Church gives away AR-15 as part of Fourth of July raffle
Church gives away AR-15 as part of Fourth of July raffle

A church in Tennessee held a raffle over Fourth of July weekend to give away an AR-15.

Church gives away AR-15 as part of Fourth of July raffle
A church in Tennessee held a raffle over Fourth of July weekend to give away an AR-15.
"Thou shall not kill"...
Unless God commands you to, of course. Who decides what God wants? Well, fuck you, heretic.
better translation is "you shall not commit murder"
The commandmens were a little vague on the subject of kneecapping, though.
That commandment died long ago in the US.
Not every gun is used for killing.
“WARNING! This is not a gun free zone! WE ARE ARMED! Any attempt to disrupt or harm will be dealt with in an overwhelming display of force!”
You know. An enterprising fellow could probably make off with a lot of firearms stored improperly in vehicles.
Also. “Overwhelming force” sounds like a threat. The kind of threat that gives me reasonable belief that when you get angry, you get shoot-y. Probably want to take that down before it leads to evidence of premeditation.
That sign should be on the front door of America, and American interests abroad.
It's just a beware of dog sign, except the dogs have better teeth.
You realize that if you have a beware of dog sign and your dog attacks someone, suddenly it becomes a “you knew you had an aggressive dog”- even if it was “just a joke, bro”?
They might think it’s just a joke, but if an incident happens, lawyers will have a field day with that.
Maybe more teeth.
Not sure about better. Nor about skilled in the use of said "teeth".
Right of admission reserved
Truly a church in the image of Christ. 🙄
"Thou shalt kill"
I guess when Jesus said turn the other cheek he meant shoot em instead
he thought it was appropriate since it was in honor of Independence Day
Definitely something that our founding fathers did to increase church memberships back in 1776.
This church is in metro area. So awful around here.
No wonder the Americans won independence with all the AR-15s they had back then.
They used British 'Brown Bess' and French 'Charleville' muskets.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition