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  • She had the most interesting childhood too. The “K” in her name stands for Kroeber, after her father, a famous anthropologist who is known for letting Ishi, the last living member of his tribe, live in their backyard. It really helps her work and perspective make sense when you know she is a dyed in the wool anthropologist.

  • Engineering Life: Chemists Have Created the Functional Synthetic Cells That Act Like Real Ones
  • Not quite. I think you may be referring to their genome transplant. They used a natural cell and completely replaced the original genome with synthesized DNA. Whereas this project did not rely on existing cellular machinery.

  • Crows Are Self-Aware Just Like Humans, And They May Be as Smart as Gorillas
  • That’s a reasonable design. The result would be interesting and may raise more questions than it answers. That is a good thing.

    I don’t think this design would conclusively prove they were engaging in abstract communication, but that would take many experiments of similar scope.

    A sceptic could say the unconditioned group reaction was a result of social awareness of the reaction of the conditioned crows. Sort of a collective freak out based on the immediate reaction of the marked individuals.

    Regardless, I hereby tender my application to be colony manager of the research group. Murder Manager is the title I would choose.

  • Victory? [elder cactus]
  • This is why I may never be able to fully repair my relationship with my religious father after my own journey out, because I love him too much to undermine the belief that sustains him as an 87 year old.

    My own journey out has been incredibly painful and challenging but that is MY life path, not his. He stuck with my mother for 25 years to the very end after her Parkinsons diagnosis and he got to watch her choke to death on some food at the end.

    I really believe my father doesn’t need the religion to be that good and faithful, because he is just basically made of good stuff. But I will never attack his faith even though in my heart of hearts I find the foundations of that faith to be risible. What would be gained? What would it say about me if I did?

  • Do I have Burnout?
  • You sound like you mean well, but this is not helpful advice. You are essentially telling someone who is obviously a conscientious person and struggling that they have a character flaw.

  • Why local elections matter more than the presidency
  • Oh, yes, dealing with the tension between the grassroots and the national party is a real thing to deal with. It may be true that the presidential primary is the only game right now in your jurisdiction, but there are frequently special or other off-cycle local elections, too.

    I'd go so far as to say the presidential primaries are pretty pointless this time around, as the contest seems to be already set-up, regardless of primary results. Thanks for your insightful comment.

  • Even paper glows
  • Whew, thanks for not being a knee-jerk about my 'mental prosthetic'! It takes real skill and understanding, I think, to even write the pseudocode or plain language description of a working script. After all, describing the problem and the outline of the solution is usually the hardest part. Pecking out the syntax takes the bulk of the time, but if you can avoid that step, what is lost? Very little in my experience.

    I've begun collecting an assortment of custom python and shell script utilities to accomplish routine or one-off tasks for which system utilities don't exist. You bet you are still learning when doing it this way. After all, you have to understand the code well enough to tell if the output is what you need.

  • Why local elections matter more than the presidency

    This is US focused but the principle of being involved in local issues is universal to all democracies.

    Can I rant for a minute?

    Why does every thread about voting devolve into bitching about the flaws of the Electoral College?

    Fun fact: the Electoral College only pertains to the Presidency and there’s almost nothing you can do about that directly.

    Think local, that’s where you can make a difference. Your local school board has the power to either support students or drive them to suicide. Local races frequently turn on a handful of votes.

    So go ahead, sit out the election because the choices for president stink. I humbly submit that your superior moral stance may not be based on very firm principles. That trans kid down the block didn’t need your help anyway. /s

    Would anyone like to discuss the Democratic caucus?

    Aside from the fact it was a zoom meeting of almost 100 people mostly over 60, it was alright.

    I should edit my title: What sort of personal demons drive a person to participate in party politics?

    1000 Blank Cards experiences sought

    I played this game back in the 00’s and had a pretty good time. My friend group was quite creative at the time so everyone got it. It was a raucous good time.

    I’m just contemplating trying again and was seeking experiences and maybe tips on pulling off a successful session.

    Millions of LGBTQ Americans have religious trauma. Psychiatrists want to help Millions of LGBTQ Americans have religious trauma. Psychiatrists want to help

    Some mental health experts are advocating for religious trauma to be considered an official disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

    Millions of LGBTQ Americans have religious trauma. Psychiatrists want to help

    Some mental health experts are advocating for religious trauma to be considered an official disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

    Booting from a RAID1 volume on Pi Zero 2?

    Hi, question for the group.

    I have a pi zero 2 running the lite OS suggested by the imager. I’ve been able to create a RAID with 2 240gb SSD on the usb port. Even during a peak read/write stress test, the power draw for the whole system doesn’t exceed 800ma.

