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As a linux user, do you know about/use openwrt?
  • About a million years ago, back in 2007/2008 that is, there was this small company called Hexago that did R&D in IPv6 networking, they were behind the Frenet6 project and created the networking stack and the TSP client that would let you tunnel a /56 IPv6 network over a dynamic IPv4 connection.

    One the projects was a tiny hardware router, I honestly forget who made it, but Hexago would buy them, then we would flash each one with WRT+TSP client custom image, the idea was you plug this in your network and you have IPv6 connection in your network without doing any magic configuration.

    It worked well until we lost finding.

    So yeah, OpenWRT is old and not just for Linksys routers :)

  • What’s your personal experience with “fake it ‘til you make it”?
  • Try 35 years

    Somehow I’m a “Unix Wizard” because I know how to read log files?

    Oh, and now I’m DevOps because I pythoned my way out of wet paper bag.

  • What's a simple logging service?
  • Take a look at openonserve

  • The Shamima Begum ruling proves it: some UK citizens are less equal than others
  • The issue is that this punishment establishes two classes of people. Those who can lose their citizenship because they can theoretically get another somewhere and those who cant.

    Imagine if this child was born in the UK to British parents and has no other possible nationalities, what then?

    When a country grants citizenship they should not be allowed to revoke it unless it was obtained fraudulently. Revoking citizenship should never be used as a form of punishment.

  • Dying Fetus - Not the Correct Time
  • Scumbag Steve

    Thanks for reminding me how old I am

  • This Lawmaker Wants to Jail People for Watching Porn
  • Jesus save us from your followers.

  • my old hostname is still active????
  • DHCP?

    Your old host registered an fqdn and did mnt remove it, then the new host registered the same ip to a different fqdn.

    It happens

    I have no idea what you are using for dhcp/dns but start by looking there

  • I feel like I'm missing out by not distro-hopping
  • I’ve been daily driving boring Debian since RedHat Linux 8 came out 20 years ago now. I tried switching to openSUSE and just didn’t see the point after a bit, so I switched back. The only time I’m not on Debian is when I’m playing with FreeBSD or NetBSD.

    Same for DE, I’ve been using XFCE for so long that I don’t get the fuss about pretty environments.

    Not hopping does not mean you’re missing out, boring can be good. Things are stable and stay out of the way of you doing actual work.

    There is a quote out there somewhere about how customizing FVWM can become an obsession.

    There is nothing wrong about hopping, as long as you are doing it for hobbyist reasons, at the end of day the only difference is the package manager and the DE.

    Good luck

  • TestFlight finally released for Lunar! (Lemmy + Kbin Client)
  • Looks good at first glance.

    I am testing login with 2FA but it doesn’t appear to be supported yet.

    I’ll keep browsing anonymously for now.

  • CIQ, Oracle and SUSE Create Open Enterprise Linux Association for a Collaborative and Open Future
  • RedHat originally had one distribution called “RedHat Linux”, not to be confused with RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

    RedHat Linux was free, you can buy support if you want, and there was also RedHat Advanced Server, which was a paid subscription.

    In 2002, the company rebranded Advanced Sever to RHEL and discontinued RedHat Linux, pissing off a lot of people off.

    This started people working on multiple binary compatible distributions, the one that dominated the market was CentOS.

    20 years later, the cycle is repeating.

  • CIQ, Oracle and SUSE Create Open Enterprise Linux Association for a Collaborative and Open Future
  • Remember why CentOS (and WhiteBox) came to exist?

    This is not the first time RedHat pulls that stunt, this is the reason I stick to pure Debian.

    I like SUSE, but I’m hesitant of relying on another commercial entity although business requires it.

    For now Deb and Ian are the safest bet and my daily driver since 2002, they have not let me down.

  • [Self Promo] My Lemmy client, Bean is now available on TestFlight
  • I’ve been using it for a couple of days now. Very nice so far

    Keep up the great work.

  • vmware nixx
    Creating a local VMwae software mirror using aac-lib/vsm

    I needed to have a local mirror of VMware software, and logging into, downloading, and then uploading was becoming tiresome.

    I tried the VMware software solution, but:

    1. Windows only
    2. Borke all the time.

    Then I found this:


    It needs several packages pre-installed, but it mostly takes care of everything, as of now, it is running on a CentOS machine, the following script is running via cron daily, you will need to git pull acc-lib first.

    ``` #!/bin/bash

    _USERNAME="my vmware account" _PASSWORD="my vmware password"

    cd ~aac-lib/vms git pull

    for _REPO in $(cat ~/vmware-repos.txt) do ./ -c -y -nc --symlink --fav $_REPO -u $_USERNAME -p $_PASSWORD done ``` Content of the vmware-repos.txt are similar to this, if you run you will understand the naming convention

    Datacenter_Cloud_Infrastructure_VMware_Tools_12_x_VMware_Tools Datacenter_Cloud_Infrastructure_VMware_vSphere_8_0_Enterprise_Plus Infrastructure_Operations_Management_VMware_vRealize_Log_Insight_8_8

    And here is a sample .vsmrc to get you started, I put everything in /data, which is a separate partition of about 4TB at the moment:

    repo='/data/vmware-content' cdir='/data/vmwarevsmxml' symlink=1

    I then export the vmware-content directory via a web server, just a nginx with FancyIndexing enabled, and also via NFS and FTP.

    If you need more details, ask away.

    I have been using this for a couple of years now, it rarely fails me.

    Cannot login to custom instances


    App looks good.

    Browsing anonymously for now.

    Trying to login to but the submit button does nothing

    Not sure what info is needed

    Nota: I use 2FA for login if that’s relevant

    Anyone know what happened to
  • I’m using right now.

    Maybe you’re blocked for some reason.

  • vmware nixx
    This is just a placeholder


    ExVMW here, just creating this as a place holder in case it is needed

    I will be happy to hand it over to any mods from r/vmware
