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What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • i guess theres an argument that the corporation provided tech doesnt actually want you to maintain your identity and would prefer to make you a complacent and productive little piggy, so lowering empathy would be good. though that should really only be for central nervous system tech, not any tech

    regardless, yeah, the people i know with missing parts and surgical implants are some of the nicest people youll ever meet

  • AI Appears to Rapidly Be Approaching Brick Wall Where It Can't Get Smarter
  • Sure, there might be moderately-beneficial use-cases, maybe; but it doesn't change the fact that there's no such thing as an ethically-trained model, and there's still no such thing as a model that wasn't created based on rampant theft by capitalists, so I consider anything that comes of it fruit of the poison tree.

    I mean thats just the case with everything really. Theres a lot of very good use cases that are mostly to do with data manipulation, but the coolest ones are translating. I think we're approaching a point where small models are providing very accurate translations and are even translating tone and intent properly, which is far superior to simple dictionary translation methods. I think its very possible that new phones could be outfitted with tensor cores and you could have a real-time universal translator in your hand, though it'll likely only add 'subtitles' irl for you. AI voice-word recognition has also been very good and can be miniaturized. This is the use case I'm most excited for, personally, as a communist. Currently translating in a foreign country requires a lot of typing (if you dont have a perfect grasp of language) and it removes a very human element I feel to conversation. If everyone could locally run a subtitle-translation generation app it'd be amazing for all of humanity.

    Theres of course plenty of manufacturing use cases as well, but China is spearheading on that, though there is some work being done in the US as well in the few industries that remain.

  • AI Appears to Rapidly Be Approaching Brick Wall Where It Can't Get Smarter
  • Synthetic data is basically a fancy way of saying 'I'm properly formatting data and reinforcing the ai's good outputs'. Rearranging words, fixing / adding tags, that sort of thing. This is generated with various tools that usually have an LLM or VLM plugged in, though some are as simple as a regex script.

  • AI Appears to Rapidly Be Approaching Brick Wall Where It Can't Get Smarter
  • This is accurate, though I am actually going to explain why. These big model companies (Google, ClosedAI, etc) parasitize the open-weights/open-source community that actually makes good Loras, fine tunes, and research papers. Consumer hardware simply hasn't gotten good and cheap enough for very good fine tune training, and thats why this is all slowly petering out. In a couple of generations of consumer GPUs, which will be when we get consumer GPUs geared towards AI (re: super high VRAM counts of like 70gb+ for an affordable sub 700 usd cost), we might see another leap forward in this tech. Though I will say that this mostly pertains to LLMs, generative AI models like Stable Diffusion have a lot of tricks up their sleeves that can still be explored. Most of recent research and tweaking has been based around building a structure for the AI to build on, to sort of guide it rather than letting it take random stabs at things, in order to improve outputs. Some people have been doing things like hard coding color theory, framing a photograph, etc, and interpreting human language to trigger that hard code.

    We've had statistical models like these since the 50s. Consumer hardware has always been the big materialist bottleneck, this is all powered by small research teams and hobbyist nerds. You can throw a ton of money at it and have a giant research team, but the performance you squeeze out of adding 400b more parameters to your 13b model or having a gigantic locked-down datacenter is going to be diminishing.

    Also, synthetic data can be useful, people are hating on it in this thread but its a great way to reinforce good habits in the AI and interpret garbled code and speech that would otherwise confuse the AI. I sometimes feel like people just see something about 'AI bad' and upvote it and don't try to understand it, where it is useful and where it is not, and so on.

  • dudes rock
  • In the 2023 Bulgarian parliamentary election, the Party of the Bulgarian Communists participated in the coalition Neutral Bulgaria, which included the Bulgarian Communist Party and the far-right Attack party



  • ‘They’ve grown back’: How Russia surprised the West and rebuilt its force
  • what the fuck do they mean theyve grown back? are they actually thinking theyre fungal warhammer 40k orks?

  • Orientalism: Desert Level Music vs Actual Middle-Eastern Music Orientalism: Desert Level Music vs Actual Middle-Eastern Music

    Human talks at camera then video ends.avi 00:00 Iranians react to Orientalist music 03:45 Defining Orientalist music 11:44 Disclaimers 17:44 "Indian, Arab, same thing" 37:50 How to write orientalist music 43:28 The OBSESSION with the Double Harmonic Major 54:52 Why the Double Harmonic Major? 1:00:4...