    Anyhow, ideally I would like to boot from this volume and elimante the SD card completely, but have been stopped by not even being able to boot with the root set to the RAID and the boot dir still on an SD. I can get it to boot when /usr and / var are on the raid

    Has anyone any insights on different things to try? Perhaps even a good reason this can’t work would free me from this fools quest so my project can advance?

    A City on Mars: Reality kills space settlement dreams A City on Mars: Reality kills space settlement dreams

    Let’s not send a few thousand people to Mars as a big experiment in survival.

    A City on Mars: Reality kills space settlement dreams

    A book review on the latest Weinersmith creation. It’s true, there is so much we don’t know.

    Just throwing this out there on this forum because missing technology is the problem that kills the dream of Mars, according to the authors.

    Balcony Gardening meyotch
    Morning glory

    Morning glory in a bucket on a balcony. It’s watered automatically by a solar powered gizmo I made too.

    Is the New M2Pro Mac Mini a Deep Learning Workstation? Is the New M2Pro Mac Mini a Deep Learning Workstation?

    In this article, we explore whether the recent addition of the M2Pro chipset to the Apple Mac Mini family works as a replacement for your power hungry workstation.

    Is the New M2Pro Mac Mini a Deep Learning Workstation?

    Is it? This review is pretty thorough with some realistic benchmarks. Spoiler: it won’t replace an entire data center, but it works for model development and testing. Enjoy!

    About Strong Towns About Strong Towns

    Learn more about Strong Towns, the international movement to grow stronger and more financially resilient cities.

    About Strong Towns

    I just wanted to introduce this group to Strong Towns, a non profit devoted to making development make sense. I worked with the founder of Strong Towns years ago when the idea was new.

    The issues and framework of Strong Towns transcend partisan politics and instead gathers people under the banner of demanding that our towns be built to upon principles most any reasonable person would want to see enacted. Principles like: development responsive to local needs and financial transparency.

    Please check them out.

    Lemmy Support meyotch
    Trouble upgrading from 18.0 to 18.1

    I am trying to upgrade using the ansible playbook from 18.0 to the latest.

    I issue ‘git pull’ and ‘ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml --become --ask-pass --ask-become-pass’. This worked the first time I upgraded to 18.0, but now I get:

    TASK [Install Docker Module and docker-compose for Python] ****************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: [“/usr/bin/python3”, “-m”, “pip.main”, “install”, “-U”, “docker”, “docker-compose”], “msg”: "\n:stderr: error: externally-managed-environment\n\n× This environment is externally managed\n╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install\n …

    Is there something obvious I’m missing? Much appreciated. Mostly confused what has changed since my own system config has not since the last successful upgrade and the changelog doesn’t indicate any needed config changes.

    Costa Rica's Carbon-Neutral Future - Solarpunk inspired data visualization. Costa Rica's Carbon-Neutral Future

    In her final piece for RAND Art + Data, Gabrielle Mérite brings one country's vision for a carbon-neutral future to life. Her designs are based on RAND research that analyzed the potential outcomes of Costa Rica's National Decarbonization Plan.

    Costa Rica's Carbon-Neutral Future

    I found this somewhat recent report from RAND that highlights Costa Rican leadership in mitigating CO2 emissions. The notable thing is the artist who interpreted the data was explicitly inspired by solarpunk ideas and art.

    I post this in OSE because policy is insanely important for realizing the grand vision of OSE. Even though OSE focuses on tools to empower individual or at least small-scale enterprises, many of the more compelling aspects of the OSE and solarpunk visions will be helped by the kind of long-term policies championed by Costa Rica.

    3d printing of homes is a reality. How can we do better? The First Owner-Occupied 3D Printed Home in the US - The Habitat for Humanity Home | Alquist 3D — Alquist 3D

    Alquist 3D partnered with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula & Greater Williamsburg to create first 3D-printed home to be owner occupied in the United States. Learn more.

    The technology is here now. This house is a boring square cracker box, which you would expect from Habitat for Humanity and a proof of concept. However, the freedom of 3-D printing allows you to make almost any shape that you can imagine that is physically possible.

    Modern houses are shaped the way they are because of ease of construction and cost effectiveness, mostly.

    How can we use the new freedom offered by the technology to make entirely new structures that take advantage of the freedom of form and reduced waste in construction?

    I’m thinking of things like amazing windows and passive climate control structures inspired by how termites manage the climate in their mounds. Does anyone have any interesting forms or shapes they’d make?

    I’ve been introduced to OSE. Now what do we talk about?

    Really it’s an amazing project and the linked resources are great at explaining what Open Source Ecology is. Thank you for introducing it.

    What, specifically, is this community for? What are the parameters of the conversations you want to encourage? I suppose I’m looking for some idea of community mission statement. Is that something we can have a conversation about?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

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