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IMDb app alternative
  • Did not know about this! Thank you!

  • IMDb app alternative
  • Did not know about this. Thank you!

  • What things do you refuse to pirate?
  • Usually music made by artists from my country, if they have a website where I can pay for their music directly to them I do it that way.

  • New to Lemmy. Why did you choose Lemmy when there are bigger alternatives such as 4chan and reddit.
  • nice answer, exactly what I feel about 4chan 😆

  • New to Lemmy. Why did you choose Lemmy when there are bigger alternatives such as 4chan and reddit.
  • I don't really like 4chan. I moved here from reddit when the whole API thing started because I did not like the way thri started treating their users (and even worst, how they treated their mods) and never looked back.

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet
  • done, invite sent

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet
  • Sure, dm me your email

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet
  • Done, invite sent

  • [O] 5 x
  • Done, invite sent

  • [O] 5 x
  • Sure, send me your email

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet
  • Sure, send me your email.

  • [O] 5 x
  • done, invite sent!

  • [O] 5 x
  • done, invite sent!

  • [O] 5 x
  • Done! Invite sent!

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet
  • Done! Invite Sent!

  • [O] 5 x
  • Done! Invite sent!

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet
  • Still have 4 invites left, send a message with your email and I'll send the invite!

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet
  • Done! Invite sent!

  • [O] 5 x NzbPlanet

    1.reply in this thread. 2.send me a DM with your email. I will then send you the invite. ... LE: 4 invites sent, 1 left

    [O] 5 x
    1. reply in this thread.
    2. send me a DM with your email. I will then send you the invite.

    LE: all invites sent!

    [W] DrunkenSlug
  • Sadly I have no DS invites left, I think I'll get some when I'll renew my subscription. Anyway, with usenet you don't have to seed. After you download the files you can do whatever you want with them. This wiki might be usefull tho'


    Would anybody be willing to help me with an invite to omgwtfnzbs? Thank you!

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