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A sign currently popping up in New York bodegas
  • I thought it was a reference to Tea Party.

  • It took me 16 years to figure out why I hate a Journey song. What song did you hated until you figured out why?
  • I really disliked how The Sopranos ended!

    Van Halen's Jump comes to mind first, although my reason is just how overplayed it was.

    I suppose one that I disliked a long while for a different reason is Bring Me to Life by Evanescence. I later remembered it was playing on the radio in my mother's car when we arrived at the hospital after I drove her and my sister into the city to say goodbye to my dying father. He died a few hours later.

  • Duplicate posts?
  • I sometimes see a series of 2-3 posts duplicated right after each other in my feed.


    Post A on instance X

    Post B on instance Y

    Another copy of post A on instance X

    Another copy of post B on instance Y

  • Weekly reminder to clear your Liftoff cache.
  • Thanks for the reminder. Mine was at 4 gigs.

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Yeah. US midwest, 46, learned in an '86 Toyota 4Runner nicknamed The Blue Beast. It was my only vehicle for a number of years.

  • Why did you choose your username?
  • I'm a nerd. I'm a Natalie. I'm a nerdy Natalie.

  • Question For Digital Readers
  • I'm on my second Kindle. They were both gifts and serve(d) their purpose well enough, but I intend to go in a different direction than Amazon next time.

  • Reddit Refugees on Lemmy, how are you guys liking lemmy so far?
  • I dig it. I lurked a few weeks before signing up. Feels freer, less stressful here so far. (Not for instance admins, I'm sure!) I miss some of the niche subs over there, but I'm adjusting. I've only tried wefwef and Liftoff so far, but will get around to giving more apps a shot, too. Using Firefox on mobile hasn't been bad either. As a creature of habit, I was a long time RIF user and imagine I'll eventually get attached to one for Lemmy.

  • nerdalie Nerdalie


    pan/polyfi/Progressive/tree hugger

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    Comments 8