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Switching between profiles

Hello I just moved (from Brave) to Vivaldi and I have to say I quite like it.

But I have also quite a big blocker.

I use my browser with two profiles (this I was able to also do in Vivaldi) but I want to use some sort of shortcuts to switch between two Vivaldi windows (each running it own profile).

On Brave (or Chrome) I was able to do this by setting name of the browser and together with Context (window switcher) I just wrote 3 letters of the name and I was moved to that window. But now I just see [Title of the curent tab] - Vivaldi for all of them.

Is there a way (can be some other, using some other software) to switch to a specific window which is running specific Profile?

How should I implement 2nd backup for my config
  • (on Proxmox side) why is this better then just doing backups to external hard drive? there is the same functionality but with hassle of running additional service.

    Can you give me a bit more details in "The rpi could pull both storages..." part?

  • How should I implement 2nd backup for my config
  • Where should I install it? I guess raspi is not sutable

  • How should I implement 2nd backup for my config

    Here is my setup:

    • I have two proxmox installations (totally not related) on totally different locations
    • on both instances I have a few CTs and VMs
    • on both instances I run "backup job" where I create backup to a external USB drive - this is a "first" backup from where I can quickly restore if needed

    What I want:

    • I want to have a separate (off-site) backup
    • I have Raspberry PI with 5TB USB storage
    • I want to use this raspi for both Proxmoxs

    What would be the best solution for this?

    What I was thinking (I don't think this is the most elegant solution):

    • install tailscale on raspi
      • (same on both proxmoxs)
      • create CT and install tailscale on it
      • in some interval push backup file form proxmox to CT and then this CT pushes backup over tailscale to raspi

    edit: spelling

    Looking for a app/service to save webpages
  • nice, i’ll check it out

  • Looking for a app/service to save webpages
  • Right - maybe I wasn't clear enough - I'm looking for something where I can dump any URL which I find any where - aka.: just scrolling the web (not just lemmy/mastodon/fediverse)

  • Looking for a app/service to save webpages
  • What is your workflow if you find something on mobile and you want to save it to omnivore?

  • Looking for a app/service to save webpages
  • doesn't this just cover mastodon? what about everything else?

  • Looking for a app/service to save webpages
  • can you quickly explain wait is your workflow if you find sth using mobile phone? do you copy URL, switch to service and paste it there?

  • Looking for a app/service to save webpages

    Problem: I scroll on lemmy, I talk to friends, I see some interesting page, project, funny meme or something else. (when I was on reddit i pressed SAVE, when I was on Instagram I pressed PIN (or something) and now I’m stuck with (uncategorised) information all over the place.

    My current idea is: push everything to Telegram group where my bot listens, take the URL, maybe even extract some data and save it somewhere. 90% of my input will be over the phone but here and there also PC.

    Any suggestions for self-hosted service to dump data in our (even better) to even skip whole bot part altogether?

    UPDATE: Maybe I was a bit unclear. I want to "save" URLs and also somehow tag/categorize them. So I think plain bookmarks won't cut it, also flow is important (on mobile), switching copy/paste is to much hassle.

  • I really thought that I was NOT old fart… but since I remember lowering coax (not LAN) cable to my buddy one floor below over the window to play AOE… I guess I am :)

  • I put this in EVERY room! Smart room detection 😲
  • did anyone tried this?

  • I put this in EVERY room! Smart room detection 😲

    Did anyone tried this? If so - what are results?

    mwalker789 mwalker789
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