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Fellow C and Rust programmers, how do you live without classes?
  • Lol this is the wrinkle - FP is great for humans, but under the hood, what is memory but a big block of mutable state? Sometimes we have to dig into the specifics for performance.

    That being said - Rust knows that the instance of Player passed in is the only reference, and it can re-use that memory - maybe even mutate it in-place ;) while still presenting an FP interface to the user.

  • Fellow C and Rust programmers, how do you live without classes?
  • My dear friend - what if I told you that every call to Player.move should return an entirely new instance of a Player? One with an immutable position, and a helper function that takes a position delta - and constructs yet another Player!

    What if I told you that all user interfaces are a function of application state; and all interactions apply a transformation that is then re-rendered? (We have gotten very good at only re-rendering the parts that change.)

    Welcome to FP! There’s a whole world here for you to explore. You’ll be telling your friends about monoids and endofunctors before you know it :)

  • Regulation needed to protect space tourists from cosmic rays
  • I’m so glad society has teams allocated to identifying these hard-hitting issues. It’s true - we don’t have enough consumer protections in place for space tourists. A poor innocent space tourist could “go to space” without fully understanding that “space can be dangerous”. Thankfully, these analysts discovered this issue before too many people were “at risk”. Future space tourists will have to sign a waver, or watch a presentation, or something.

    The interesting question here is who paid for this “study”, and who from the register accepted the bribes to get this dogshit published.

  • I studied political science and jazz...
  • Thank you, that’s an excellent read! This reminds me of the “expected value of perfect information” - sometimes it is worthwhile to answer a question, and sometimes it isn’t. Every once in a while I find myself in an engineering call discussing a minor problem, and I run the numbers to see if the change we are discussing is even worth talking about. One time the combined salaries of the people on the call had already outpaced the cost savings of the change over the next 10 years. We quickly stopped that discussion lol

  • What is your socially unacceptable guilty indulgence?
  • I recently picked up a pipe. It has all the rituals and escapism of a cigar, without the hour-long commitment.

    That being said, sometimes being”occupied” for an hour is part of the appeal. Each has their place ime.

  • I rule that we should post something other than USA politics please
  • The good old days. We ate berries in the woods; enjoyed the company of whomever we pleased; and worshipped the moon simply because it was cool.

    Then we invented turbotax and multi-factor authentication :(

  • Cannot Get Points in Sprints..
  • You’re out here solving impossible problems. You’re “The Fixer” from Pulp Fiction. Fools look at story points. Pros see an unsolvable story that languished for years until you came along and defeated it. A single point for you is an entire epic to other teams.

    Everything is a differentiator that can be spun to your advantage. The points aren’t accurate, and you’re the only one with enough guts to step up to the plate and finally work these neglected tickets; even if it won’t “look good” on some “dashboard” - that’s not what’s important; you’re here to help the organization succeed.

    If the system doesn’t make you look good, you have to make yourself look good. If you weren’t putting in the effort, it would be hard - but as you say, everyone who takes a deeper look clearly sees the odds stacked against you, and how hard you’re working / the progress you’re making; despite those odds.

    Don’t let some metrics dashboard decide your worth, king!

  • authenticated remote filesystem access for home/SOHO use?
  • Indeed, and good points. How many users do you have? I assume this isn’t just for you, and setting up multiple nfs shares with tailscale access policies isn’t feasible. SMB might be the best play. I’ll have to refresh my memory on file sharing protocols

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