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Rolling Stone Lawsuit Forces Release of Henry Kissinger's FBI Files
  • Rolling Stone’s Freedom of Information Act request, filed hours after the announcement of his death in November 2023, seeks expedited processing of FBI files related to the former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to President Nixon.

    If this were anyone else I’d criticize Rolling Stone for acting like hungry vultures. But it’s Henry “War Criminal like ten times over” Kissinger. Have at him.

  • Elsevier
  • When will scientists just self-publish?

    It’s commonplace in my field (nuclear physics) to share the preprint version of your article, typically on You can update the article as you respond to peer reviewers too. The only difference between this and the paywalls publisher version is that version will have additional formatting edits by the journal.

    If you search for articles on google scholar, it groups the preprint and published versions together so it’s easy to find the non-paywalled copy. The standard journals I publish in even sort of encourage this; you can submit the latex documents and figures by just putting the url to an arxiv manuscript.

    The US Department of Energy now requires any research they fund be made publicly available. So any article I publish is also automatically posted to 1 year after its initial publication. This version is also grouped into the google scholar search results.

    It’s an imperfect system, but it’s getting much better than it was even just a decade ago.

  • First Image of Tom Hiddleston in Mike Flanagan’s ‘The Life of Chuck’
  • Let’s see:

    Stephen King source material? Check.

    Adapted by Mike Flanagan? Check.

    Well then I guess I have to see this. Geralds Game and Doctor Sleep were excellent. Also I’ve read the original short story and without giving anything away, I found it oddly affecting.

  • People who still wear masks (and aren't immunocompromised)...
  • The exact same thing happened to me while I was deplaning, a few years prior to Covid. Full face sneeze with no effort to cover their mouth or nose, at like 1 foot away. So I still wear a mask on planes and in the airport.

  • What's a Lemmy question/post you wish had more answers or replies but doesn't seem to have been paid attention to yet?
  • Yeah, it’s quieter so there’s fewer overall responses even in “popular” posts, but it doesn’t feel like anything gets ignored. If a post is interesting, you’ll get at least a few replies even if it takes a few days.

    That part is kinda nice - the lower turnover on the “front page” means you’ll have people reading and commenting on discussions for days. If you reply to a 1-day old post on Reddit the only person who might see/reply to you is the person you replied to.

  • Pro-Trump influencers fire up fears of migrant 'invasion' ahead of U.S. election
  • But it's kind of hard for Republicans to complain when they reject implementing what they want.

    I agree with you in principle, but clearly it’s not that hard since they are actively complaining and polls show voters trust Trump and Republicans over Biden to handle immigration. Somehow, they’re never really constrained by reality.

  • Just a reminder
  • You're literally the person saying "In the last 3 decades, the Democrats have only had the ability to do anything for a grand total of 6 months."

    I did not say that. I said that the 6 month window was the only time they could pass one specific thing: codifying Roe. As I said in another comment, Democrats may not be able to accomplish every priority due to GOP obstruction, but they have still been able to pass substantial, significant legislation. Not to mention some executive actions like DACA to give protection to Dreamers.

    You've already admitted you're the losers.

    So who are you voting for in November?

  • Just a reminder
  • I pointed out one recent, big accomplishment. If you’re genuinely unaware of anything else they’ve done, you’re welcome to read some of the lengthy lists others have posted in these comments.

  • Just a reminder
  • Republicans got it done tho, didn't they?

    Shrinking the government, reducing services, shutting down programs and deregulating are all much easier than passing laws to guarantee new rights or build new programs. Democrats’ priorities are generally to build new things, Republicans’ are to obstruct or destroy.

    So why should I vote D when they can only muster 6 months of actual power in the last 3 decades?

    The Inflation Reduction Act is the single largest clean energy policy ever enacted. Just because Democrats are blocked from achieving all of their goals doesn’t mean they are accomplishing nothing.

  • What Europe Fears What Europe Fears

    American allies see a second Trump term as all but inevitable. “The anxiety is massive.”

    What Europe Fears

    American allies see a second Trump term as all but inevitable. “The anxiety is massive.”

    > Fear of losing Europe’s most powerful ally has translated into a pathologically intense fixation on the U.S. presidential race. European officials can explain the Electoral College in granular detail and cite polling data from battleground states. Thomas Bagger, the state secretary in the German foreign ministry, told me that in a year when billions of people in dozens of countries around the world will get the chance to vote, “the only election all Europeans are interested in is the American election.” Almost every official I spoke with believed that Trump is going to win.

