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How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • Just because a Ford truck weighs a lot doesn’t mean we shouldn’t address EV tire wear.

    I agree. However, this started with a highlighting of EV tire pollution. Arguably mainstream EVs entered production in 2012. F-150 and other trucks of equal or more weight have been on the road since about the late 1970s. Why is it this is an EV tire pollution discussion only?

    Do a lot of people own trucks that shouldn’t because they don’t use them as trucks? Yes.

    We agree.

    I’d argue that’s a completely different argument.

    How so? Are you arguing that a truck that weighs the same the produces equal tire pollution is okay, but an EV that weighs the same with equal tire pollution isn't okay?

    This isn’t an EV only issue, but it is highlighted for EVs because they go through tires faster than equivalent sized (not weight) vehicles.

    Isn't this following the same flawed logic that trucks shouldn't have to get high MPG efficiency because they are trucks, while ICE cars are held to higher efficiency standards? Your logic seems to suggest we could solve this EV tire pollution problem by simply eliminating EV cars and only driving EV trucks because then they'd get a pass on tire pollution like current ICE trucks do.

    In the end I would hope all vehicles would be equipped with tires that don’t kill aquatic life!

    I agree, but your other statements prior seem to give a pass to ICE (or EV trucks).

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • A model 3 to an f150 is absolutely apples and oranges.

    Seriously. We are talking about tire tread compared to weight.

    Are we? I thought we were talking about tire particulate pollution. Why have I never heard the conversation raised that truck tire pollution is a problem? Why is it only EVs that its suddenly an issue?

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • Why not just compare the model 3 to an 18-wheeler then? Those weigh way more. Would have made his point better.

    And it’s a completely meaningful comparison, as long as you throw away the fact that different vehicles are used for different things.

    They're designed for different things. While I'll agree that the many F-150 drivers are using them for their appropriate grade of work or towing, I'm guessing there are more F-150s that are used as grocery-getting-pavement-princesses than all the Tesla Model 3s ever sold.

    In that way, F-150 is identical to Tesla Model 3 as far as use case.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • It’s going to be all about the price.

    EV or not, price the pollution into the cost of buying the tire. Then the economics of a non-polluting tire would be the primary driver for adoption because they would be cheaper than polluting tires.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • And now to make lighter EVs that don’t wear on the road so much.

    Tesla Model 3 Long Range (as an example) weighs in at 4,034 lbs, while the Ford F150 is 4,391 to 5,863 lbs.

    Shouldn't we start with the majority of ICE vehicles which already weigh the same or more than EVs?

  • America’s housing crisis continues to worsen, renters are struggling more than homeowners, report says
  • But on the other hand, all of that stuff could be insured against.

    Thats exactly what PMI (Private mortgage insurance) covers. However if the insurance company doesn't think you're a good risk, then you might not be able to get that either. I have never looked at what criteria they use to grant or deny PMI. I've also never known anyone personally denied PMI.

  • Deleted
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  • Since the collapse of peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in April-May 2022

    This was just 2 to 3 months after Bucha massacre and this rag has the gal to call what Russia has ever offered as "peace". Total bullshit.

  • NSFW
    A Russian soldier received help from his comrade after being injured by an FPV drone.
  • Likely lots of hole in the guy from shrapnel and he would bled out in the next 15 to 60 minutes.

    It wasn't smart on the part of the russian killer. We've seen UA Defenders drop grenades on injured, but living invaders. This russian killer just freed up another UA drone and operator to go after able bodied invaders.

  • $200-ish laptop with a 386 and 8MB of RAM is a modern take on the Windows 3.1 era
  • While an FPU (Floating Point Unit aka math coprocessor) would be nice, the 386SX is still a 16-bit CPU. The 386DX is a 32-bit CPU (and would still need a 387 for a dedicated FPU). In the 486 line SX meant no FPU, while DX meant FPU inside.

  • Appeals court finds 'Obamacare' pillar unconstitutional in suit over HIV-prevention drug
  • The lawsuit centered on the objections of a coalition of small businesses

    One business and a few individuals apparently.

    From another source:

    The ruling from U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor focuses on claims from Braidwood Management, a Christian for-profit corporation owned by Steven Hotze, that its rights were violated by the mandate under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

    And that complaint is:

    But Hotze, whose company provides health insurance to about 70 employees, argued that offering coverage for PrEP drugs encouraged "homosexual behavior" and violated "his religious beliefs by making him complicit in encouraging those behaviors."

    So some old fashion christian homophobic and even heterosexual shaming is the basis for this law suit.

  • $200-ish laptop with a 386 and 8MB of RAM is a modern take on the Windows 3.1 era
  • This could be very useful to run really old PC tied commercial and industrial equipment. There is a surprising amount of old systems still keeping our lives running in small niche ways. It could be:

    The fact that this has all the legacy ports of:

    • IEEE 1284 parallel printer port
    • RS-232 serial port
    • a 16 bit ISA slot breakout! this some of the newest hardware I can think of that still interfaces with old ancient hardware.

  • “We Can Still Contact Technical Support in the West”: Russian weapons are being manufactured on foreign machinery — but why are they still running?
  • Manufacturers should include a second GPS in these units that doesn't block operation of the machine, but produces a kind of intermittent error code that makes the operator contact tech support. Tech support gives an instruction to the operator that clears the error.

    However, included in the error string, which tech support now has, was obfuscated GPS coordinates that the manufacturer can decode. Provide these GPS coordinates to the Ukrainian military for priority targeting of the factories.

  • Comedian Tom Smothers, one-half of the Smothers Brothers, dies at 86 Comedian Tom Smothers, one-half of the Smothers Brothers, dies at 86

    Tom Smothers, half of the Smothers Brothers and the co-host of one of the most socially conscious and groundbreaking television shows in the history of the medium, has died at 86.

    Comedian Tom Smothers, one-half of the Smothers Brothers, dies at 86

    Tom Smothers, half of the Smothers Brothers and the co-host of one of the most socially conscious and groundbreaking television shows in the history of the medium, has died at 86.

    The National Comedy Center, on behalf of his family, said in a statement Wednesday that Smothers died Tuesday at home in Santa Rosa, California, following a cancer battle.

    “I’m just devastated,” his brother and the duo’s other half, Dick Smothers, told The Associated Press in an interview Wednesday. “Every breath I’ve taken, my brother’s been around.”

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