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Cost by Protein Source
  • I guess you misunderstood my providing illustrative examples in parentheses. Replace or remove the examples, the argument is still valid.

    In another subthread they've pointed out that processing food also changes its protein density, most obviously by water transfer.

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • This is not a problem with the nutrition of foods, it is the metric that is poorly designed. One more argument against the chart

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • Your seem to insist to twist this towards vegan wars, but this is you. It's not the graphics, it's not me.

  • Why Python Is So Slow (And What Is Being Done About It)
  • Upfront analysis and design is very close to independent from the technology, particularly at the I/O level

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • What's wrong with reducing density through absorption (of water)?

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • To me it seems that your interpretation completely disregards the Y-axis. On the other hand, I wouldn't think the colour coding does a good job in separating along the carnivorous-vegetarian-vegan scale.

  • Why Python Is So Slow (And What Is Being Done About It)
  • Q: what do we do? A: profile and decompose. Should not be that distant as a thought

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • So much wrong about this chart. It is factually correct, but it answers the wrong question.

    This chart makes it way too easy to optimise for cheap protein, which is misleading. It is not this what it takes to have a healthy organism. It takes a varied diet, with balanced quantities of liquids (see milk), vitamins (see sprouts), fatty acids (see salmon), minerals (see shrimps, eggs, walnuts), actually carbs (potatoes, rice, spaghetti), and much more...

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • So much wrong about this chart. It is factually correct, but it answers the wrong question. This chart makes it way too easy to optimise for cheap protein, which is misleading. It is not this what it takes to have a healthy organism. It takes a varied diet, with balanced quantities of liquids (see milk), vitamins (see sprouts), fatty acids (see salmon), minerals (see shrimps, eggs, walnuts), and actually carbs (potatoes, rice, spaghetti).

  • Python beginner
  • Definitely my preference. However, for someone just starting (and not used to pressing TAB or calling help() ), an empty prompt might be intimidating.

    That's why I typically suggest interactive tutorials, e.g. any of these two:!

  • Python beginner
  • If you do that, nothing will actually be checked. You need to explicitly run pyright in CI.

    Are you suggesting that you prefer to do the type validation upon execution? I'd like to have the checks done beforehand, be it in the IDE during coding or in CI. This way the feedback loop is shorter.

    Then, backwards compatibility is a big thing in python, unlike node. So when typehints were introduced in 3.5 with PEP 484, they had to be optional.

    At least Typescript defines the semantics of its type hints. Python only defines the syntax! You can have multiple type checkers that conflict with each other!

    It is a bit more complicated than that. Here's a quote the above-mentioned PEP (3.5 was back in 2015, we're at 3.12 now and typehints have evolved):

    Note that this PEP still explicitly does NOT prevent other uses of annotations, nor does it require (or forbid) any particular processing of annotations, even when they conform to this specification. It simply enables better coordination, as PEP 333 did for web frameworks.

  • Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Has Crashed, State Media Reports
  • The relevance of the post to the community should be made clear by the contents of the post. As it currently stands, there are no indicators that the event would have any influence on Iran's support for the Russian invasion.

  • The NYT informs Russia about foreign aid deliveries
  • Yup,, what you're engaging in here is pure whataboutism. Fox, Carlson and company would've happily helped here, but they didn't. NYT did.

  • The NYT informs Russia about foreign aid deliveries
  • Researching on time and place of arrival is a nice gift for anyone who wants to intercept these and is being cut off from doing this research themselves.

  • @kamilkazani on how a few Western corporations enable Russian arms manufacturing Thread by @kamilkazani on Thread Reader App

    @kamilkazani: My team has documented the entire Russian missile manufacturing base. That is 28 key ballistic, cruise, hypersonic and air defence missile producing plants associated with four corporations of Roscosmo...…

    Write Shell Out Comes Python
  • I guess the answer at this point in time is: it allows you to define the function replacements that matter to you in pnk.lang. But if so, ksh is not a first choice for maintainable code.

    So it boils down to: can it "transpile" (transpret rather) its own code?

  • Write Shell Out Comes Python
  • Even looking into the readme and pink.lang, I'm still unsure what this does. I can imagine, but one single example would be nice. Bonus points if it is actually something useful

  • Job opportunities at the European AI Office Job opportunities at the European AI Office

    The Commission has opened two calls for expression of interest to recruit new members for the European AI Office. Apply now as technology specialist or administrative assistant for a unique opportunity to shape trustworthy AI.

    The new European AI Office launched its first job opportunities.

    bruin-data/ingestr: ingestr is a CLI tool to copy data between any databases with a single command seamlessly.
  • On the readme in GitHub it appears that "any" excludes MySQL and SQLite as destinations, and this among the dozen or so DBMS they care to list

  • The Green New Deal Is the Opiate of the Masses
  • I keeps amazing me how one could criticise capitalism and still talk exclusively in terms of capitalism.

    Not a single word of the accelerating extreme deforestation of the world's forests all over the planet. And this is just an example. The same holds about drilling and plastics, about industrial farming, construction,... I don't care if they are profitable. They're just aggravating the problem and there are alternatives that reduce the problem. These need to be enforced, regardless whether they are profitable (some of them are, but they still don't overtake the problematic ones). We don't have collective enforcement and we need it. Call it green new deal if you want, call it anarcho-communism, whatever. As long as it is just theory and no practice, it's pointless.

    Politics and growth are irrelevant if they are so detached from the problem.

  • How much it costs to cut 1 metric ton of carbon emission with various methods for different global carbon emission levels
  • Let's say that for millions of years a healthy biosphere grew around forests and the balance worked. Now you come to tell us it doesn't. Wouldn't you think it's a bit unconvincing?

  • FastAPI keeps generating local index.html*

    I deploy a FastAPI service with docker (see my docker-compose.yml and app).

    My service directory gets filled with files index.html, index.html.1, index.html.2,... that all contain


    They seem to be generated any time the docker healthcheck pings the service.

    How can I get rid of these?

    PS: I had to put a screenshot, because Lemmy stripped my HTML in the code quote.

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