    Paywall removed:

    Trump says some undocumented immigrants are ‘not people’ Trump says some undocumented immigrants are ‘not people’

    The presumptive Republican nominee’s comment at a rally Saturday represents an escalation of his long-harsh language about migrants.

    Trump says some undocumented immigrants are ‘not people’
    Congress Clears Stopgap Spending Bill for Biden, Moving to Avert Shutdown Congress Clears Stopgap Spending Bill for Biden, Moving to Avert Shutdown

    Hours after the Senate passed the measure, the House followed suit, with Democrats supplying the bulk of the votes, a day before funding for some government agencies was slated to lapse.

    Congress Clears Stopgap Spending Bill for Biden, Moving to Avert Shutdown

    Congress on Thursday sent legislation to avert a partial government shutdown to President Biden, racing to fund federal agencies through early March one day before money was to run out.

    Over the strenuous opposition of far-right Republicans, the House voted 314 to 108 to approve the stopgap funding just hours after the Senate provided overwhelming bipartisan backing for the measure in a 77-to-18 vote, allowing lawmakers to narrowly beat a Friday deadline.

    In the end, Mr. Johnson was only able to cobble together a bare majority of Republicans voting on the bill, with 107 backing it and 106 opposed. Democrats supplied the bulk of the support.

    Alternative non-paywalled source: ABC News

    Harvard President Claudine Gay Resigns, Shortest Tenure in University History HARVARD PRESIDENT CLAUDINE GAY RESIGNS, SHORTEST TENURE IN UNIVERSITY HISTORY | News | The Harvard Crimson

    Harvard President Claudine Gay will resign Tuesday afternoon, bringing an end to the shortest presidency in the University's history, according to a person with knowledge of the decision.


    Gay’s resignation — just six months and two days into the presidency — comes amid growing allegations of plagiarism and lasting doubts over her ability to respond to antisemitism on campus after her disastrous congressional testimony Dec. 5.

    Gay weathered scandal after scandal over her brief tenure, facing national backlash for her administration’s response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and allegations of plagiarism in her scholarly work.

    Texas Supreme Court pauses lower court's order allowing pregnant woman to have an abortion Texas Supreme Court pauses lower court's order allowing pregnant woman to have an abortion

    The Texas Supreme Court has put on hold a judge’s ruling that approved an abortion for a pregnant woman whose fetus has a fatal diagnosis.

    Texas Supreme Court pauses lower court's order allowing pregnant woman to have an abortion

    The Texas Supreme Court on Friday night put on hold a judge’s ruling that approved an abortion for a pregnant woman whose fetus has a fatal diagnosis, throwing into limbo an unprecedented challenge to one of the most restrictive bans in the U.S.

    The order by the all-Republican court came more than 30 hours after Kate Cox, a 31-year-old mother of two from the Dallas area, received a temporary restraining order from a lower court judge that prevents Texas from enforcing the state’s ban in her case.

    In a one-page order, the court said it was temporarily staying Thursday’s ruling “without regard to the merits.” The case is still pending.

    Primitive Technology: Downdraft Kiln
    [All Clear Issued, Suspect in Custody] University of North Carolina police respond to ‘an armed and dangerous person on or near campus’ University of North Carolina police respond to 'an armed and dangerous person on or near campus' | CNN

    Police at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are responding to an “armed and dangerous person on or near campus,” according to an alert from the university on Monday.

    University of North Carolina police respond to 'an armed and dangerous person on or near campus' | CNN

    Edit: AlertCarolina issued an all clear message at 4:15pm local time.

    From WRAL

    >One person, a UNC faculty member, has died in the shooting.

    >One person was taken into police custody as of 3:15 p.m.

    > Police at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are responding to an “armed and dangerous person on or near campus,” according to an alert from the university on Monday.

    >“Remain sheltered in place. This is an ongoing situation. Suspect at large,” the university said in an alert sent just before 2:30 p.m., about 90 minutes after the first alert was sent.

    According to the student paper The Daily Tar Heel, at least one person has been wounded.

    University police are advising students, faculty and staff to:

    Go inside immediately. Close windows and doors. Stay until further notice. Follow directions from emergency responders or University officials.

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