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Why do people post so much crap on linkedin?
  • the yt channel good work perfectly summarized why linkedin is purposefully cringe

  • First time macOS user, what are the essential apps?
  • I would recommend SnazzyQ’s videos on macOS essentials:

  • But Why? - This causes cancer

    one of the lesser known channels I want to give credit to. I think his explanations are top-notch, easy to follow despite going deep into extremely complex topics. revisited almost all his videos multiple times.

    maxHR still above 200

    during HIIT runs I'm still able to push my ticker above 200. this is why I don't trust calculating it based on the age method. I'm 27

    What is a website everyone should know about?
  • Neighborhood map, tagging and labeling parts of cities.

  • nagypetre nagypetre
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