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Is there something you lack in Wayland but have in xorg?
  • xrandr. afaik, there's no (standard) way to set display resolution from the command line in wayland. also, there's no equivalent of xkill, so in order to kill an unresponsive gui app, you have to grep for its pid in ps, which can get a bit tedious and annoying, especially for programs which spawn multiple processes.

  • Infestation 88 devs address controversy over Neo-Nazi claims
  • Hanlon's razor. I myself had no idea that 88 had any nazi-related meaning before I read this article and thought nothing of the title when I first heard it. It seems perfectly reasonable that the dev could have done the same, especially since they were willing to almost immediately change the name and remove all existing promotional material once they found out.

  • Why do many microwave ovens hum in an interval of a minor 7th?
  • I checked against a tone generator, and realized that the lower frequency was actually 120, not 60, so I'd guess you're probably hearing that. That puts the higher frequency at 212-214, which I also checked and that range matches what I'm hearing (for 100hz, it should be at around 177-180).

  • Why do many microwave ovens hum in an interval of a minor 7th?

    Something that I've noticed across most of the microwave ovens that I've used is that when they hum while cooking food, I can pick out 2 distinct tones. One of them is pretty clearly 60 120 hz, the 2nd harmonic of the AC power frequency. The other is consistently a minor 7th above that (which would be somewhere around 106-108 212-214 hz depending on the exact ratio). What causes this 2nd frequency to be produced?

    Edit: after checking against a tone generator, the low frequency is actually 120 hz, double the grid frequency. The question is still the same, just an octave higher.

    Real quick question about the "break"
  • idk, maybe C# just doesn't have great syntax for the way you're doing it or something, but I think the simplest solution is the most readable in this case:

    for (int i = 1; i < JUST_THE_WORST_NUMBER; i += 2) {
  • FCC possibly to ban cable-satelite-tv early termination fees
  • Who even has cable or satellite anymore?

  • anime_irl

    source: Onii-chan wa Oshimai!

    this email confirms you have unsubscribed from all our emails!
  • I don't even bother unsubscribing anymore, I just mark it as spam and it stops appearing in my inbox

  • If civilization continues to the year 9999, is the idea to go to year 10.000, or...?
  • I don't see why not. 5 digits isn't too bad, and the issue wouldn't come up again for another 90,000 years after that. Besides, we'll probably extinct ourselves through climate change, nuclear war, and/or AI long before then anyways.

  • If civilization continues to the year 9999, is the idea to go to year 10.000, or...?
  • AD - After Christ (but in Latin)

    eh... not quite

    it actually stands for "Anno Domini", which is latin, but means "in the year of the lord"

  • Deleted
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  • "Devious licks", aka literally just straight up stealing shit and posting it on tiktok

  • Deleted
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  • I do. Back on reddit, the rate of new content was enough that hot was effectively new with a quality filter. Around the end of June, when reddit pulled the api shit and people were just starting to jump ship, lemmy was a lot smaller and had less content. So if you sorted by active or hot, you would always end up seeing the same 2-year-old posts at the top every time. I set my default sort to new so that I would actually see different posts.

  • Possible reversion of an 80-year-old to the age of 26 using pig's blood
  • you say this as if it's a good thing

  • Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline
  • if vanilla wine doesn't work, you might want to try adding it to steam as a non-steam game and running it with proton. it's no guarantee, but i've found that proton sometimes works better for some programs that don't work properly with wine.

  • YouTube Premium Price Raised in Seven Countries Following Crackdown on Ad Blockers | Technology News
  • Unfortunately, until and unless peertube can pay creators (so basically never), it will only ever see use by foss enthusiasts, and even then only hobbyists will use it as their primary platform. For someone making a career out of it, youtube is pretty much the only real option at the moment.

  • "The kickflip was implied, so I didnt think it was worth mentioning"
  • A QA tester walks into a bar,
    orders a beer,
    orders 2 beers,
    orders 0 beers,
    orders 4294967296 beers,
    orders -1/12 beers,
    orders HGdIhFNPiHPWUDmUfWIFi beers,
    orders a zebra

    First real customer walks in,
    asks where the bathroom is,
    the whole bar catches on fire

  • Is there an alternative to saying "so-called" which doesn't suggest potential falsehood?
  • I would use "what's known as", e.g. "Western countries belong to what's known as the Paris club"

  • Is there an alternative to saying "so-called" which doesn't suggest potential falsehood?
  • That's often also used in the other way though.

    she could trust him more than any of her "friends"

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  • first they had machine code
    then they wrote the assembler in machine code
    then they rewrote the assembler in assembly
    and assembled it with the machine code assembler
    then they wrote the C compiler in assembly
    and assembled it with the assembly assembler
    then they rewrote the C compiler in C
    and compiled it with the assembly C compiler
    then they had the C compiler
    and everything else was written in C

    (note: this is a massive oversimplification and ignores much of the history of programming languages, but it at least gets across the idea of how bootstrapping is done)

  • olsonexi olsonexi
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