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In a U.S. First, a Commercial Plant Starts Pulling Carbon From the Air
  • absolute bullshit, it burns more in carbon to run those machines than it takes out, this is making shit worse at an accelerated pace

  • Electorialism (tempted to vote biden)
  • I say wait for election day and flip a coin, that's basically how elections are determined, the arbitrary whims of the margin of people in swing states who go out to vote or not. You're individual vote does not make any difference in the absence of mass organized action, and the Democrats are terrified of exactly that kind of mass organization because otherwise they wouldn't be so secure in running corporate puppets like Biden.

  • Electorialism (tempted to vote biden)
  • If you wanna be realistic about it Voting in any state other than a swing state is basically 'throwing your vote away' : Vote Blue in a Blue State you're just throwing it in a pile, Vote Blue in a Red State it's just as much a symbolic protest vote as anything else. Only in a swing state will your Vote make a tangeable difference which is why those are the only states either party even campaigns in for the most part.

  • We should not disregard or disrespect Cornel West’s candidacy for president of the United States

    { West is not responsible for Biden’s low approval rating among likely Democratic voters.

    It is fanciful to think that those voters will vote for Biden in large numbers if West is not on their ballot as the Green Party presidential candidate in 2024. A convenient fanciful notion is — wait for it — fanciful, no matter how much we might enjoy it. The fact that it is convenient, or even desirable, does not make the notion credible, let alone persuasive.

    Voters who hold lukewarm views about Biden’s presidency have several options. Some will vote for him anyway. Others might vote for a third-party candidate (such as West) with whom they more strongly agree. Some voters might decide to “stay home.”

    People concerned about West’s Green Party campaign for the U.S. presidency do not think that disgruntled and lukewarm Democratic voters are likely to vote for Trump, or for any of the other politicians currently campaigning to be chosen as the Republican Party nominee in 2024. They fear that Trump’s right-wing base of white religious nationalists, neofascist imperialists, military adventurist and free market capitalists will vote Trump back into power unless disgruntled and lukewarm Democratic voters re-elect Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

    But if Biden cannot persuade voters that he deserves their votes, no one should blame West. Instead, we should admit that those voters are free to vote for a presidential candidate whose record squares with their views and values.

    They owe Biden no political fealty and are not required to serve the interests of the neoliberal capitalists who run the Democratic Party, whether West runs for president or not. Their voting preferences should be based on their realities, their histories and their hopes. }

    Wind-powered cargo ship sets sail in a move to make shipping greener
  • my opinion is those boats are too damn big

  • Wind-powered cargo ship sets sail in a move to make shipping greener
  • you know they used to have these things called sail boats

  • What does it mean to be a threat? A very nice little campaign video

    you can download the video here

    West addressed Tax / Child Support Scandal

    "For the past 50 years, I have been facing heavy financial responsibilities to family and friends. I have always made my priceless children a high priority - even with lavish treatments that are not in the records. The wave of IRS audits, fees, liabilities, levees, and liens have always been and are now resolved based on agreements set in place years ago. I do believe that we all should pay our fair share of taxes, especially the top 1%! Like the 63% of my hard-working fellow citizens, I live paycheck to paycheck with dignity and determination!#PeopleOverProfits"

    "The Biden Team Realizes, When it's Trump Vs Biden and there are no Alternatives, they do Well"

    Interesting Clip, the Biden team are counting on Trump being the nominee, Looking for "Rematch" of 2020, don't want any "Variables"

    Joe Biden’s DOJ Is Claiming “There Is No Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate”
  • Part of it is due process, but it also means you have the right to not be killed by the actions of the government without being found guilty of a crime.

  • Joe Biden’s DOJ Is Claiming “There Is No Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate”
  • People who are saying "this is technically correct" forget that The 9nth amendment says this

    "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

    Which is to say, Just because a right isn't explicitly enumerated in the constitution does not mean the people don't retain that right. I would think the right to not have the planet not be destroyed by Fossil Fuel Companies would fall under that, along with clean and and water and all the rest.

  • Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers
  • it's time for a decentralized unionized taxi app

  • Forget ‘quiet quitting’ — ‘loud laborers’ are killing workplace morale. Here’s how to spot them
  • it's amazing there are people who's job it is to write this bullshit

  • Cornel West invokes Legacy of Kronstadt, Council Communists
  • full disclosure: I run a cornel west shill sub if anyone's interested !

