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AMD won Computex by extending AM5 support and launching new AM4 CPUs
  • I think it depends on what you’re working on. If you’re working on some JavaScript web app you could say that CPUs are “good enough”. But even then larger more complicated apps will get annoyingly slow to “compile”.

    It’s when you are working with larger and more complicated Rust or C or whatever code bases that compile time matters.

    This all being said for me CPU important is a good thing. It was good in the 90s and it’s good now.

  • AMD won Computex by extending AM5 support and launching new AM4 CPUs
  • I was not in fact mislead. I actually went and found that article to help explain the concept of IPC uplift to you.

    I was speaking of why new CPUs are a good thing worth being excited by in general. You were the one who said new CPUs aren’t worth being excited about in general.

    As a bonus I showed how new CPUs even at the same speed have advantages. This all being said hey if you want to be a downer here go for it.

  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • I don’t think you have Stockholm syndrome. You just like what you already understand well. It’s a normal part of the human condition.

    All those features of nat also work with IPV6 with no nat in the exact same way. When I want to open up a port I just make a new firewall rule. Plus you get the advantages of being able to address the ach host behind the firewall. It’s a huge win with no losses.

  • AMD won Computex by extending AM5 support and launching new AM4 CPUs
  • I am speaking about in general. Newer faster CPUs are something worth being happy about.

    This being said there is more to CPUs than raw clock speeds. A major component is IPC uplift. For example if a new cpu has a 20% IPC improvement over an older CPU when they both run at say 3.5Ghz the newer CPU will do things 20% faster. It’s pretty cool stuff.

    In the case of the CPUs you mentioned it looks like there was a 16% IPC uplift over last gen and last gen had a 18% uplift over the 5xxx series. I would be happy to have my code compile 16% + 18% faster.

  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • I think it’s worth taking the time to learn IPv6 property. If you have a good understanding of IPv4 it shouldn’t take you more than an afternoon.

    Eliminating NAT and just using firewall rules (ie what NAT does behind your back) is incredibly freeing.

    I don’t get people complaining about typing out IPs. I like to give all of my clients full FQDNs but you don’t have to. Just using mDNS would be enough to avoid typing a bunch of numbers.

  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • You shouldn’t have to?? Maybe you might need to change the mask in your firewall settings if the ipv6 allocation block size changes but that should be it.

    Everything else should just work as normal.

  • Cruelty-based intervention: Russia is set to reintroduce antipsychotic drug as autism treatment
  • Imagine being so much of a Russophile that you are forced to defend MANDATORY antipsychotics for neurodiverse people.

    I get disliking the west but this dose not mean one can ignore harm when you see it outside of the west.

  • U.S. Bans Imports From 3 Chinese Companies Over Ties to Forced Labor
  • State run is not the same as state influenced. You can’t honestly say they are equivalently influenced.

    Also I will restate you posted a literal Facebook post. If you had a better source I know you would rather use that.

  • Purism (creator of FOSS friendly phones and hardware) 2023 financial report , income grew by 350% in three years and the company is profitable
  • They changed the refund policy on the Linux phone that they sell.

    At the time when the phone was under development they let people preorder in exchange for a small discount. Many people including myself wanted to support such a product and payed in. At the time the policy was you could get your money back any time before the phone shipped.

    The phone was delayed for years and years and naturally people got impatient and demanded their money back.

    Purism on the fly changed the policy and said you could only ask for your money back in a small window just before your phone shipped. Not before and if it shipped it was too late. They just refused to honor the original policy.

    It was discovered that people could content the attorney General of California and the state would force them to honor the original policy. A lot of people, including myself did this.

    The fact that it came to that makes them a shady company.

    This all being said I am very happy they are profitable. While I would never preorder anything from them again, if they update the phone specs I would consider buying one.

    More Linux first companies is a good thing.

  • A cool guide on Tally Marks From Around The World
  • I understand. In this case I would encourage you to exercise that empathy online. Is it worth making others feel worse in order to make yourself feel better? I hope you don’t feel so.

    The world is what we make it. Lemmy is new enough that we are now setting the tone. I want to push Lemmy away from the “leave of legends” style perma salty attitude as much as I can. I encourage others to build positive spaces too.

  • A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch
  • I really appreciate your super stark pro libre software attitude. I want to support you here. You should know that the approach you are taking is ultra abrasive and would probably cause more harm than help.

    People would just associate libre software with militant weirdos, if all they saw where your posts.

    If you want to make meaningful change I strongly recommend taking a softer less abrasive approach.

    We want libre software to be connected with safety, friendliness and personal autonomy, not militarism, chanted phrases, and dogma.

    Even on Lemmy the ultra pro libre software social network (relative to non federated networks) your current approach is off putting. I want you to succeed and I think a different approach may be better.

    Just my two cents.

  • A cool guide on Tally Marks From Around The World
  • I’m glad. :) And worry not. I do try to make the world a better place where I can, but I understand that I can’t get too invested in every attempt. In this case no sweat was involved. Just empathy.

  • Are you a 'tankie'
  • If that’s how you feel about it, then it may be a cudgel against you. But I am certain you do see and have seen people who proudly self label as tankies.

    Nothing wrong with that.

  • Are you a 'tankie'
  • I’ll take that as a yes for you. If you are a Tankie you should stand up for your values and be proud!

    The only reason why you would deny it or hide it is if you have an agenda.

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