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Anytype, un alternativa open source a Notion anytype — the everything app

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anytype — the everything app

O che quantomeno ci prova. Da poco entrata in beta però viene sviluppata attivamente con aggiornamenti praticamente mensili, utilizza il protocollo IPFS per la sincronizzazione, è tutto cifrato E2E chiavi in mano e potete anche self-hostare un vostro nodo. Local-first, gratuito e funziona anche offline.

Vi avviso però se venite da Notion sappiate che non ha ancora tutte le sue funzionalità, bisognerà pazientare ancora un po'.

Se vi può interessare sto cercando di far partire una comunità italiana per scambiare trucchi e consigli su come usarlo al meglio per organizzare appunti, progetti e robette così, al momento solo su Telegram

How do you organize resources for a given topic?
  • Yes sure! For your first question, it depends on the source, for example a book or a paper usually is a note because i like to resume or quote interestings idea or discoverings from them. Blog posts and news rarely are notes but usually they're put at the bottom of a note or link with title or one-two line description.

    Books, video essays and so on are located inside a directory of resources. I usually add these resource notes as additional sources at the bottom of the topic notes, and/or quote what I find interesting fron the source.

    Every note in my vault is tagged, this helps to find "hidden" connections between notes. As said before, not using systems like atomic/evergreen notes with strong atomization of content, full text search is essential for retrieving in my system. I use different vaults only if I need a strong separation between content, for example I have one for study/work, one for more intimate and general purpose stuff and one for preparing DnD campains.

  • How do you organize resources for a given topic?
  • Sorry for my english. Here's what i usually do:

    • kanban as read-list and task tracking
    • introductive note to a topic with backlinks to other notes (subtopics)
    • a directory with all the subtopics notes, backlink to index note.

    I don't like atomic notes or Zetelkastenn methods enough, but be sure to check these methods. If you're more visual, then you may use the canva plugin.

    The best system is subjective, try different things and find what works for you.

  • How do you personally use Obsidian?
  • I use both Obsidian and Anytype right now. I find Anytype better for things like journal, networking, notes on the fly, habit and idea tracking, reading list, literature notes and so on.

    I use obsidian as knowledge base for IT stuff and university notes. I also have a kanban because to keep track of what i learned and where to go next.

    I also have another vault that i use for D&D, since i'm usually the DM i use Obsidian to world building, design campaigns, keep track of new ideas or requests from my player and what other players do.

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    Attached: 1 image Excuse me? Google now moderates your synched bookmarks? The hell? To clarify: this is a Google Save Collection, which is one of the mechanisms Google syncs bookmarks via. They're not the default in Chrome (but accessible), but they are the only bookmark facility in the Google Sea...

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    Ricordo che ci sono alternative migliori tipo Firefox o Brave che offrono lo stesso servizio ovviamente. E che mettendo qualsiasi vostro dato in un servizio cloud accettate la comodità ma anche i rischi per la privacy e per la sicurezza.

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