  • Cornel West invokes Legacy of Kronstadt, Council Communists

    When asked which Economic Model Does he Prefer Cornel West had this to say

    { When you think about self respect, when you think about self determination, when you think about self defense, that comes from a bottom up orientation.

    What does a democratic economy look like? It doesn't look like a capitalist economy. Capitalism is not a democratic form of organizing at the workplace, it's heirarchal, so I'm for workers control.

    Am I a socialist? certainly there's a strong socialist dimension to what I'm talking about but that's just a moment... but we've got spiritual and cultural dimensions that go far beyond isms, far beyond ideoogies.

    In the communist tradition I would be closer to council communists than the vanguard communists "the Soviets Without Bolshevicks" that's what happened at the Kronstadt Rebellion when they were crushed. Soviets are Workers Organizations whereas the Vanguard Party were imposing their will upon the Workers Organizations so that the workers counciles got crushed. So people like Pannakoek or Gorder(?) . . . These are so called Council Communist who become revolutionary socialists critical of Vanguard Parties orientation... }

    "If Our Democracy is to Survive the Empire Must Be Dismantled"

    This Is why Americans don't have Healthcare

    map taken from here

    read more on US military bases around the world

    The US embargo of Cuba is a Moral Disgrace

    Biden could end the embargo of Cuba with a stroke of the pen, but he won't.

    Exposing Biden's Hypocricy

    This is a thread for everything that exposes Joe Biden for the White Supremacist Corporate Sex Pest that he is.

    Please, Keep it factual i.e. from as reputable sources as possible: No Conspiracy Theories.

    This quote is from a 93 speech pushing his crime bill, Full transcript here and partial video here

    >The consensus is: A) We must take back the streets. It doesn't matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter, or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents - it doesn't matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn't matter whether or not they had no background that would enable them to have, to become, uh, to become, uh, become socialized into the fabric of society. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons.

    > So I don't want to ask, "What made them do this?" They must be taken off the streets! That's number one. There's a consensus on that! The Democratic Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, the Democratic President of the United States of America, the Democratic Attorney General, the Republican Leader, the Republican leader of this effort, Senator Hatch, the Republican Senator from Texas, we all agree on that.

    > Now we can find some “fringe folks” in the study groups on the right wing and left wing, Libertarians and, uh, uh, and “left wingers” in my party who say, "No. That's not what we should do," but politically that consensus has been arrived at. I acknowledge there was not that consensus in the Sixties. There is today.

    Cornel West Interview Master List

    This thread if for posting interviews; either in video, audio or written format. I'm making this for or the sake of not spamming up up the sub/server

    Partial or Full Transcripts of videos/audio is also needed so we can make memes with them 🖌


    1. Full length or longish videos preferred, but any length ( from tiktok etc. ) is okay
    2. Include a few notes / description and maybe a standout quote, maybe link to transcript
    3. No Reaction or Commentary Videos, this is for raw unmediated Cornel West

    Post What You Got

    Dem Rep Dean Phillips of Minnesota calls on Biden to "Pass the Torch" to another presidential candidate
  • I don't like JFK Jr, at all but how is he a "spoiler" if he's running in the primaries? I thought 3rd parties are spoilers.

  • Dem Rep Dean Phillips of Minnesota calls on Biden to "Pass the Torch" to another presidential candidate
  • Absolutely, which is why the Democrats need to embrace progressive policies that are supported by the vast majority of americans like Universal Healthcare and Marijuana Legalization.

    Also, how did LBJ pass the Civil Rights Act when half of his own party were Dixiecrats?

  • In 2017 DNC Lawyers Argued DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms: The Courts Agreed DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms

    Attorneys claim the words ‘impartial’ and ‘evenhanded’—as used in the DNC Charter—can’t be interpreted by a court of law.

    DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms

    tldr: The DNC argued in court that they have the right to rig their primaries, and in the end the courts sided with them: the DNC is legally entitled to rig their primaries

    { Jared Beck, the attorney representing Sanders supporters in the class action lawsuit [said this in court]

    “People paid money in reliance on the understanding that the primary elections for the Democratic nominee—nominating process in 2016 were fair and impartial,” Beck said. “And that’s not just a bedrock assumption that we would assume just by virtue of the fact that we live in a democracy, and we assume that our elections are run in a fair and impartial manner. But that’s what the Democratic National Committee’s own charter says. It says it in black and white. And they can’t deny that.” He added, “Not only is it in the charter, but it was stated over and over again in the media by the Democratic National Committee’s employees, including Congresswoman Wassermann Schultz, that they were, in fact, acting in compliance with the charter. And they said it again and again, and we’ve cited several instances of that in the case.”

