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Has anyone ever used Jaspersoft?
  • Consider to take look on It is more code friendly Jasper wrapper to provide reports. Plain jasper is very XML heavy and you will end in wrapping it in some template engine at some point to reduce repetition. Otherwise download the Jasper Report studio crate simple reports and play around. There are maven and gradle build plugins that compile reports during the build and then you can work with compiled versions.

    Jasper by itself is not a bad technology and work quite good for designing reports.

  • Actionable Advice for Software Engineers From My Management Journey
  • Yes. It is much in vogue. Especially in big corps. And Big corps have no idea what they doing. A year ago I had helped couple of managers to "go back to engineering", because org had to many managers.

    The amount of people who can make code and manage is very limited. But it is very alluring from the perspective of human resource optimization for people to do both. You take decent engineer => You receive shitty miserable manager that can code something non essential. This is very sad.

    Big corps are like a pythons on ketanol. They have no idea what happening but they want to grow and shit profits everywhere.

  • Should I quit engineering?
  • Tldr; take offer, don't quit engineering yet, you are fine

    Don't quit engineering if you enjoy it. If you have better offer and the current ship is leaky as fuck => jump the ship. Saving the leaky ships should be very profitable if it is not => you are being heavily exploited.

    I jumped the ship thrice. And one time accepted a lower payed position, just because I was quite burnout.

    On the topic not using the progress and not understanding the Intenals. Understanding internal will not make you senior. Understanding what you can apply that you already know can make you senior. I remember being in a situation like yours. I thought I didn't know Jack, but then on a newplace I seen people who were running around like a headless chickens on crack. This has given me a good understanding about what knowledge is and that applicable knowledge is the key.

  • Coding interviews are effective
  • Coding interviews are a decent way to screen out the false positives. Watching someone solve coding challenges gives you some assurance that they can, well, code.

    Hahahahaha. If only. There is very big distinction between ability to priduce code that solves the problem and solving the problem. My personal experiense showed me that passing the coding interview and being a good Software engineer is a two different skills.

  • Managers and recruiters, what are you looking for in a intern/early-career full-stack engineer?
  • Know your basics, display ability to learn. Don't lie and tell the truth. It doesn't really matter for Intern if you have any project behind you. Being fullstack is really hard and at times very impossible and require immense amount of time and effort. So show that you can learn and show that you are honest. This will land you a good place.

  • It's that time of year again
  • There is no love if you dont constructor it. Then you would need to initialize it or use existing instance to borrow. You can even extend from Respect or Humor as a starting point, there is no need to implement Love from scratch.

  • How do you approach learning a new programming language or framework?
  • Is it possible to build XML parser in it?

    If answer is yes then i will build XML parser in it.

    Solving a problem you know how to solve and solved more than once is a my goto approach in learning languge or frameworks. Translation of already solved problem to the new operational model or semantic exposes a lot internal stuff and marketing double talk.

    This is a lot of work and time so can not recommend it for all cases and situations.

  • Why We Can't Have Nice Software
  • in many cases for text docs I'd rather write them using markdown and maybe add some html styling then convert with pandoc

    Yep. Exactly the case. Using the multiple instruments instead of one "specially created for this reason" programm become normal. And it become normal because the program become unpredictable in changes. All the functionality is click away, but you need to know what to click.

    And as a chery on top Outlook by default uses ctrl+f to forward a message. Instead of starting search.

  • Why We Can't Have Nice Software
  • I wholeheartedly agree with that. Every version of Excel is massively worse than previous one. Same with the other Office products. Incremental fixes and impovements covered with unneded features and Ribbon design.

    The Ribbon interface intoduction is the most obnoxious design decision that was pushed to the keyboard and mouse users. It only helps "touch" or "pen" users and only marginally.

    Then OneDrive aka "we holding your data ransom" Drive. This is the only one Drive that is purelly sheit.

  • What is OOP, really? Why so many different definitions?
  • Which OOP? Alan Kay meant this:

    OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things. It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP. There are possibly other systems in which this is possible, but I'm not aware of them.

    But there is also various other OOP around. And those really about completly different things.

  • Moving Code from One Repository to Another Using Git Patch
  • This is a good example of what understanding your tools can give you. Answer is new or novel approaches to the old problems. Ability to create a patch from any diff is really really usefull. If you have wip changes, but don't want to commit it to, then creating a patch is a quite easy way to go.

  • Quite surprised by the negativity towards Java in this thread about Sublinks, a Java-based Lemmy alternative. Is it that bad?
  • People hate Java when they are forced to use it. Or when they switch from other language to the Java and expect same semantics and behaviour. Historically Java was quite bad in character/sense ratio this coupled with Enterprise patterns and people who have no idea how to write programs on java resulted in atrocious code bases with nightmare episodes. Currently I am writing non-stop Java for about 15 years. And I am able to tolerate Java quirks, because I know how to side step them. I don't like Java, but given the choice I would pick it as a language that I am willing to code for money out of many others. Java have amazing ecosystem, ci/cd culture and instruments. Dunking on "bad" language is okay especially in the joke context.

    In the end there is no ideal language, they are just more or less fitting for a task or role.

  • Did you ever change languages for a better position? How did it go?
  • Yes. Clisp to Java to Scala and to the Java finally. Every switch was to get more money. As a result in the end I got more money and more domain experience. Most switches were traumatic for a week and then it was back to normal.

  • Please Add .gitattributes To Your Git Repository
  • If you use a programming language which behaviour depends on the symbols that you hiding 90% of the time (I am talking about line ends and whitespace types) you will have a bad time. No amount of gitattributing or autocrlf magic will save you. You will suffer and you will get a phantom bugs if your editor and diff viewer will not show you "whitespace" changes.

    And at the same time any programming language that will break due to whitespace should be chastised and laugh upon. Whitespace type should never be significant modifier for behaviour.

    Also YAML can fuck off right into the sun.

  • Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code
  • Some might. I using Comic Code and Fantasque Code from time to time as it forces my brain to reinterpret "known" code and helps to find errors that way. It also help with minor dyslexia moments. I like Radon, except I fully hate how "i" character is looking it is a "z" with a dot on it. If there were variant with normal "i" I would consider using it.

  • Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code
  • And release zip contains a _MACOSX folder which is a clear indication of sloppiness and/or rushed release. ... and ligatures don't work out the box in JetBrains product IDEs.

    And if only they slapped beta on this there will be not problem what so ever...

  • Amper – Improving the Build Tooling User Experience | The JetBrains Blog
  • Will Amper kill Maven and Gradle?

    If it works and it is free then maybe, but probably still not. Also it is a Gradle plugin, so it will not touch Maven at all. And it uses yaml configs... I do not like this at all 😀

    Maven is very good for small projects and Gradle take a niche of Ant on steroids. Nobody in his sane mind will migrate from one build system to other until benefits of migration outweighs the burden of redoing all pipelines from scratch.

    The problem with JB products that they are barely working now. If you step one iota outside of mainstream functionality then it will break.

    Both Maven and Gradle integration are very very brittle. And also not really optimized for big projects with big amount of modules/sources.

    And I love JB products. It saddens me to see every year I drops in quality of IntelliJ. And New fancy interface transition is just the mess.

    Migration to the subscription based allowed JB to release more products but overral quality dropped.

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