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Hear me out: A scripting language that compiles to bash or sh (any suggestions?)
  • Knock off the childish fucking gatekeeping and go back to reddit. It's what the wider industry uses.

  • Hear me out: A scripting language that compiles to bash or sh (any suggestions?)
  • python is usually the next step up in admin land

    python is a pretty standard install on linux systems since so many things like you're talking about use it

  • What are your programming hot takes?
  • You missed one:

    • To let others at least have some insight into what you're doing so you can take a freakin' vacation every once in a while
  • Why enterprises use .NET and C# technologies?
  • Don't take issue with the platform. Take issue with companies that are so fanatical with "we're a microsoft/java/javascript/esperanto shop!" that they'd cram it into medical devices and nuclear reactor controls before doing some sort of sober domain analysis.

    Everything has its own set of problems.

  • Deleted
  • tldr is great. I can't stand --help output that drones on like Proust.

  • [DISCUSS] Pros/cons of videos for technical documentation?
  • Technical videos have helped me perfect my pronunciation of "umm" and "uhh."

  • Google may soon let users 'link' Android devices for calls and more
  • Yeah, advertising problems that can be fixed by a solution is not exactly big tech's strong suit.

  • Google may soon let users 'link' Android devices for calls and more
  • I'm not quite sure what they have in mind, but I'm mentally visualizing the family scene where grandma calls and instead of passing the phone around, you just transfer to the next person on the list.

  • Is 1 and a half years too early to switch jobs?
  • Thought I might follow up since I had an interview today - I never stop interviewing - and was asked about duration. My off-the-cuff response was "if a company invests in its employees, offers growth and promotes internally, then I will work for a place longer. If it does not and only offers a dead-end role with no appreciable growth, then I will look for that opportunity elsewhere."

  • What helps people get comfortable on the command line?
  • throw yourself to the wolves

    embrace the wolves

  • (2017) Rise of the Data Engineer
  • Man, SSIS really stunk. You'd end up having to write your own components anyways and had the extra layer of making them look like pricey RAD toolkit bits to satisfy empty suits. And then you'd have to write SSIS packages that wrote SSIS packages to deal with fluid schemas from multiple teams deploying all of the time.

  • Is 1 and a half years too early to switch jobs?
  • 18 months is the Holmes limit at Bank of America and Wells Fargo - they terminate you and let you know when you start that it's going to happen. It's normal in fintech. But don't change without a funded and secured offer.

  • Editing config files safely
  • Go ahead and graduate to etckeeper if you're targeting /etc

  • What's stopping WebAssembly from effectively replacing JavaScript?
  • From a historical standpoint, there is also the bad blood of ActiveX, Flash, Silverlight and early Java applets that still leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. It has a slightly steeper uphill battle to fight.

  • Why do they keep making new languages
  • Generally the most supported language on the tool/platform you want to target is the best one. Like SQL on databases, JS/ES in browsers, python in data science related stuff, etc. If multiple are heavily supported then just pick the one that's the most comfortable.

  • Unpacking Google’s new “dangerous” Web-Environment-Integrity specification
  • It won't fly. Not when a popular red meat election year topic is breaking google up and one such year is just around the corner.

  • A developer's guide to prompt engineering and LLMs - The GitHub Blog A developer's guide to prompt engineering and LLMs - The GitHub Blog

    Prompt engineering is the art of communicating with a generative AI model. Learn how to build with LLMs and how we built GitHub Copilot.

    A developer's guide to prompt engineering and LLMs - The GitHub Blog
    is it just me or GitHub is turning into some sort of LinkedIn
  • I can think of surgeon examples but I've never heard of Recruiters Without Borders. Unless it's just CapGemini

  • is it just me or GitHub is turning into some sort of LinkedIn
  • Fintech is easy to deal with in this regard.

    "do you have code samples you can share?"

    "would you be happy if an employee interviewed elsewhere and used your codebase for work samples?"

  • Watch and play Flash with on the Internet Archive
  • How to make lots of friends and enrich the lives of everyone around you:

    1. Play Kenya
    2. Lock screen
    3. Go to lunch
  • Hadolint: Lint Dockerfiles from the Command Line Hadolint: Lint Dockerfiles from the Command Line

    Hadolint is a command line tool that helps you ensure your Dockerfiles follow best practices and parses your Dockerfile into an abstract syntax tree (AST).

    Hadolint: Lint Dockerfiles from the Command Line
    Distributed PostgreSQL Benchmarks: Azure Cosmos DB, CockroachDB, and YugabyteDB Distributed PostgreSQL Benchmarks: Azure Cosmos DB, CockroachDB, and YugabyteDB

    Microsoft recently discussed the results of distributed PostgreSQL benchmarks, comparing transaction processing and price performance for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, and Yugabyte. With different implementation trade-offs, the results show a higher throughput for Azure Cosmos DB but ...

    Distributed PostgreSQL Benchmarks: Azure Cosmos DB, CockroachDB, and YugabyteDB
    The 90s Developer Starter Pack
  • It's likely not the full story, but there were some crazy export restrictions in the 90s. Apple made a commercial poking at it:

  • Brave aims to curb practice of websites that port scan visitors Brave aims to curb practice of websites that port scan visitors

    Brave will allow users to choose which sites can access local network resources.

    Brave aims to curb practice of websites that port scan visitors

    Yeah, uh.... at least ublock's EasyPrivacy list catches most of them

    50% off voucher for AWS associate exams Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Services

    Join the Get AWS Certified: Associate Challenge and get a 50% discount on your AWS Certification exam, curated exam prep content, and more!

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) -  Cloud Computing Services

    Sign up before 09-29, take the exam before 10-31

    Discord Migrates Trillions of Messages from Cassandra to ScyllaDB Discord Migrates Trillions of Messages from Cassandra to ScyllaDB

    Discord has migrated trillions of message records from Apache Cassandra to ScyllaDB, reducing the size of the largest cluster from 177 Cassandra nodes to 72 ScyllaDB nodes and reducing tail latencies for reads and writes. The move has unlocked new product use cases because of the improved database s...

    Discord Migrates Trillions of Messages from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
    ndotb neil
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