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Feeling Overwhelmed Picking Door Sensors

I'm looking for door & window contact sensors and motion sensors to replace an old Simon 3 ADT security system. I've read a lot of posts and such and I'm still having a hard time picking out sensors that will work with an existing Smarthings v2 Hub (currently used for lights) and eventually Home Assistant once life calms down a bit more and I have time to go through all the setup. As I understand it, matter/thread support was added in the v3 hub so I don't have this on my ST v2.

I'd like to avoid anything from Amazon and locally functioning sensors are preferred.

Can anyone advise on how to pick good devices? There seems to be tons of info out there, but I'm having trouble sifting through it for the info I need. This is a surprise for a family member who has been considering replacing an older system. I'd like to get it in place before they have the chance to buy a crappy, locked down, spyware riddled system from a company like Amazon so that I can be sure everything will transition smoothly to Home Assistant later.

Why You Should Self-Host Everything
  • Nextcloud was somewhat difficult for me the first time I installed it, though I did have a usable system in the end. Then I discovered Nextcloud AIO and haven't had an issue since.

  • Self-hosted alternative to synology drive?
  • I'm no expert. I want to include that disclaimer up front.

    Nextcloud with block storage on btrfs with snapshots seems like it could work for you. No idea about VFS though. I'll leave that question for someone more knowledgeable. The "drive" portion of Nextcloud is quite decent. I regularly use it to pass large files between my phone (Android), laptop (Linux) and gaming desktop (Windows).

  • Reminder...
  • If enough people vote third party, it's supposed to pull the big two towards them to recapture those voters. If the Dems aren't courting these voters, it's their fault and an indication that they can't be trusted to represent us. Instead, they ignored us completely and will continue down the same bullshit paths that brought us here. If we don't vote third party, nothing will change because the Dems view us as suckers who will fall in line. That's why they shamelessly did Bernie dirty. Biden and the Dems have been flopping around their hardon for Israel while it's obviously splitting their base. It's almost like they want to lose.

    Having said all that, I may vote for Biden this time anyway because I told myself long ago that I would vote for the first prez who rescheduled or legalized cannabis.

  • US can’t meet EV copper demand, study finds
  • Interestingly, a similar problem as with bike infrastructure. The infrastructure isn't useful until a lot of it is built and it connects everywhere (and timetables get shorter for trains). The infrastructure won't pass public opinion until it's proven to be useful to people. I will always vote yes on funding these projects even if I think they will bomb because it puts us a little closer to the peak of that hill. Its still frustrating though. We could easily do like we did with the freeways if we just decided it was worth building.

  • US can’t meet EV copper demand, study finds
  • Agreed. I love trains and it frustrates me to see them bungling the implementation. When they try, they always seem to make the same mistakes trying to bring it to my area.

    To see meaningful ridership out here, the train needs to go fast enough to negate the penalty you get at the other end when you have to go from the station to your destination. They wanted to run them at ~55-70mph here, with a few stops between major cities, to parallel a freeway that is 65-75mph. Drive 1 hour (1:10 with parking) or spend 2 hours going to the station, riding a slow train, then going from the station to where you are going? I hate cars, but as someone who only gets a handful of hours to myself after sleep, work, and chores, I'm going to save my time and pick the car. If they ever build the train, as it is planned right now, it'll just be another commuter train that's only really used at rush hour when the roads are jammed rather than an all day all week car replacement solution that I can ride to Sunday night dinner at a friends house as easily as a 6am meeting.

    /un-requested rant

  • Self-balancing commuter pods ride old railway lines on demand
  • Something that stuck with me from at least a decade back was multimodal transit, aka cars that can become trains and vice versa. Imagine driving your low speed cargo pod car thing to the local train station and hitching together with a bunch of others before making the hour trip to a neighboring city on rails at high speed only to split up automatically at the other end and continue to your separate destinations. Its a combination of the efficiencies of transit and the freedoms of an individualized last mile solution. It reduces the need for freeways without hurting mobility at the origin/ destination.

  • Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 EQ review | Urban Electric Bike of the Year winner
  • I've probably had the seat post for about a year. I had one before on my father's bike which I rode from time to time, but it seems they've come a long ways since then. When I put one on the Turbo Vado I fell in love with it. I used to stand up for big cracks in the sidewalk or when dropping off pavement onto a dirt path, but now I just float over all those little obstacles while continuing to pedal and without transferring a bunch of shocks straight to my sit bones. It's an odd feeling at first, but I don't feel like I gave anything up for the extra comfort: not speed, not weight, not handling... it just isolates me from small to medium sized bumps. I did have to move my rear reflector a little bit and I moved my second taillight to an under seat mount so it wouldn't interfere with the seat post. Installation was DIY and my post came with a few extra springs to tune it to the rider's weight.

  • Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 EQ review | Urban Electric Bike of the Year winner
  • Yeah, I think the main difference with the 5 is the carbon fork and the bike can do some assist adjustments where it will increment the assist up or down based on how far you tell it you are going to make sure your battery takes you the whole way, or to keep your power/heart rate or something at a set value. I don't need that stuff, but I did find my butt determined a suspension seat post was the single biggest improvement to the bike.

  • Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 EQ review | Urban Electric Bike of the Year winner
  • I have the 4.0 EQ and love it. It's no electric motorcycle, you do have to pedal, but if feels incredibly natural and it's light enough to keep going when the battery dies and not feel like a wheelbarrow full of lead bricks. 9/10 with 1 point docked because the way the charge cord sticks into it is dumb and makes the $100+ power adaptor susceptible to damage.

  • I tried to ride Trek’s new ebike up the steepest hill in Seattle — and it didn’t go as planned
  • I bought a mid drive with a small motor because I wanted to put in some effort. If I had gone in with the idea that I was going to buy an electric motorcycle with pedals, I'd also be disappointed at the current crop of ebikes. There are some gems out there, but a 250w hub isn't going to do mush for you unless you already live somewhere nice and flat.

  • 'Pretty remarkable': UBC study finds e-bike rebates led to decreased car use
  • I live in the suburbs. Luckily, my city has a somewhat good trail network that can take me 10-15 miles to downtown and I only have to cross a handful of roads at grade. There are places I can't easily get to with a bike, but the number of places I can get to is much larger than I had thought. A lot of these paths and routes weren't known to me because they run along creeks and drainages where I can't see them easily from the road.

    On a recent weekday during evening rush hour, I found myself speeding down the freeway at a whopping 5mph wishing I had ridden my bike.

    To be fair, there are a lot of places in the suburbs that aren't bikeable at all, but I think people would be surprised.

  • Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles
  • I wish more people, more ordinary non-Lemmings, understood this.

    Even if you can't get everywhere with a bike, you can definitely go some places. Last year, completely on accident, I went a whole month only using my car twice. 90% of my trips were to the grocery store and other close-by destinations.

    Electric cars are just an evolution of the status quo designed as a pressure valve to prevent the momentum for real change from building up.

  • What is the Perfect Price Point for a Hardtail MTB?

    Hello fellow internet cyclists,

    I did my fair share of extreme stuff as a teen, but most of my adult cycling has been trips around town on paved or gravel trails. I ride 1200-1500 miles a year. I've been wanting to get back into mountain bikes because my main enjoyment in cycling comes from the exploration and discovery aspect of things and I've worn out my city's paved trail network. I live in a mountainous area with good trail access. Also most of the group rides around here tend to be off road.

    In general I find that spending money on a lot of things works in the same way. You have to spend a certain amount to get upgraded from Teemu/Wish/Amazon trash to a good reputable product with parts support and consistent quality. You can also keep spending money forever to get increasingly marginal improvements.

    What have you found to be the sweet spot for features vs price in a hardtail MTB?

    I've considered the Trek Fuse Sport, the Salsa Rangefinder Diore 11, Canondale Habit HT3, Trek Rosco 7, but I'm open to hearing other Lemming's experiences. I'm a thin guy but approx 6'4" (195cm) tall.

