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FLOSS communities right now
  • Nobody considers IRC to be a substitute for documentation.

  • Midwest goodbye
  • The Goodbye in Italy is no less than 30 minutes long!

  • As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • Where I live we have honest delivery services. To me, this means they don't mark up the menu, their drivers are real full time employees, they charge a reasonable fee, and they do not expect tips.

    They are happy to carry things up and inside for those that need it.

    I don't own or want a car btw.

  • As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • That's an irational conclusion to draw from my statements.

  • As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • Well no. Where I live nearly all grocery stores sell meal kits, heat and eat food, and hot meals.

  • As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • Where I live every major grocery store provides free assistance to people with disabilites who have trouble to shop.

    Extortion companies like Door Dash are not the solution.

  • Fast casual
  • Same. I won't pay to eat in a restaurant that only offers uncomfortable seating.

  • Fast casual
  • They are suggested for restaurants because people don't linger very long as they aren't comfortable.

  • DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others
  • Think there is a big group of customers for sex who want it captured on video?

  • Who here uses a less popular Linux distribution? What made you choose it?
  • I use Void Linux on my home servers and I really like it. Clean , small, and stable.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • As a person who takes a belt-and-suspenders approach to security, I agree with you and I do the same.

    When I make a code change, even just to a comment, I run the full regression test suite again.

  • In 2017, I bought a 1TB 960 Evo for 466€. Now, in 2023 the 1TB 970 Evo Plus is 43€.
  • My first job was in a computer store in 1994 and a 4MB stick of RAM for a PC was $140.

  • What's a company secret you can share now that you no longer work there?
  • The majority of tech startups are super chaotic and barely keeping things running. More than you would ever imagine.


    I hadn't seen these before so I picked them up so I can "express powerful high-resolution sound."


    oshu oshu
    Posts 2
    Comments 15