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Bill Gates thinks of himself as 'very nice' compared to Elon Musk and Steve Jobs
  • You can find all the sources in the video description. I don’t see the video itself as a source, it’s a summary of many other sources.

  • Bill Gates thinks of himself as 'very nice' compared to Elon Musk and Steve Jobs
  • You can find all the sources in the video description. I don't see the video itself as a source, it's a summary of many other sources.

  • Bill Gates thinks of himself as 'very nice' compared to Elon Musk and Steve Jobs
  • Ne he's not. He uses his foundation to avoid taxes and even gets praised for it. This video provides a pretty good explanation:

  • Bill Gates thinks of himself as 'very nice' compared to Elon Musk and Steve Jobs
  • This video provides a great explanation, all sources can be found in the description

  • Bill Gates thinks of himself as 'very nice' compared to Elon Musk and Steve Jobs
  • Bill Gates and all of his billionaire friends can go fuck themselves. Billionaire philanthropy is the biggest lie of this century, this is a great video about it:

  • Jewish woman kicked out of cafe after complaining about antisemitic graffiti scrawled all over bathroom, getting berated by workers
  • "Zionism = Fascism"
    "Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide"
    "Free palestine"

    If you call this anti-semetic, you actually deserve to get kicked out. None of the messages even mention Jews, but Zionists can't accept any form of criticism so they just call everything antisemitic.

    Fuck Zionists

  • Removed
    Sen. Bernie Sanders opposes giving Israel $10 billion in aid
  • I am anti-zionist, as Zionists are anti-human rights, steal land from innocent people and see themselves as something better.

    Kill all Zionists

  • Removed
    Sen. Bernie Sanders opposes giving Israel $10 billion in aid
  • Ukraine had Soviet nukes, and gave them up for security guarantees with Russia.

    Ah yes, that worked out really well for Ukraine /s

    Trusting Russia is a mistake

  • Removed
    Sen. Bernie Sanders opposes giving Israel $10 billion in aid
  • Nothing unusual, Israel hates human rights and loves war crime.

  • US announces visa bans after warning Israel on West Bank settler violence
  • Fuck off and go back to reading the Jerusalem Post aka Israeli propaganda

  • Discord is on a quest to become a better messaging app
  • There's Revolt and Matrix, both are open source and can be self hosted.

  • Discord is on a quest to become a better messaging app
  • TIL that XMPP is defined in an RFC. You're correct, I wasn't aware of that. I really don't understand why the IETF take such a decision though. I don't know why these guys are defining high-level protocols for things like messaging at all.

    But back to your earlier points:

    For example you can't have end-to-end encryption if you use a non-standard protocol

    This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Matrix has E2EE while using a "non-standard" protocol. So does Signal, in fact, it created the strongest E2EE protocol out there.

    VC startups like Matrix only increase fragmentation of the ecosystem

    Every new project that is created increases fragmentation. So does Revolt, Discord, Skype, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, etc. These all use "non-standard" protocols.

    Also, the author of RFC 6120 is a Cisco employee, how is a multinational corporation better than a VC-funded startup? XMPP is an open standard, just like the Matrix protocol. It doesn't matter who created it.

  • PlayStation keeps reminding us why digital ownership sucks
  • Nah, they have a clause in their EULA which allows this, it's ridiculous. Piracy is the only solution.

  • Discord is on a quest to become a better messaging app
  • Who defines standard internet protocols and how is XMPP one of them??? "Standard internet protocols" are DNS, HTTP, TLS, etc.

  • Discord is on a quest to become a better messaging app
  • VCs suck, but Matrix is open source, everyone can self-host their own server, write their own client or even fork the entire protocol.

  • How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them

    Rarely a month goes by without big tech companies getting fined for price fixing, squashing competitors or misusing data, but it can take years before they pay a penny.

    How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them

    cross-posted from:

    > How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them::Rarely a month goes by without big tech companies getting fined for price fixing, squashing competitors or misusing data, but it can take years before they pay a penny.

    How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them

    Rarely a month goes by without big tech companies getting fined for price fixing, squashing competitors or misusing data, but it can take years before they pay a penny.

    How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them

    cross-posted from:

    > How big tech generated billions in fines... then didn't pay them::Rarely a month goes by without big tech companies getting fined for price fixing, squashing competitors or misusing data, but it can take years before they pay a penny.

    Open sourcing the app have you ever thought about making the app open source? I've used Connect for a little bit and I really like it, it would be really cool if the app was open source. You practically don't have anything to loose, as you don't sell the app or insert ads and trackers. Lemmy is an open-source plattform, and many (if not most) other apps are also open source, I think Connect should follow that direction. This would also allow you to publish the app on F-Droid.