    Lastly, are any of the bike brands known for being particularly anti right to repair? I'd like to avoid supporting people who want to limit my freedom and I want to be sure I can get a wide range of compatible parts at a good price.

    What do you call a CPA and Tax Advisor?

    Location: USA

    I need advice on investments. I want someone to do my taxes, or at least advise me.

    I've always done my own taxes and managed my investments. I'm looking for someone to help me with investment strategy. I know to look for a fiduciary as they are required to act in my interest. I also want to talk to someone who can help me leverage and optimize investment losses that I might experience to offset my income.

    Obviously I'm not looking for an actual name or business. I'm just not sure what the business name or job title is for someone who does all of this so I can locate someone locally. Basically what is a CPA combined with an investment advisor called? Or how do I get my investment advisor and tax preparer to collaborate on strategy?

    NYC Congestion Pricing

    Has anyone found any good videos explaining NYC congestion pricing? Most of what I'm finding are fear mongering news clips. I understand there is some subtlety to the issue and I was hoping some urbanist/bike/traffic engineering/numtot youtubers would have done an in depth review explaining whats good and whats not.

    micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility njordomir
    Hitch Size: 2" vs 1.25"

    I'm putting a hitch on my car so I can take my bike to some state parks in the Spring. UHaul will install a 2" or 1.25" hitch with or without a "hidden crossbar". I know little about cars and towing.

    How badly will I restrict my rack choice by opting for the cheaper 1.25"? I won't be using this for anything but bikes.

    Action Cams on Linux (i.e. GoPro, DJI, Canon, etc)

    Hi folks. I've been running some form of Linux since about 2006 or so. Hardware support has gotten so much better, and yet here I am, looking for personal experiences people have had using action cams with their Linux based operating systems. I've done research on this, but most of the info I've found is out of date or barely-relevant AI-generated tech chum-buckets. I'd prefer your individal experiences as fellow linux users, good or bad. Product recommendations are okay, but I'm also interested in broader observations. I'm hoping to record some footage on my bicycle, a chop it up on my computer later. I'm particularly interested in:

    • Do you own an action cam and does it work with Linux?
    • What totally rad sport/hobby do you use it for?
    • Are there things that kind-of work, or are crippled versus on a non-Linux OS.
    • Are you able to update the firmware over Linux or from he device itself? (I have windows for emergencies, but prefer not to use it.
    • How does the device mount and have you had issues with file transfers?
    • Is there any special software that helps you use your device, for example "piper" can help me configure fancy mice.
    • Can you use your device as a webcam?

    Thank you for any insight you can provide.

    This is what my HRV looked like when I started to feel sick and resumed training too soon.

    As I understand it, HRV - Heart Rate Variability allegedly measures the spacing in beats. More variability means your body is chillin' and relaxed; less variability means something is physically stressing you, like sickness, lack of sleep, etc.

    At the end of Aug, I was starting to feel under the weather so I cut back on training and spent some time resting. Eager to not lose momentum, I headed out on a 40 mile bike ride as soon as my HRV was almost back to normal and pushed it right back down again.

    Lesson learned: err on the side of giving yourself too much time to recover. Hope you found it interesting!

    Considering Hosting NAS/Server

    Hello SelfHosted!

    I've been a Linux enthusiast since ~2006, but I still have gaps in my knowledge and I would not consider myself a "fully-competent" Linux server admin at this point in time. I have to read a lot and ask a lot of questions to figure out things more knowledgeable users may do in their sleep. I'm gonna call myself "begintermediate".

    I'm working on simplifying my storage, backups, and general digital hygiene. I have multiple devices split across two locations and I end up having to use hard drives to periodically move files back over to my main desktop for sorting and archiving. If I want to access older files, I have to copy them from my main storage on the desktop to a hard drive, my NextCloud, or whatever device I want to access them on. I would like to avoid this drudgery by moving my file storage to a NAS (don't really even need access outside the network, though it could be useful if I understood it enough to keep it secure). I also hope to simplify by backups in some way because currently all my devices just back up to a different pair of portable drives one of which I hand-carry offsite.


