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  • iOS 17 seems great for me so far. Haven't tried iPadOS yet, but I will soon. Sonoma is good so far as well, aside from a couple small issues that are essentially just nitpicks.

  • Facebook could be tracking your online Plan B or HIV test purchases
  • Possibly, I don't use alternatives much (primarily because I don't sell much in general). I prefer Facebook because so many people are there and it's easier to facilitate cash payments via meetups. But there could be better ones, I'm not all that familiar with Swappa or OfferUp.

  • Biden renews call for assault weapons ban after ‘tragic and senseless’ spate of July 4 shootings
  • And those shouldn't count? Do you have any idea how much easy access to guns increases suicides? Many, many suicidal people would still be alive without the easy access to guns in the US. It's one of the easiest and painless ways to kill yourself.

  • Facebook could be tracking your online Plan B or HIV test purchases
  • I use it to sell things, but that's literally it. Legitimately the only things it's good for at this point. And every time I go on there I'm reminded of how terrible it is. Actually nauseating.

  • Is music piracy dying?
  • I really like Apple Music. Actually supports lossless, unlike Spotify, and it just feels much more music focused. Spotify has become too bloated, and I view it more as a "sound" app than a music app.

  • John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court
  • The Catholic church is an unjustifiable and ridiculous institution in the same way the supreme court is. The Catholic church also had a lot of control over the lives of many people for a very long time, although that influence has obviously waned in recent centuries and decades (although it's clearly still not completely gone). Now, as far as the president having control, I will also say fuck the presidency, but it would always be my hope that a person in that position would do anything in their power as a president and a person to stand up to unjustifiable institutions like the supreme court. Obviously a president couldn't abolish the supreme court single-handedly, nor do I think that would necessarily, inherently be a good thing, but I do think that a president could and should call out the obvious reasons for which the institution needs to be abolished, because it absolutely does. The fact that nine human beings can directly control the lives of millions and millions and millions of people is an absolute travesty. I don't even feel dissimilarly about congress, but obviously it's a bit better because they are actually elected. In general, though, I am a very strong proponent of direct democracy. Term limits are a starting point, but it would be akin to applying a bandaid to a gaping, oozing wound.

  • John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court
  • The supreme court even as a concept is one of the most asinine yet accepted institutions in the world. On par with the Catholic church, but so much worse because it actually has enormous and direct power over 330+ million people. I am dreaming and pining for the day that someone in power, most likely a president, just legitimately tells them to fuck off. They have no enforcement power and they fucking know it. I'm yearning for someone to have the courage, but it's as clear as it possibly can be that it certainly won't be a Democrat.

  • Poll: A historic number of Americans don't want a Biden-Trump rematch
  • Do you have any idea how influential media is? When you have MSNBC and CNN plus various others talking about how Biden is the only viable option again and again and again, you can't ignore the influence of that. He won South Carolina after the endorsement of a very popular and influential corporate Democrat there. The media along with the DNC saw that as the opportunity to rally around Biden. Everyone drops out and endorses him, and there you go. I'm oversimplifying a bit for the sake of brevity, obviously, but bottom line, Biden was chosen and supported to defeat Bernie because they couldn't accept the possibility of a politician like Bernie winning. He was a threat to capital and he was extinguished from the race.

  • Need a place to upload somewhat obscure movie

    Are there any direct download sites that accept uploads? I'm not able to torrent for long periods due to limited storage space. I upload books pretty regularly, but I don't know of a place to do that for movies/shows. I'm very familiar with, but I don't know the ends and outs with uploading when it comes to copyright. I obviously don't want it to be taken down.

    Sooo... are we doing emojis here or nah 🤔
  • Agreed, we need to move beyond Reddit. I personally want to see this (and honestly the Fediverse as a whole) shepherd the internet and social media into a new era more akin to the old internet. Reddit as a platform was destined to fail, imo.

  • lunar_parking lunar_parking
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