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Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • i with queer on this one, u should keep then from smartphones and similar due to it is not a reward for good behavior, it is a sedative to keep your child under control, and that is bad parenting, specially with how internet works now with shorts videos, content farm sewage, my nephew watches this i'm horrified with what i've seen.

    ofc, today we can't shut someone off completely off screens nor play the reactinary macho that started to hunt dear at the age of 3, u can let him watch cartoons, movies or play video games, on tv ofc and for a limited time per day, consume stuff that is mind engaging instead of dopamin bombs we have on internet. and depending turns it into a bonding activity, like watch a movie together, play video games, discuss the movie after and so on.

    but as queer said, focus primarily on physical stuff, going outside, specially with other children, estimule the habit of reading since a early age, it will be helpful in life.

  • Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • if they cause any damage, instead of going berserk on the child then clean it up, make the child repair the damage while explaining things. even tho force is a no, moral punishment is fair game, like temporally not permitting x activity or object due to poor behavior. and lastly going the other way around, reward good behavior without spoiling the child, to maybe create in him a sense of being productive instead of paranoia from being punished for small things.

    idk, maybe I'm just projecting how i wanted to the raised because i was raised like a inmate, looked the wrong direction get the stick, instead of this turning me in to a upstanding person the only things i learned was to shut myself in, lie, cheat and wiggle my way out of situations to avoid punishment.

    anyway i think you gonna do great, since you are showing concern now, instead on winging it and possibly taking revenge on what was done to you on your own child.

  • Ukraine was a magnet for foreign fighters. After 2 bruising years, many are disillusioned or dead.
  • thank you president putin for getting rid of fascists world wide, trully.

  • Antony Blinken's guitar diplomacy draws criticism in Ukraine
  • that was the michael scottiest thing I've ever seen.

  • The deprogram server 😭
  • I've been reading a little, i got recommended the mentioned texts here on lemmygrad, not gonna lie that trying to learn philosophy has been a frustrating endeavor, to the point that i don't even know how to properly judge the quality of theory he produced, so i do rely on other people to help sort some thoughts.

    i do know his about his achievements as a leader and why west demonizes him so much, ik it is stupid to use liberals as a compass, anyway, i will keep trying to read more.

  • The deprogram server 😭
  • are they trots or something else? im reading a little book called What is Dialects by Alexandre Konder, a brazilian author, he goes to similar points, he says that there was metaphysics tendencies growing in communists parties around europe, especially in germany with Berninstein, then Lenin dissed the shit out of everyone in What is to be done, to correct these tendencies, that made possible due to Lenin deep understanding of hegelian dialects, then everything went to crap when Stalin came to power because he despised theory, but had a amazing ability to make didactic examples like in the text historical materialism and dialectical materialism, but still weak on hegel, something something that paved way to revisionists like kruchov to rise.

    i felt compelled to translate the part and bring to you guys, but coincidentally the subject came up, so, what is the deal with that? is any of this true that stalin wasn't up in theory and didn't understood stuff?

  • I am so tired of Youtube man, David Zhang's (Falun gong shill) contents keep showing on Youtube
  • if you disable view history, they remove the front page, which is a win imo.

    also I've seen people from multiple countries complaining about similar things, getting recommendations from far right media even tho they are lefties, I've watching mostly left content since 2021, now and then i get recommended far right outlet and personalities even after blocking then, while channels that i subscribe don't send notifications.

    yt and any other imperialist monopoly were always like that, but ot has gotten considerably worse lately, so something important is happening and we are not seeing it.

  • Chaos during floods in brazil
  • an update to you, since u talked about extracting taxes and land.

    the governor of the state published a monetary fund account for peoples donation, turns out that this fund isn't governmental, it is a private fund made my banks to fucking steal money from people trying to help the affected by the rains.

    i get why lenin died of multiple strokes, it is impossible to be a fucking human being without getting stressed as fuck.

  • Chaos during floods in brazil
  • yeah, i donated a little to mtst, wish i could donate more, but im unemployed. something that pisses me off is that when the crises pass, groups like mst and mtst will be persecuted again, after making thankless efforts to help people.

