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  • whats a PI?

  • Removed
    Honest opinion
  • Racist piece of shit

  • Literally a skill issue
  • Most people playing elden ring: scared

    You playing elden ring: bridget-vibe

    I got bored after a few hours with the moonveil. I used dual katanas with bloodhound step for most of my run.

  • NSFW
    (cw: fatphobia) H Pearl Davis sister go on chapo
  • My assumption is that they don't really believe in anything. They just like having an excuse to bully others. If you believe that the world is going to be shit regardless of what anyone does forever, you don't really have any incentives to do good. You just have incentives to revel in the chaos and destruction.

    Also, plenty of women hate other women more than they hate men. They think finding the right man is their ticket out of patriarchy. Hilariously, despite being the worlds biggest pick me, Pearl is still single.

  • Literally a skill issue
  • I actually feel like I've gotten a lot of beneficial things from video games.

  • Literally a skill issue
  • How? How do you play video games professionally and chicken out of elden ring? Just grab moonveil or some other OP weapon.

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • If I made 250k a year I could eat at a michelin starred restaurant every day and still have momey left over. I'm genuinely appauled at their consumption.

  • The white libs are at it again
  • Only as a convenient vehicle for dominating their surroundings. The moment it conflicts with what they want they snap.

  • These Designs Were Pitched for the World Trade Center Site. (This is one of the funniest fucking videos ever)
  • Anyone else down to make a new religion out of the giant rustbox?

  • [AI grift cringe] Nvidia releases Project G-Assist, an AI assistant that takes that pesky exploration and problem solving out of your games!
  • A tool to help optimize my graphics settings sounds nice. Asking an LLM to make a build for me is a nightmare.

  • Football Manager Network Save?
  • I apprecite the callout! I'm pretty over FM though. I've put in over 1000 hours and I've gotten everything I can out of it.

  • Huge W ⚾
  • Damn I might need to see what it does for gay women. I bet my swing is still silky

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • read-theory

    the only way being a nerd can be uncool is if you decide it makes you superior. Those who value the knowledge that they have over others, rather than the joy of sharing in the phenomena of life, are destined to an empty, fascistic, hierarchical identity.


  • U.S. Soldiers be like:
  • the soldier I knew was so disappointed when the US pulled out of afghanistan. He realllllly wanted to go kill some people.

  • 20 Minutes of Dragon Age: the Veilguard Gameplay (If anyone has questions about the game feel free to ask me)

    holy shit I'm literally so fucking excited right now. I know I've made 3 dragon age posts in 3 days but I can't help it. I'VE BEEN WAITING 10 YEARS. I was in high school when inquisition came out. High school!

    I'm a little bit concerned about only having 3 abilities for Rook (protagonist) and 3 for each companion. However, if its balanced well enough I actually use all the abilities I'll be pretty ok with it. Companion control was disabled for the preview.

    I was a little disappointed in the Varric/Solas dialogue at the end. It wasn't bad but it felt like a missed opportunity. Varric should know by now that Solas has accepted the consequences of tearing down the veil. Talking about why this world is worth saving seems like a better line. The other dialogue seemed good. I liked rook's voice actor, I hope the voice actress is as good. Its confirmed that there will be 4 voice actors, male and female, with british and american accents.

    But the visuals, holy shit. I understand now why all the tevinters look down their noses at southerners. That city was incredible! And Arlathan Forest looks fantastic too! The demon redesign is so fucking cool! I love how differently the rage and pride demons, as well as the wraiths, are animated.

    Confirmed offline single player, no ea account linking, no microtransactions

    limited open world, mission based quests.

    Ability wheel with a higher level warrior rook

    Qunari protagonist

    Companion Key Art

    A bunch of great environmental art

    The two links below have plenty of information but if you just want to ask me go ahead.

    Gorgeous Screenshots of Dragon Age: The Veilguard

    !Grand Necropolis ! ! !

    If anyone is worried about the trailer, don't. This is what it actually looks like in game. The photos are of:

    Minrathous, capital of tevinter

    Grand necropolis, Nevarra City

    Minrathous Tavern

    Grand necropolis, Nevarra City

    Taash, Dragon Hunter and Lord of Fortune (Rivainian treasure hunters) - Rook, Protagonist - Neve, Detective and Shadow Dragon (Tevinter anti-slavery organization)

    !bridget-vibe No I will not stop posting !bridget-vibe

    I've replayed dragon age and mass effect recently, while being on both subreddits. Mass Effect's lack of materialism makes the game worse, and its community worse.

