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Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • I'm totally fine with something like 540p or 480p, although I guess that's because my preference is good ol' TV shows that aired in the 90s or 00s over TV cable, so I'm fine with SDTV quality. And honestly, there's not much sense in downloading all seasons of, say, Ally McBeal in 4K when you can download 8 full glorious 90s shows with their entire seasons in SDTV in the same space.

    Even with "modern" stuff, I've seldom found a movie or TV show post 2012 that merits anything higher than 720p. I don't get why don't movie codecs get a multi-res options so that for example you can get the action scenes in 1080p, even 60fps if you want, but the melancholic scenes and the quiet drama scenes and the credits in 480p. Would save lots of space without losing quality where it matters.

  • What you wish had an active community here on the lemmyverse?
  • Oh I guess "an active community for fanfiction of this specific TV show or videogame I like to enjoy" would be far too niche, right?

    Fine, then I'll say immersive teaching (using dioramas, doing experiments on the field, etc... for teaching classes), and alone / 2-people living lifehacks (in particular in this economy).

  • An Important Hypothetical - What Android Apps Do You Install??
  • only half an hour

    no information on the internet connection quality

    Minetest I guess. Can't trust that I can get Retroarch plus the cores and games I want on time, and it's not worth the hassle for only 3 hrs drive.

  • Publishers are a cancer. Knowledge is meant to be shared, freely.
  • Doesn't publishing come after getting your stuff reviewed by peers?

    (But even if it's done after, then self-publishing then makes it easier for peers to get your work to review it, which should increase overall quality)

  • Twitter/ is now forcing you to disable Firefox's Enhance Tracking Protection.
  • Until the creators of the content you need switch, it's one of if not the hub where the content is.

    This would be easy to "solve" from the reader end if Nitter was still operational, but I haven't heard from the project or from any alternative in ages.

  • Is this about *Linux* gaming?

    Half serious question because I've been browsing this for a while, but, is this /c/ really about Linux gaming? Most if not every post is about Steam, Proton, Windows games, and Windows game companies. Feels more like /c/windowsgamingonlinux to me, which I'm not contra to but, I feel it deprives some naming space (good names are finite!) from something like... well, native Linux games.

    Could help if there was a way to tag posts that are not really about games for Linux.

    Chile los últimos ~200 años

    Los eventos climáticos e hidrológicos de estas últimas semanas me recuerdan una triste realidad de este país, que es lo ignorado que ha sido el aspecto hidrológico del medioambiente a la hora de la construcción y urbanización. Y, por supuesto, pic related.

    Dejo el espacio para pensamientos al respecto.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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