  • F-22 Raptor involved in ‘mishap’ during Georgia training exercise
  • .do nothing

    .enemy destroy itself

    . win

  • Chaos during floods in brazil
  • what are you saying? this in a sane regime should be an incentive to raise public funding even more, in prevention, damage control and most importantly, environment restoration

  • Chaos during floods in brazil Brazil’s army is rescuing people stranded by deadly flooding

    Flooding in Brazil has displaced more than 115,000 people and left close to 80 dead.

    Brazil’s army is rescuing people stranded by deadly flooding

    First and foremost, absolutely fuck fiscal austerity and laissez-faire, there is nothing natural about this, only consequence of shit political choices, such as scraping environment disaster prevention, basically no relief efford funding, global warming denial and shredding of environment protection laws.

    What documentaries would you recommend to a baby leftist?
  • introductory in english i don't know, but one good about aes is The Haircut, made by an australian couple, they went to drpk to get a haircut and investigate the myth of legal hair styles.

  • Which one of you is this 🤔
  • literally me moment, praying that president xi come and save us.

  • Happy Labour Day, comrades!
  • ik ik, just kidding a little and venting, since im proletariat, im subjects to the wills of the market and have no employment consequently no money to my stuff and im surviving of my parents

  • Happy International Workers' Day!
  • leave it to the soviets to come up with the most badass posters ever.

  • Happy Labour Day, comrades!
  • except for me, it has been 10 months since iast worked, I'm unemployed :(

  • How will socialism/communism deal with school bullying?
  • i never though about that, i will guess that when comradery relations become the norm instead of capitalist all against all war that we live and other stuff such as the ideal of masculinity be surpassed then bullying will cease

  • Finished Crime and Punishment, now reading Open Veins

    In mid January i posted about started to read Crime and Punishment, fast forward to some days ago, i finished it and now im trying to read Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeno.

    I feel a little down because i took to long to finish the book, considering that I'm basically a neet, brazilian developer market is wild rn, so i got lots of freetime, but mostly spend it on the computer watching youtube and playing games, i try to cope myself thinking that partly this isn't completely my fault since i was a tv baby, and my education was lacking, teen years were spent playing video games basicaly (which is how i learned english), so i never read anything before making 23 (im 24 now), trying to pick up the habit now.

    Now impressions so about Open Veins and divided, i like Galeano's writing style, he uses kinda of a poetic language to make it more engaging and to make you feel the tragedy, but the time and space constant jumping makes hard to follow the point, when he doesn't do it, damn it hits heavy, stuff i never heard about like brazilian military giving sugar poisoned with arsenic to natives.

    Anyway, not gonna lie, even tho this book is crucial to understanding latin america, im procrastinating in reading marxist theory, so far after two years of discovering communist I've read only the manifesto and didn't understood much of it, alls i know is capitalism is shit and socialist countries did amazing things and i want those amazing things.

    so, what you people think?

    Why the address directs to a israeli fund?

    im a little sleepy yet and made a typo trying to access lemmygrad, and got directed to a israeli funding website. why is that?

    is Wine with -O3 and -march=native a placebo?

    For nerd purposes I've been trying to custom compile Wine to see if i can squeeze some performance out of it, i pulled out the -g flag and put in its place -O3 with march native. i don't know how to benchmark properly to see if there at least a marginal gain, so idk if it is a placebo or not. tried to search for articles in the subject but found none

    has anyone tried it or know an article that explored the subject?

    Só a luta faz valer
    What is happening in US right now? Chance of civil war?

    I'm seeing some stuff been thrown around, about the texas state mobilizing their security forces to disobey federal order and something about they wanting to separate.

    anyway, what do you think about this?

    Opinions on purely aesthetics support?

    So, currently I'm not organized in any kind of way or doing any militancy work, but liked to show my support to an agrarian reform movement just by wearing a hat that i bought in a MST fair, in two days i will be attending a geek event that has no political nature in a broader sense.

    what are your thoughts about it, it is a valid display, is a petty mentality and useless?

    olgas_husband olgas_husband

    just a brazilian boy that dreams in red

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