    Orientalism: Desert Level Music vs Actual Middle-Eastern Music
    China democratises all workplaces by signing law requiring a "Employee Assembly" as an organ of all companies
  • not all workplaces, and it isnt a full on worker coop. very different.

  • Giant dump of cool Asian-fantasy pics from Pathfinder 2e Tian Xia on twitter
  • yeah i just read it lmao

    and then the magical man deng showed up and everything was better blob-no-thoughts

  • Giant dump of cool Asian-fantasy pics from Pathfinder 2e Tian Xia on twitter
  • when they release the tian xia character guide in august i think frog guys are supposed to get some new feats

  • Giant dump of cool Asian-fantasy pics from Pathfinder 2e Tian Xia on twitter
  • other fun things: rituals that give you free feats if you beat their 'trial', one of which is a ritual to create an elixir of immortality that poisons you, if you live through the poison, you become immortal, but if you break anathema and are past your normal lifespan, you die. anathema is 2-3 things you and the DM come up with that you cant do, like touching someone related to you, touching jade, eating meat, etc. if you do die in combat or something in a year youll descend from heaven and possess someone

    a handful of new deities that use new weapons and spells

  • Giant dump of cool Asian-fantasy pics from Pathfinder 2e Tian Xia on twitter
  • might be of interest to /c/em_poc

    pathfinder seems to have been very good with poc rep, they also have a fantasy africa continent that was done very well. main adventure there is basically not shit harry potter in fantasy timbuktu, main antagonist is an african mythological figure iirc. ap is called Strength of Thousands

  • Giant dump of cool Asian-fantasy pics from Pathfinder 2e Tian Xia on twitter

    Tian Xia is their 'Asian fusion' continent, has a lot of different regions and governments all dreamt up by a very wide cast of writers in Asia, but most seem to be from Shanghai and Hong Kong.

    I am told that if you speak some Asian languages, these are very fun names to look at.
























    Big bads:


    cw: spider


    cw: spider


    cw: spider








    super saiyan cat









    adorable forest fey












    racially diverse 'western' explorers and refugees, technically a 'hong kongesque' situation without brutal colonialism:



    this is qin shi huangdi except the elixir actually worked

    ! !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball





    before anyone gets weirded out by the elves, all pathfinder elves look like this, even ones from 'western' or 'african' areas



    fantasy korea


    sassy snake deity









    It keeps happening
  • tbf we did a guerilla raid on the walled quarter and created an inferno centered on the guy's mansion after slaughtering a veritable army of nazi minions (which were overleveled, but we persevered through hit and run tactics, lmao)

    we were just too cool for the dm i guess

  • It keeps happening
  • i had a DM boot me from a campaign for 'being manipulative' and 'murder hoboing' after i kept killing blatantly racist nazi characters that our multicultural nation was fighting to survive genocide against. said that i didnt ever give the DM time to roleplay things (because i would gat the nazis in the head with a critfish build). maybe make less cartoonishly evil characters? why would i ever talk to a guy that kills babies

    i also unknowingly joined a campaign where the dm admitted that all the goblins the players were killing were jews after i pressed him on his monologue about goblin bankers

  • What does this bum even do?
  • pretty sure he mind controlled everyone in the soviet union

  • Despair
  • shocked-pikachu

    i get very sweaty about rushing socialism in vic3. prussia and france are the easiest to do it with imo

  • Despair
  • so if you exile august von der haydt around 1850 after rushing grossdeustchland you can reroll him to be a communist and as soon as you unlock socialism and pull marx you can very quickly instate heydt as leader of the industrialists in order to have a dengist central europe led by marx in 1850 without any civil war.

  • blessed victoria 3 image

    marx: publishes das kapital, immediately becomes leader of a communist EU

    The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 staff unionise with anarcho-syndicalist union OZZIP after three waves of layoffs at CDPR this year

    They are unionizing with OZZIP, an anarcho-syndicalist union in Poland that is associated with the IWW. !iww You can read more about the union's history here:

    finally got around to playing cyberpunk. pretty good game. gotta talk about the funniest ending tho

    where you can forcibly transition keanu reeves into being a hot bimbo if you play as fem v.

    best ending ever. was even a bit of a tear jerker.

    Fidel Castro in Space Jam

    /u/MiraculousMM this is what you wanted, stable diffusion is the communist way, kids
