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Large raised beds are doing great...ish!
  • Wow nice! I have done the same but I always forget and stick a fork through them at least once a year!

    Every time I consider the plastic/stainless pipe option I think about drilling holes all down it and putting a hose fitting on the ends for integrated irrigation… then the project gets to complicated and I stick a 2x4 across instead.

    One day though.

  • Large raised beds are doing great...ish!
  • Those look to be very long boards, every time I do this in ~1-2 years they tend to flex outwards under the weight of the wet compost and start to collapse.

    Just wondering if you have anything in place to prevent flexing?

    I’ve been considering plastic pipe or stainless rod bolted to each side through the soil.

  • “Are we the baddies?”
  • I particularly like the ‘quiet part out loud’ moment where this Tory grandiser admits that they are all self-serving bastards who have been getting away with it, because they had the mask of competence.

    Sadly the mask has slipped to reveal the baddie, like a dystopian Scooby Doo episode.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • That’s a terrible thing to say!

    …Only joking.

    I tried to buy an EV for my parents a couple of weeks ago and the dealer had the EV misinformation playbook memorised and tried to convince us that EVs were a fad and that should get a hybrid until Hydrogen takes over.

    I’ve decided that whenever I see these common myths, I’m not going to just let the misinformation go unquestioned.

    In this case I think specifically focusing on EVs will generate more clicks for article writers, but it does also feed a common anti-EV narrative that they are somehow worse than ICE cars because of tire wear, which is not true.

    I do see the other side that the tires being developed are specifically looking at EV owners, so this is a tough one to get the balance right on, but I do still think the headline is written to stir trouble and generate clicks.

    One thing is certain, America needs to stop buying so many trucks!

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • I agree entirely, but the title of this post suggests that EVs are the problem, but actually it’s heavy vehicles.

    Additionally when we say “problem”, particulate pollution from vehicles is 99.9% a diesel problem, and 0.1% a tire problem. (Not actual statistics but let me know how wrong I am with the actual stat)

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • 2023 top 5 vehicles sold in USA and weight:

    1 - Ford F-150 4069-5697lbs

    2 - Chevrolet Silverado 4400-6947lbs

    3 - Ram pickup 4765-6440lbs

    4 - Toyota RAV4 3370lbs

    5 - Tesla Model Y 4416lbs

    Looks like the only electric on the list is below the average weight. We don’t have these conversations about the trucks.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • 2023 top 5 vehicles sold in USA and weight:

    1 - Ford F-150 4069-5697lbs

    2 - Chevrolet Silverado 4400-6947lbs

    3 - Ram pickup 4765-6440lbs

    4 - Toyota RAV4 3370lbs

    5 - Tesla Model Y 4416lbs

    Looks like the only electric on the list is below the average weight. We don’t have these conversations about the trucks.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • What kind of backhanded EV misinformation bullshit is this?

    Electric, gas, petrol, hydrogen, diesel, cooking oil or vodka; what you put in your car to make it go makes no difference to the tires or the wear.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Ah I see, yes app/web OTP is one of the best methods, unless people are calling to report the app/website not working (a workflow I’ve seen many times) The industry has put hundreds of millions into voice recognition but the sample size required for AI to trick voicerec is really low now.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • This is correct, i should have said “telephone banking password/passcode” but also the security questions are at best hash encrypted (so basically plain text). I had thousands of hours of call recording and millions of customer details on my work laptop all unencrypted. The security for enterprise telephony companies is seriously lax, I wouldn’t be surprised if a few unexplained leaks originated from these companies.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • The company that provides your banks phone system has full access to pretty much every piece of information your bank holds on you, including call recordings, phone numbers, addresses, debts, credits, and your phone password. We can trick our own systems into thinking it’s you on the phone.

    Avoid calling your bank at all costs, and if they call you say “no thank you I’ll do that online or in branch”, as soon as you pass security the phone system is accessing all your data. If possible go into branch or do everything on a banking app which has far better security.

  • Simple freedom car for pensioners?

    I need some help finding the simplest but safe small EV for my parents in their 80s. They currently drive a massive old Mercedes E and S-class, but they don’t need such big cars, as sight and reaction times dwindle having such big powerful cars might get them into trouble. I’m looking for a small simple EV with the ability to lock things down and start every drive with consistent user selectable settings. Maybe limit the power, ensure the air conditioning is set appropriately every time and that the radio turns on to their station and with the volume at a good level. Basically so they just have to get in and press the go pedal, without worrying about messing anything up because the next drive will be back to normal again. For size I really like the Honda-E but I have taken them to two garages and both have been terrible experiences, where the salesperson tried to convince my parents that EVs were a dead technology and that they should buy a Hybrid until the Hydrogen cars come out. The longest journey they ever do is 100miles but mostly journeys are <50miles round trip. Anything with 130miles + would be perfect and give some cold weather/degradation buffer.

    micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility manualoverride
    Sorry Darin, not a grass

    On some things the UK is progressive, on other issues, like sustainable transport, they see it as antisocial behaviour.

    Some of you may die

    Looks like the Labour Party have finally hired someone under 60 to handle their social media. Excellent, no notes.

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