us down, we've designed DOGEQUEST to be super easy to mirror. It’s just a single HTML file—no backend or external services required. Simply save the page from your browser. To display the map, you'll need to supply your own Protomaps tileset. Grab one from https://maps.protomaps.com/builds/. Save the .pmtiles file as 'tiles.pmtiles' in the same folder as the DOGEQUEST .html file. You can reduce the size of the PMTiles file from around 120GB to about 15GB by extracting just the United States using go-pmtiles. Now, host both the .html file and tiles.pmtiles from the same directory using any web server that supports range requests. Seriously, any web server will do. And voilà, you’re all set!
Holy, I did not quite expect to have an interactive map. o.o
This manhunt for Tesla owners is wild. The overwhelming majority of these cars will have been bought way before everything went to shit.
You really need to get your head out of your own ass if you think this is the route to get people to join your cause. Not everybody is in a position to arbitrairily sell their car and donate proceeds to charity like these Hollywood stars.
If the car is even yours to begin with and not a lease or company car.
not Cybertrucks though. We should focus on Cybertrucks.
It's working tho. Have you seen how butthurt Elon and Donald are? Tesla stocks going down?
Unfortunately due to how insurance works, damaging Teslas is yet another way to raise premiums.
Also, this isn't about joining a cause anymore. This is about the only method of retaliation left. I assume most who could afford a Tesla (which was always on the higher priced side of things) are also those who could have by now afforded to do a trade in for basically any other car for months by now.
If I myself somehow still had a Tesla, I'd get rid of it for a used car if I had to. If I could afford it though, I'd pay for a punk band to create a song against Elon and Trump, and shoot a music video of said punk band and friends destroying the Tesla in slow mo and lighting it on fire, ending it with the car blowing up.
Actually, how about you find poor people who own a Tesla and reach out to them. I'll crowdfund for them so we can make this music video happen, and the proceeds will go for them to buy a new car. Find me more than one and I can do different music videos - maybe dubstep or electronica while this guy shoots his plasma cannon at it. Or Classical music or an orchestra as we destroy a car with icicles and rust for example.
Musk called a guy a pedo because he was angry they didn't use his solution to save kids that would have died if they had waited for him. That was in 2018. Wanna bet most Tesla on the road were sold after that happened?
Musk was shit way before the current events, people still supported him financially.
You are arbitrarily deciding a line where people should have stopped buying his cars to prove your point in the present. But nobody hunted down teslas after the pedo remark? So evidently people disagree with your line.
I'm not sure what you expect people to do with this.
If CEO's being pricks is such a valid reason to drop whole companies Amazon also shouldn't exist. Instead Amazon is worth more then a laundry list of western economies.
i hope your not that naive, the point is to send a message, and TESLA is clearly suffering from the falling sales and the continuing boycotting and vandalism is working. Also the fact that teslas in general have defect issues anyways.
Im not saying to not boycott Tesla. Im saying Tesla isn't hurt by damaging or destoying someones private property.
But most or all. You don't need to freaking dox it's owners to key or even entirely destroy a Tesla...
People don't need to get hurt or worse over their car. I don't care what justification you make up in your head for it that is just wrong on all levels.
I've never seen a Tesla at a used lot. Before this weekend, when I saw two
Cause? What cause? They finally found their version of Trans people to target.
Let's be completely honest here. We know right hates LGBT because they can't be openly racist anymore. People NEED to hate and fight something. They'll use anyone and anything as the target to lash out.
Now we have people target Tesla because Musk is unreachable... Really? That's the avenue you want down? World's easiest target and you pick one thing he's associated that's good and will effect normal people? Cool. Checks out. You can't put face on starlink, spacex or twitter anymore apparently.
It's stupid and while so far removed from anti LGBT the other groups were targeting, this isn't a race to the bottom.
Is it stupid if it works?
Also, I didn't know people were born Tesla owners. Interesting stuff.
have you actually seen his sales, and stocks, hes definitely negative impacted by it, you should really go read some news. Also please correctly refer them as LGBTQ+ people, when you use the former definition you are doing it on purpose almost seemingly out of the same way right wingers say.
The article doesn't say if it's targeting recent Tesla buyers or all owners.
Most current Tesla owners are not MAGAs and bought when they were marketed as a green vehicle.
Most current Tesla owners are not MAGAs and bought when they were marketed as a green vehicle.
They should prove it and spraypaint their cars with anti-Elon shit.
Musk has been acting nazi for quite some time.
Musk has been acting nazi for quite some time.
Yup. People are acting like this is something that just happened in January.
My first educational experience regarding how fucked Musk is was when he randomly called a Thai rescue worker a pedophile in 2018. And it was relatively high profile news. I saw a post on Reddit about a year ago asking when Elon went crazy and most comments agreed the first highly public instance was the Thai cave event.
So I've spent the last 7 years seeing more and more Teslas on the road knowing this guy was a grade-A fucking asshole that these drivers were enriching. And people are acting like his assholery is some new thing.
My car was made in the 90s.
Not as openly. Yoy would have really looked into his background to know what kind of person he was and even then he had not gone full nazi.
I think most people weren't fully aware until recently. You had to be active online or actually look for information to see it was more than just rich billionaire syndrome. We all live in bubbles and some people didn't get to hear about all the details with the 2019 pedo submarine incident Nowadays it would be very difficult to argue you didn't know but bought a Tesla because it's in your face.
For context, the model S was first sold in 2012, the model x in 2015, model 3 in 2017 and Y in 2020.
All owners that they can find in various leaks/databases when I checked last week.
And musk has been a known evil dipshit since at least 2018 when he threw a hissy fit because the divers who rescued those kids didn't use musk branded products. He accused one of the divers of being a pedophile and actively devoted resources to "proving" this.
Let alone the countless stories of musk being a sex pest (remember having to buy a woman a pony because of whatever he did to her?)
So, at best, people can argue "I didn't care enough to do any research on what I bought and accidentally enabled a nazi.". At which point... I really don't give a fuck? Its the same as the people who couldn't be bothered to do any research and were surprised to hear that biden apparently wasn't on the ballot.
Their apathy is causing untold horror to at risk groups and the global economy. So they can go fuck themselves.
And, totally anecdotal: I have seen fucked up teslas in parking lots next to un-fucked ones that just had a "I bought this before he went insane" or "I hate him too" bumper sticker.
Do you buy Nestle products? Do you buy anything from Amazon? Do you drive an ICE car and purchase gas for it?
If you do any of these things you're an evil piece of shit Nazi and deserve to have your possessions burned to nothing (per your logic)
the hyperloop scam which he cause cali to be unable to build the fast rail, because it allowed enough time for trumps, Elaine chao to block any kind of funding.
I can honestly say I don't research the political affiliations and actions of every CEO of every product I purchase.
Elon was a dipshit in 2018 yes... So are 90% of CEOs, and 100% of modern "Republicans". Most just aren't as publicly vocal because they don't make themselves the face of their brands. The Republican party hasn't actually supported their stated viewpoints in decades, and few members of the general public have noticed. They just take what they're told and allowed the shift.
Being a dipshit is different from actively supporting a fascist takeover of the government. Regardless of what you might want to claim, there is a shift there. You're an idiot if you can't see the public shift in the last few years. He may always have been this way,but he wasn't as vocally and publicly supportive of it. It used to just be shit takes on events for publicity, not the active lead of the country's destruction.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
I know, it's wrong our president and his best friend are openly Nazis. At least we know where to boycott!
Lots of stuff.