    • 4TB+ storage to start
    • Expandability, I don't know how storage needs will change over time, but 32TB seems like a fair upper end before wanting to update the whole system.
    • Would like to be able to run a few docker images for things like media server, open project, restyaboard, etc. I'm not sure if it makes sense to do this on the NAS or just get a simple NAS and do this stuff in a VM on my laptop or with a Rasberry Pie.
    • I don't particularly want to spend more than $600 to get started, but wouldn't mind having empty bays for later as I currently don't have too much data.


    • 1-4 TB (someday up to 32TB) of files (docs, books, photos, videos, device backups, configs & code snippets, etc.)
    • Video, Photo, Music Access via Android Devices
    • Video and Photo access via a media portal (like plex or open media vault)
    • Would consider moving nextcloud here (currently on the public cloud) if uplink is fast enough.
    • Some sort of access via iDevice would be nice in case I want to give another some storage space.


    1. Does it make sense to mix my uses, i.e. media server, open project, etc. co-existing with file server for my docs and general files. Can I segregate portions for only local access?

    2. I don't have tons of time to maintain this. Nextcloud hasn't been a pain, I log in here and there and make sure everything is updated (nextcloud and the server) and I run the NextCloud security scan to make sure I get an A+. Does it make sense to go for something like the better Synology NASs that can run docker images or would it provide better affordability/functionality to use a mini-pc or a FBmarketplace/craigslist slim pc hooked up to a drive enclosure or something else frankenstein-y. I don't mind doing basic maintenance, but I can't afford to spend every other weekend rebuilding things.

    3. I have a dead WD MyBook Live and MyBook Cloud on my shelf. WD never updated them to fix the critical security issues, I missed the 40% off upgrade window, and they're not safe to run with network access. They also sucked even when they were new. I want to avoid products doomed to become dead-end abandonware before I'm ready to upgrade. Are there NAS brands that are known to be better/worse with this? How does homemade NAS fare as far as hardware support and having to upgrade/rebuild when OS versions change.

    4. Can I purchase/build a simple NAS that I use for storage and serve the files for my media server through a different device like my laptop? Is this better/worse than just streaming from the NAS itself or will I not notice in most cases?

    5. It sounds like some of the pre-built machines can use drives of different sizes which would allow me to re-use the barely used drives inside of the WD devices. Do any of the self-build solutions allow for this.

    6. I would LOVE some book/media/community recommendations for digital hygiene and how to handle store, backup, maintain the deluge of information in our modern lives.

      All in all, I would appreciate any insight on a solution that gives a good balance between features & configuration, affordability. and maintenance time-investment. I figure a community of enthusiasts is a better place to learn than marketing copy.

      Thank you for any help you can provide!

    Can any applications or services other than Strava generate a personal heatmap from my cycling data?

    Hello Fellow Fitness Focused Lemmings!

    I started biking more a few years ago for fitness purposes and the thrill of exploration. Strava has a feature where you can overlay all your rides on top of a map that you can pan and zoom in and out on. They call this the "Personal Heatmap". I always try to cover new ground and explore places I haven't been and (as a map nerd) it gives me a thrill to see all my tracks and even the epic long distance rides I did on trips or a few years back.

    1. Does anyone else know of any other applications or programs that can do this?

    I like how Strava shows the "heat" (how many times you've been through a particular route will change the color), but this is not absolutely essential for me. Most important is that I can put all my GPX files on top of a map in a giant messy web of everywhere I've been.

    Extra credit goes to any recommendations of FOSS solutions because my main motivation here is to make sure that I can persist my data even if I am not using Strava anymore.

    1. Additionally, if you know of any other communities on Lemmy that might be well-positioned to answer these questions, I would appreciate your insights as well.
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