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The United Auto Workers Are Looking to Unionize the Whole Auto Industry
  • Putting higher share of profits into workers' bank accounts strengthens aggregate demand. In other words more money for truck loans.

  • The Pensioner in its latest form
  • It's very good. I haven't seen signs of breakage yet and it's permanently loaded with 2.5kg of weight. I was considering an Arkel but it wouldn't have worked as well for my purpose. I've got a convertible Arkel pannier though!

    No kidding though, you look at a our made bags and outsource made ones, and there's a difference in price but not a huge one.

  • The Pensioner in its latest form
  • Not a Thudbuster but I used to have one before replacing it with this so I can provide even more info. 🫠 It's a Kinekt. I liked the Thudbuster and wouldn't ride without it. My back pain disappeared. That said the Kinekt is better. Specifically because there's a preload adjustment. The Thudbuster is either bouncy during normal riding or stiffer than you need it due to the nature of its adjustability. You put a different elastomer, each covering a range of weights. It's fine and it works, but the Kinekt allows for precise adjustment via preload to eliminate bounciness during normal riding. I think the Suntour NCX might be even better and it's cheaper if you don't care about its weight.

    I don't recall where I got them from anymore. I think I've had them for a decade now. 😂

  • The Pensioner in its latest form



    Soma Double Cross w/ Ritchey fork, 1x11 Shimano drivertrain, 500W rear hub, 400Wh battery, torque pedal assist, 16kg

    Canadian schools are experimenting with cellphone bans, but some parents say the devices are lifelines
  • It's an analogy. It's inaccurate as all analogies are. Yet it's useful to make the point that banning children from doing X or Y isn't unprecedented or unacceptable.

    Kids go to school for much more than what they learn in class. A fully formed human being that can function in a society requires a lot of social interaction training. That's what school is for in-between classes. If kids are staring down their phones during that time instead of interacting with each other, that training is lost. Worse, instead of that, they get trained on a false social reality as portrayed by whatever enshittified platform they're currently on, based on whatever behavior makes the most money today. Is this enough to visualize the damage phones in hallways cause?

  • Workaround for the performance issue with posting in large communities
  • Does this behaviour appear on other big instances? E.g.

  • 24TB of cheap RAIDZ1

    It was supposed to be a temporary setup but it's stayed like this for a while.

    neighbourbehaviour neighbourbehaviour

    Senior software guy. Android app/system, cloud, DevOps, IoT, embedded, automotive.

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