    Please read !jeb

    I enjoy both but its really cemented why I love dragon age so much more.

    These are story based games set in worlds created entirely for these games. Its common to have discussion about how different story events could have gone differently, or what will happen in universe after the events of the most recent installment. Obviously, how these worlds are set up and how the story is told effects the discussions a lot.

    In mass effect society spreads across the galaxy and encompasses trillions of individuals across thousands of planets. Despite that, the major story beats hinge on how you treated individual characters, or whether they are alive or not. Like whether an artificial plague causing 99% of krogan pregnancies to miscarry is justified is completely down to whether the good leader is in charge.

    Despite trillions of individuals and complex economics all major conflict boils down to species versus species. All krogan, all asari, all turians are just like that so of course this has happened. There are hints in game that there are many different cultures within each species but we get very little evidence of that, and almost entirely in the 3rd game. Krogan (giant toad people with natural armor, anger issues, and a love of violence) are shown to be maybe not inherently violent individuals that care a bit about others, but thats mostly it. We get one pretty butch Asari (otherwise all feminine species).

    So when the community talks about these things its always on individualist or species based terms. It is almost impossible to do materialist analysis because of how the games are made. When the community talks about the game arguments are more heated and personal. There are lots more gotcha type lines than in the dragon age community. I suspect this hostile dynamic could contribute to why there are obviously way more women and queer people in the dragon age community.

    Mass effect's story is also about exceptional individuals overcoming impossible odds, which lands way better with men, in general, than women, in general.

    In the dragon age community discussions revolve around things like, how does the church use drugs to control their private army? How will giving the dwarves a tool that enables them to put their souls into tanks effect their society? How do independent kingdoms respond to a paramilitary organization run by a prophet encroaching on their land?

    Mass effect discussions are, "do the volus deserve a council seat?" Instead of, "How could the Volus get a council seat?" or, "How will the volus having a council seat change existing power dynamics?"

    Dragon age stories are, "how does magical talent being both random and dangerous effect society?" "Is it worth it to consort with demons to gain power?" Mass effect stories are, "oo ouch owie my magic gives me migraines." (I like Kaiden don't @ me, the whole child soldier bit both games have is nice)

    There are other differences too, like dragon age having braver character writing that scares away some of the chuds. Most people on the dragon age subreddit don't like Vivienne, but understand how her inclusion makes the game better. That kind of subelty doesn't exist in mass effect discussions because the game literally wasn't designed for that level of depth. All characters that are apart of your "squad" are meant to be likeable or at least the kind of person their players would respect. Dragon age release characters also in your "squad" like Sera and Vivienne knowing that tons of their players will hate them.

    In summary, mass effect is lacking a pair, let alone a quad. (krogan have 4 testicles) (Please laugh I mentioned testicles) !jeb

    This is underselling ME3 a bit, it was relatively anti-gamer for its time. ME1 and 2 get the !gamer-gulag tho. Even though I like them anyway.

    Edit: how could I forget Dragon age has literally actually good trans representation. Theres a FtM guy whos literally just the coolest fighty bro and his dudes respect him.

    "So If I grew up under the Qun they'd treat me like a real man?" "You ARE a real man Krem." !transshork-happy

    Edit 2: adding data from reddit surveys

    The dragon age subreddit is 45.2% women (3.2% trans), 44% men (1.9% trans), 9.1% non binary and 1.7% other. 45.3% Heterosexual

    The Mass effect subreddit is 76.4% men (0.6% trans), 19.7% women (1.5% trans), and 6% total trans people. 73.9% hetero

    Dragon age reddit 2023 demographics survey:

    Mass effect reddit 2019 demographics survey:

    I find it cathartic when we talk about bullying libs because I used to get bullied

    I am deeply incentivized to broaden the definition of lib to satisfy my ever growing sadistic hunger. Fear my gluttonous wrath! I will never confront my troubled past! You cannot make me!


    Any way to make cities skylines less neoliberal? Mods to recommend?

    Vanilla feels so limiting and there are so many mods you need just to make it passable. Any way to make it so that I don't have to be like mayor pete?
