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It has finally happened. HWID activation for Windows 10/11 has been patched by Microsoft after 6 years.
  • Lemmy has become a weird place. You're being downvoted for being 100% correct. I have the same problem, I need Windows to use a similar suite of programs.

    Yesterday, I had a similar experience, I was giving information that was 100% correct, and getting downvoted, while the other person was spreading factually false information that fitted the narrative of 'all companies and non FOSS bad', and guess which side the community supported.

    Might be time to just go back to Reddit if the lemmy community is just going to actively support and reinforce anything that fits the hivemind narrative that is appearing regardless of truth.

  • Netflix is planning to raise prices… again
  • "They also responded to me me saying "Plex has been cracking down on Netflix style streaming services for 5 years" but then tell you "Plex isn't cracking down on piracy, you're spreading misinformation!" 🤣"

    Are you mentally retarded or something? Selling access to your server is against the terms of service you agreed to when you installed the software. It has been in their ToS since Day 1. That isn't cracking down on piracy, it is upholding their ToS that allows their software to exist in a legally grey space.

    Sounds to me like you were selling access to your server and now you're butt hurt.

  • Rishi Sunak says people ‘can’t be any sex they want to be’ in new swipe at trans community
  • Thanks for the reply. I'm going to pick out a couple of specific points to check my understanding.

    !why wouldn’t you want (e.g.) all women (cis or trans) who are expecting their blood test results to reflect a certain balance range of hormones!<

    Are you referring here to individuals who have undergone hormonal replacement therapy? If so, yes, that I totally understand and hadn't considered.

    !“biological sex” isn’t binary, it’s bimodal,!<

    Okay, so in very simple terms, we're saying that biologically, man and woman isn't such a clear distinction, for a very simple example, some men have much higher levels of testosterone, etc.? If so, I can understand that too. But, I suppose it is the actual biological parts that are different, which I was thinking about.

    So, if somebody with born as 'female' body parts undergoes hormonal and sex changing therapy, their reason for being in a hospital is probably more important than the sex they were assigned at birth, and so they should be able to choose the best option for them?

    Am I right in thinking the main issues is that we have created a society in which sex and gender were separated and defined so distinctly, that for transexual individuals, there just is no 'correct' option available to them?

  • Rishi Sunak says people ‘can’t be any sex they want to be’ in new swipe at trans community
  • Okay, someone please help me understand as I genuinely want to.

    I fully understand gender neutral (I am bringing up my own children to not restrict their behaviour and personalities due to gender norms because of the the sex they were assigned at birth), I understand being born 'male' but feeling more like the societal definition of a 'girl' in terms of both physical and social characteristics. I understand the difference between sex and gender.

    I understand and believe that our body is our own and if somebody wants to change their body they should be able to do so as they see fit, including changing it to meet the societal norms in terms of appearance of another sex.

    But here is what I don't fully grasp (but would like to) - why is it wrong to say that those born with a biologically male body should go to the male ward in a hospital? Isn't that where they would receive the best treatment for themselves? Aren't gender pronouns useful when distinguishing between biological differences in the medical field?

    I don't mean any offense to anybody with these questions. I fully support everyone's right to identify as anywhere on the spectrum of the social construct of gender. Also, if there is a more suitable community for me to ask these questions in, please do share it.

  • Netflix is planning to raise prices… again
  • Whoopee for you. While I have all the respect in the world for the Jellyfin devs (I have been running JF alongside Plex since early 2019), it is nowhere near as feature rich as Plex, and lacks even some pretty basic features on many of it's clients.

    If you want a direct play experience on your PC, then sure, Jellyfin server, plus a couple of plug-ins, and Jellyfin Media Player can give an adequate experience. If you want SW encoding (urghhh) then it works well, one directional HW encoding is a pain in the ass, and two directional HW encoding is even more of a pain the ass to get right. JF doesn't even provide you with a way to reliably know what encoding is going on. Their devs genuinely expect the average user to sift through mpeg logs looking for certain words in certain places, which is poorly documented (if you can even count one comment by a JF dev on Reddit as documentation). 99.9% of people don't even know what a log is.

    If you want to share outside your home, JF requires a user to either open a bunch of ports to public facing internet (which the average person is stupid enough to do) and hand out their home ip address, or set up a reverse proxy. Again, the vast majority of people wouldn't know where to start.

    Should Plex disappear tomorrow as a way to play your personal video library across your own devices, then yes, JF could work as a substitute. Emby would be a closer substitute, however.

    You have made the move to JF based on what you think Plex will do in the future, which does not equal 'Plex is cracking down on piracy' (present simple tense). Hence, you were disingenuously spreading nonsense and misinformation.

    Enjoy JF.

  • My server is slow when i'm in Korea
  • Okay, so I have actually lived in Korea for 15 years, and am into self hosting, servers for media, etc.

    What I can tell you is, you are fucked. Peering to anywhere other than Japan is a nightmare.

    Give up and build your own server in your own home. No amount of peering tricks or CDNs will help you.

    The best you'll get in terms of connections to major service providers is hosting in Dallas, which should get you around 100mbps.

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