    Later in the hearing, attorneys representing the DNC claim that the Democratic National Committee would be well within their rights to “go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.” By pushing the argument throughout the proceedings of this class action lawsuit, the Democratic National Committee is telling voters in a court of law that they see no enforceable obligation in having to run a fair and impartial primary election.

    The DNC attorneys even go so far as to argue that the words “impartial” and “evenhanded”—used in the DNC Charter—can’t be interpreted by a court of law. Beck retorted, “I’m shocked to hear that we can’t define what it means to be evenhanded and impartial. If that were the case, we couldn’t have courts. I mean, that’s what courts do every day, is decide disputes in an evenhanded and impartial manner]

    if you're wondering how the case turned out here's the wikipedia:

    { Their suit was dismissed by Judge William Zloch of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida for lack of standing.[1] The judge found that none of the plaintiffs had claimed to have donated to the DNC on the basis of promises contained in the DNC charter, and therefore the plaintiffs could not claim to have incurred damages.[1] The court held that "To the extent Plaintiffs wish to air their general grievances with the DNC or its candidate selection process, their redress is through the ballot box, the DNC’s internal workings, or their right of free speech — not through the judiciary." }

    see also:

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • another thing you should never do is look into private trackers

  • Twitter is throttling traffic to websites Elon dislikes
  • true. I know a lot of people are in similar situations, that's what kept me on facebook for years. I'll just say at this point, twitter could just die any day now, starting DMing people if you haven't already and find another way to say in touch.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Personally I prefer to just not pay for anything exept internet and torrent and stream everything for free, much cheaper, no restrictions

  • How Signal walks the line between anarchism and pragmatism
  • Matrix is hella buggy, Session part of the lokinet weird ancap crypto scheme, XMPP is god tier

    Briar, now that's a thingy

  • How Signal walks the line between anarchism and pragmatism
  • I had a conversation with a cryptographer who worked for Wickr he says none of the DoD or other government agents he knew trusted Signal 🤔 - personally I use Signal with my mom or personal friends as like the bottom tier of security, because metadata is a real thing, they don't have to actually know what you're talking about. Just using a phone number itself tells you most everything feds need to know if they're really after you.

    if you actually want privacy use XMPP

  • I made a Cornel West sub if anyone's interested


    I really never expected to be shilling for a candidate like this, but I've been a fan of Cornel West for over 10 years, I don't agree with him on everything ( i'm not a christian) he's the only candidate talking about Cop City or Prison Abolition, he has a better stance on Israel than many leftists, he's constantly name dropping revolutionaries like CLR James or Angela Davis, he say of his campaign that it's "looking at the world through the eyes of what Franz Fanon called The Wretched of the Earth" and saying other things I would never Imagine a Presidential candidate ever saying in a million years. So I think he's gonna get a big following and educate/radicalize a lot of people, maybe even de-radicalize some right wingers.

    Anyway that's my spiel, if you're unsure about West's politics -- there has been a lot of just bad faith takes and misinformation out there -- I implore you to listen to one of his recent interviews, like this one with the Mau Mau hour

    >"In the socialist tradition I would be closer to council communists than vanguard communists, you know "the Soviets Without Bolshevicks" that was what happened at the Kronstadt rebellion when they were Crushed. Soviets were workers organizations so that the vanguard parties were imposing their will upon the workers organizations so that the workers councils got crushed, So people like Pannekoek.. "

    come hang out at !

    When you call a strike you gotta draw a line: Which side are you on?

    okay, last one for today

    Image Description: A photo of striking Writers, the text reads: "With these strikes going on: Amazon, Hollywood, UPS,etc. I'm in full scale solidarity with Trade Union Workers even when the Leadership is racist and sexist and often side with the bosses. I'm about workers unionism rather than business unionism...

    ...but when you call a strike you gotta draw a line: Which Side Are You On? Democrats and Republicans all walking on the bosses side, the same with Cop City..."

    I hope ya'll downvoters know you're only motivating me to do more 😄

    o_0 lumpen2

    just a weird little guy

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