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Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • This makes no sense. This person made a claim and I asked what the source was. Shouldn’t they know where their own comment came from?

  • Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • You pasted the domain not an actual blog post link. And you’re the one making these claims about him on a forum, does it really surprise you when someone asks for the source? Sorry you had to google something.

  • Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • I cannot find any of this on his blog, why didn’t you just link to his blog?

  • Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • Post the link to him saying that having sex with children is okay

  • Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?
  • For me it was seeing a news article montage showing literally the exact same headlines from 2016 about Hillary Clinton. It’s just the same play from a tired playbook.

  • TIL that undefeated heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano’s punch was tested by Boxing Illustrated in 1963, and found to have more explosive energy than an armour piercing bullet.
  • This was a really interesting bio on him, never knew of him before but what a really unique and amazing person. Such a shame how he died, that just seems so unfair.

  • A cool guide to the eras of Nickelodeon (updated)
  • This is really cool and interesting to see the abrupt change from cartoons to live actors. I don’t really know what that indicates but I really miss the older cartoons. I feel they had something more magical about them.

  • Me, explaining Easter to my wife, who grew up amongst the heathens
  • I believe the prophecy was “on the third day He will rise again” not after 3 days.

  • Trump bible
  • That person is not wrong, what are you referring to? Your left out the other half of your comment that explains anything.

  • Trump bible
  • It’s been updated many times!

  • Trump bible
  • This comment should win an award for its confident stupidity. Google “constitutional amendments”.

  • New York Approves Historic Congestion Pricing Plan—Here’s How It Works And What Cities Could Adopt It Next
  • Why did you even post that if you had no clue what you were talking about?

  • Chatbot letdown: Hype hits rocky reality
  • Ask it to search or list all of Bach’s children and you can see the wheels completely fall off. It was inventing people with actual fake birth and death dates and also gave me some of Handel’s children!

  • Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case
  • This is such a stupid comment. You don’t even live here!

  • Is my voice annoyingly high?
  • Definitely not annoying at all. Certainly on the higher pitch side but it sounds good and I would listen to an audio book with this voice.

  • Congrats to the Winner of PT Murders at Karlov Manor!
  • I thought the tournament coverage for this was really good. I’m not a big pioneer or standard player but the coverage was good enough for me to keep watching periodically through the weekend.

  • Possible Meissner effect near room temperature in copper-substituted lead apatite
  • If you’re confident why not throw out 1M:1? I’ll take that bet with you. 100:1 sounds like you’re not that confident.

  • Removed
    Heat-pump water heaters are a winner for the climate — and your wallet
  • That is very good to know about the high heat model. Thank you.

  • Removed
    Heat-pump water heaters are a winner for the climate — and your wallet
  • It's a Carrier 38MARB Performance Heat Pump, and it SAYS it's rated at 100% efficiency down to 5 deg F but I can tell you from experience that it starts buckling below freezing. I have monitored it over a whole winter season and when we hit the 20s it starts running defrost cycles every 15-20 minutes. Each cycle takes about 5-10 minutes to defrost. It's not able to keep the room warm.

    Granted, this is a 500 sq ft room with a wide opening to the next room and a 25' ceiling. I don't think it was a great use-case for heating in general. For cooling, this thing is irreplaceable. It barely breaks a sweat and uses almost no energy, while keeping the room at any low temperature I set it to. I've yet to see it have any issues cooling, even when it's 90F and humid outside.

  • Do any modern desktop environments support a grid layout of virtual desktops?

    Greetings, I come as an Ubuntu/Unity user and what has kept me around is the wonderful support for a 3x3 virtual desktop setup and hotkeys to move around the desktops in 2d space. Does anything like this exist in any of the modern DE’s? I would love to try it out with cinnamon, plasma, gnome etc but there are so many and I only seem to find screenshots depicting linear desktops.

    mikegioia Mike

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