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With EVGA out of the GPU market, what brands are good options for a new GPU purchase?
  • Sadly, no one else is as good as EVGA was when it comes to the warranty.

  • I need help choosing components for my first desktop pc
  • A couple of questions:

    • Does the <1400€ target budget need to include a screen, keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc? If so, you'll probably want to set aside 3-400€ for those.
    • Do you think you'll prefer smoother gameplay (high refresh rate) or better graphics? (Higher resolution, ray tracing.)

    As others have said, and are both great sites for helping you pick out what parts to get. I also wanted to mention that logical increments has guides for screens, keyboards, mice, etc.

  • Non-commercial Open Source License?
  • I've worked at more than one job where I was told it was OK to use MIT, or Apacje-2.0 licensed things, but to not touch any GPL or AGPL software.

    So, even though there wasn't any non-commercial clause in the license, it's copyleft nature led to that effect at those businesses.

    In general, I like the balance that the GPL & AGPL strike - commercial use is allowed, but the company has to give back. The "condom code" thing that you mentioned is certainly less than ideal. I would prefer that businesses open up their full codebase. But, I think the more likely scenario is that they just don't use any open source at all (or they use it and violate the license!) I'd prefer condom code over either of those possibilities.

  • nfriedly nfriedly

    Husband, Dad, Minister, Programmer, Tinkerer

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