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Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"
  • "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

    "We" as in Irrational Games? Or "We" as a industry?

    Small 20 ppl studios are cranking out some really cool games that don't need AAA budgets. They will be the ones making the next BioShock.

  • Political Memes ByteOnBikes
    They just walking outside now

    Original post:

    Thinking of getting a steamdeck
  • What size would you recommend ?

    Whatever size matters. I ended up buying a 512 GB with 512gb micro SD. I have like three games that take up 100GB (Elden Ring, Witcher 3, and some other game I forget), and like fifty indie games.

    What's the battery like when running games or watching movies ?

    Depends. It's like a laptop, and depends what you're doing.

    I play Elden Ring while it's plugged into my dock + wall outlet, so it's on the big TV. If I played it while portable, it'll last like 1.5 hours.

    Where I can play Vampire Survivors or many 2D metroidvanias for like 4 hours.

    Any gotcha moments when running a deck?

    Be careful because if you're like me, you might no longer build gaming PCs ever again.

    I say that and honestly, most graphic intensive games don't look great on Steam Deck. Like Cyberpunk looks great on a mid-level gaming PC where it looks like Lowres muddy blurs on Steam Deck. But if you never knew how it originally looked, you might not complain.

  • Update on looking for a cheap escooter that can go 10+ miles!
  • Also I have a room mate who doesn't have a car for financial reasons, and they've fallen in love with it as well for running errands under 2 miles so they've mentioned they might get one once they get a bit more money so they don't have to borrow mine.

    In college, I rode a bike because cars were expensive. That led to mopeds, foldable bikes, and now I'm exploring e-scooters.

    It's now been almost 20 years and I still don't own a car personally. (But my wife does, which we use for shopping trips sometimes.)

    I root for your success!

  • I got an atheist fortune cookie
    1. Chinese fortune cookies were made in San Francisco

    2. The original creator was a Japanese man.

    3. Chinese and Japanese people believe in shinto and Buddhism.

    4. Something something food and deities.

    5. Atheist fortune cookie, duh it's pretty self explanatory.

  • Locked
    Everything is going to be alright
  • If we did the right thing...

    • Columbine would be the one and ONLY school shooting.
    • 9/11 wouldn't have led to security theater.
    • Police would be seen as a community good
    • The average American would have their basic needs met. Home. Food. Educational resources.
    • Healthcare wouldn't be all levels of fucked up.
    • CEOs wouldn't be getting 200-10000x more compensation than the average employee.
    • Companies would be punished for harming the environment.
    • The drug epidemic wouldnt have taken over many small towns and cities

    That's just like 25 years.

  • Locked Removed
    Somebody Fucked Up
  • I don't know about that.

    A hypothetical is if you pulled out a gun, and pointed it at anything. Police can respond immediately without waiting for you to fire, since you're about to discharge your weapon.

  • Hmm, needs linux
  • I can go without it. Keep it simple. I already have those responses on work apps, text messages. Doesn't really feel like engagement more than saying you saw it.

    Not to mention many of the emojis kinda don't mean anything.


  • Political Memes ByteOnBikes
    Registered Republican, how about that...
    Political Memes ByteOnBikes
    Looks like the Supreme Court did a oopsie
    Political Memes ByteOnBikes
    Party of Lincoln!
    Restaurant group in Massachusetts is trying to reject a public vote on paying tipped workers


    The ballot effort to increase the minimum wage for tipped workers faces a new challenge as opponents seek to disqualify signatures collected by organizers.

    The Massachusetts Restaurant Association filed an objection to several signatures and petition sheets submitted to the secretary of state by the ballot campaign group, One Fair Wage. The signatures were the final hurdle for ballot organizers to get the issue in front of voters in November.

    Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL

    Despite what the media might have you believe is the most important thing to have you pay attention to (that Biden is old), it seems that the general public is more interested in learning about something else: Project 2025. Not that many appear to be...

    Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL
    Pastor Robert Morris’ lawyer blamed a 12-year-old girl for initiating sexual contact Lawyer for megachurch pastor blamed 12-year-old for initiating ‘inappropriate’ sexual conduct

    Letters sent in 2007 by a lawyer for Robert Morris shed light on how the pastor explained his past sexual behavior with a child — and who else might have known about it.

    Lawyer for megachurch pastor blamed 12-year-old for initiating ‘inappropriate’ sexual conduct

    Cindy Clemishire was a 12-year-old girl who dressed in flowery pink pajamas and still liked to play with Barbie dolls.

    On Christmas that year, Morris — who would go on to found Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, and become a leading figure in the American evangelical movement — began what he would later describe as “inappropriate sexual behavior” with Clemishire while he was staying at her parents’ home in Oklahoma. Clemishire said Morris told her to come see him in his room before bed, and she was the type of girl who listened to instructions from trusted adults.

    A New Jersey city that limited street parking hasn’t had a traffic death in 7 years A New Jersey city that limited street parking hasn’t had a traffic death in 7 years - Good News Everyone - Moist: A Nonsense Aggregator

    Hoboken, New Jersey, recently marked seven consecutive years without a traffic death. Officials there credit their decision to take away some street parking, a change that increases visibility for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

    A New Jersey city that limited street parking hasn’t had a traffic death in 7 years - Good News Everyone - Moist: A Nonsense Aggregator

    For seven years now, the city of nearly 60,000 people has reported resounding success: Not a single automobile occupant, bicyclist or pedestrian has died in a traffic crash since January 2017, elevating Hoboken as a national model for roadway safety.

    While Hoboken’s plan has numerous components, including lower speed limits and staggered traffic lights, daylighting is often credited as one of the biggest reasons its fatalities have dropped to zero.

    Ryan Sharp, the city’s transportation director, said when roads need to be repaved, Hoboken takes the additional step of cordoning off the street corners to widen curbs and shorten crosswalks. It’s already illegal to park at an intersection in Hoboken, but drivers often do anyway if there aren’t physical barriers.

    Cross post but a great one

    Anyone else who used to be on Reddit in the early 2010s remember how it used to be a Wild West?

    This comment was in a post about a guy who openly spilled secrets then got fired.

    He's not wrong

    Sam Winkler @ThatSamWinkler Follow Dark Souls revolutionized games, in the sense that instead of a story now you can just have some guy with a big SWord named Myrmidon of Loss who gasps "Zanzibart... forgive me" when he dies and then twenty YouTubers will make an hour long video about how deep your lore is

    I turned my PC off during the "don't switch off" symbol in five different games to see what would happen and boy was this an annoying experiment I turned my PC off during the "don't switch off" symbol in five different games to see what would happen and boy was this an annoying experiment

    What happens when you turn off a game during the "Do not turn off" warning? This displays when a game is being saved and warns of data corruption. Let's see.

    I turned my PC off during the "don't switch off" symbol in five different games to see what would happen and boy was this an annoying experiment

    The games and their results

    Hades 2 - Result: No data loss.

    Still Wakes The Deep - Result: Absolutely fuckaw.

    Dread Delusion - Result: Getting very bored of entering my Windows password.

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Result: Regret starting this pointless experiment.

    Alien: Isolation - Result: Just glad this is over, to be honest.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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