mnemonicmonkeys @ mnemonicmonkeys Posts 6Comments 1,185Joined 2 yr. ago
There's a new person on one of the teams I work with who is really formal in email and messaging, I wonder if this is why
For me, sometimes the solution hits me like a train while I'm taking my morning shower. And I usually am not thinking about code either
But we already have Fallout
The Alex Jones strategy
Triggering an eruption of the supervolcano, whose ash will kill most people in the US and blot out the sun for years
Oh, and harikari usually has a helper.
Other way around. Seppuku is the whole ritual, which includes the helper. But if you just gut yourself out in the woods with no ceremony, it's harikiri
No. I'm trying to figure out how to contact the Jerboa devs and beg for it to be added
Goddamnit I am sick and tired of random Youtube links on here not displaying that they go to YouTube and making the stupud app open and autoplay some stupid video
There's some 0-effort Unity asset flips that performed worse. Some
Personally, I'm hoping they release a B380. I'd love to put one in my media server for transcoding
We can now make our own Team Fortress 3! With lootboxes blackjack, and bots hookers!
Didn't Vimm's Lair get taken down last year?
Not a community, but I recommend if you're starting with a build. Pick a budget and it gives 3 different, balanced builds that match that budget. Use that as a starting point and modify from there
Whoever built that website really needs to fix the hitbox on the 'X' when you're done reading the popups. Or instead of trying to show off with JavaScript they can just have a separate page like most websites
Doesn't most of Element route through
We getting more Dan Da Dan episodes?