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Is there any legal way to purchase GTA 2 for PC?
  • @Zugumba @gaming there are tons of download links on respectable German sites.

    This one's in English and I don't know it, but seems legit.

  • Is there any legal way to purchase GTA 2 for PC?
  • @Zugumba @gaming didn't they give it away for free for a while? Or was that the first GTA? 🤔

  • Would someone #help me configure my #WireGuard server to access my home local network?
  • @retiolus @linuxquestions what have you done so far? 🙂
    What's working and what is not?
    Nevermind, the link just popped up. I'll read through it in a few minutes.

  • What are your gaming pet peeves?
  • @daredevil oh and also cutscenes every two minutes.
    I tried to replay Max Payne 3 recently and it's intolerable. You never get time enough to get into any kind of flow. Even though the actual gameplay is fun, I put it down after an hour or so (and about thirty cutscenes up to that point). 😩

  • What are your gaming pet peeves?
  • @daredevil not being able to pause a cutscene.
    Especially since I've had kids and often need to leave a game quickly, this has become very annoying.

  • mforester M. Forester

    Ich bin begeisterter Pen & Paper Rollenspieler und habe hauptsächlich Erfahrung mit Pathfinder, Cthulhu und Vampire.

    Eine meiner größten Leidenschaften, das Programmieren, habe ich zu meinem Beruf gemacht.

    Ansonsten verbringe ich meine Freizeit mit zocken, lesen, sporadisch Gitarre spielen und natürlich meiner Familie.


    Not enough space to translate everything into english. Here's the short version:

    \- tabletop roleplaying (Pathfinder, Cthulhu) \- software developer \- family man \- guitar

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