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My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies
  • The simple fact that untreated rabies is almost 100% fatal means that the vaccine is worth it. Not many diseases are almost 100% fatal, and at least this one's preventable if caught.

  • Elon is into anime chicks, turns likes private
  • I've always been of the opinion that a person's go-to insult shows more about themselves than anything else. Like how the people who shout the loudest about gays tend to be closet homosexuals, etc. Same with pedophiles. And Elon is very quick to call someone a pedophile. His whole family is weird and messed up — his father groomed his stepdaughter (Elon's stepsister) that he raised since she was 4 years old, and they have several kids together — so it wouldn't surprise me if Elon is himself a pedophile.

  • Smartphones without a selfie camera?
  • ~~Not always. More and more phones in the budget range utilize a "virtual" proximity sensor which actually uses the camera for the same function.~~

  • Smartphones without a selfie camera?
  • You're thinking of the gyroscope, but no. Some phones have a dedicated proximity sensor for things like detecting if you're in a call and have the phone up to your ear, but more and more phones (especially the budget ones) these days use a "virtual" proximity sensor which utilizes the front camera to perform the same function.

  • Amish communities are using a surprising new kind of vehicle to travel long distances: ‘It’s a lot quicker’
  • You can tell it's a religion because they've got the hypocrisy part down pat.

  • Nimona (2023) is probably the second best movie I've seen this year! Have you/will you see it?
  • The button doesn't seem to be available in Kbin. What's the markup code for it? I'll just do it manually.

  • Nimona (2023) is probably the second best movie I've seen this year! Have you/will you see it?
  • Some major spoilers below! Since there's no markup for spoiler text yet, here's a gap to indicate spoilers. If you haven't seen the movie yet, skip this comment.



    Loved the movie, but found that the ending was the weakest part. I don't mind the resolution we got, it's just how we got that resolution that has some parts missing. How did the people suddenly go from fearing her to calling her a hero? Sure, she saved the city from getting blown up, but one act alone doesn't easily undo a thousand years of prejudice. After all, it doesn't seem like anyone knows the truth about what happened between Nimona and Gloreth. How did they clear Nimona's name of the Director's accusation? Who runs the kingdom now? Why didn't that dudebro knight get his face punched in? The ending was fine, but they glossed over a lot of parts that would have made the ending make more sense.

    Edit: Well, looks like the Lemmy spoiler code doesn't work on Kbin.

  • Locked
    TIFU by accidentally choosing a nazi username
  • I'm pretty sure 1990 was ten years ago.

  • Call out post for a particular karma farmer on
  • Maybe the moron didn't realise downvotes were public?

  • Bluesky temporarily halts sign-ups because so many people are joining from Twitter
  • No. It's decentralized like the Fediverse, but it doesn't use ActivityPub. I think there are some 3rd party developers working on an ActivityPub-Bluesky bridge, but nothing concrete yet.

  • Reddit Ramps Up Its Threats To Protesting Mods, As Ad Buyers Leave
  • The new Twitter CEO, who we know is really just there to take the fall for Musk's bullshit decisions.

  • Reddit Threatens Subs to Go Public Again, or Else...
  • Not a fan of Zuck and Bezos either, but let's be real: those two would smoke the other team.

  • Raccoons on Lemmy.World
  • Blink twice if the raccoon on your head is controlling you.

  • Infamous power mod got permabanned without explanation, then have a public meltdown.
  • Considering that this is the most hated person on Reddit other than spez himself, no tears were shed.

  • Awkwardtheturtle banned - Rare Reddit Admin W
  • Of course they're claiming responsibility for the John Oliver thing. Considering their history, I doubt it. But even if they were involved, it's the community at large that was responsible for the John Oliverification of Reddit.

  • Chromium
  • The misuse of this meme is one of my biggest meme pet peeves. Have people forgotten that in that scene, his vision is clear when he's not wearing glasses? So the meme should be the other way around.

  • Is Kbin lemmy? I’m so confused!
  • Not sure if Firefox for iOS allows for extensions, but if it does, you can install Tampermokey on it and add the userscript. I'm using Hermit on Android to have kbin installed as a PWA, and it supports userscripts in the premium version (a one-time payment). Works well so far.

  • Reddit onepinksheep
    r/aww is holding a poll to decide whether to only allow pictures of John Oliver being adorable

    Following in the footsteps of r/pics and r/gifs, r/aww is also holding a poll to decide whether to go back to "normal" or to only feature images of John Oliver, Chiijohn, or their lookalikes being adorable.

    Poll is here:

    onepinksheep onepinksheep
    Posts 1
    Comments 24