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The PRAXIS of Anarchism
What radicalized you?
  • Climate catastrophe and burnout and want to get into politics to maximize my impact on the world. Then I searched over most ideologies, finding anarchism the most compatible with critical thinking.

  • I'm searching for people interested in creation of remote, horizontal game dev worker cooperative
  • That's okay as your perspective, I would like you to consider that Motion Twin is not remote so those are different project ideas. I would say it depends on how you approach those types of projects. Realistically the scope of what I can accomplish solo is different to the one even in a small team, and the vision that I create solo certainly will not be the same as the vision that would get created from a collaborative process utilizing methods like Sociocracy. I already got some interest from 2 other people, in practice from my experience even between 2 persons team and a solo team there is an enormous difference, that's why I am searching for some hypothetical collaborators. I agree that this is a very competetive market, I think that in practice almost everywhere there is some competition and I would rather work on things that interest me. I think every moment that I don't murder myself I risk that I will die of more painful death than what I could give myself through picking the most appropriate form of suicide, so I am personally fine with risk and if someone is not then that's fine.

  • I'm searching for people interested in creation of remote, horizontal game dev worker cooperative

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > > > Hi! > > > > > > > > As I wrote in the title I'm looking for people interested in such an endeavor. I already tried creating such a project but due to internal disagreements it didn't pan out, still I am very interested in trying this out. Game dev is very susceptible to exploitation from capitalists which is very unfortunate given that means of production are essentially socialized already - we have FOSS software like Godot that is enough to create very elaborate projects and we can collaborate remotely so no land is needed either. This makes it I think a very fruitful direction to go, because costs of game dev are not very big and returns can be big if the game is successful. I know that there is a huge competition in game dev, but given that in worker cooperative nothing is siphoned by capitalists at the top I think it's not impossible to get to the level of subsistence on game dev, while being able to affect the culture and promote cooperativism among the general population and among video game creators. I don't have a specific game dev experience but I like solving complex problems and I am interested in doing a worker cooperative, I already did quite a bit of research during my previous attempt at this type of worker cooperative and I would for this coop to get inspiration from Igalia, Motion Twin and Sociocracy. At my last project people had issues that I am fine with anti-foundationalist philosophies so please consider that I like those and I like to discuss from those lenses. I am very good at self-directed learning and I could especially do stuff like coding, design, writing plot and characters, I could research some more legalistic side of cooperative but it would be nice certainly to have someone who has some expertise here. That still leave places for people interested in audio and graphics and I am very fine with redundancy in some aspects of the required "expertise", still I am a big believer in learning by doing and getting feedback and improving based on this feedback so I am mostly looking for people willing to learn, explore and collaborate to hopefully create something cool. I would like to create games such as Planescape Torment, Disco Elysium, Hotline Miami, FTL: Faster Than Light, Spec Ops: The Line, Portal 2, Undertale, Getting Over It, The Talos Principle, Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines, KOTOR 2. If you are interested in this project please get in touch, we may correspond a bit and see if we would like to collaborate! > > > > > > > > I somewhat wonder about trying to release those games on FOSS licenses (still with asking for “paying” for them to support the creators), that would be “purer” from anarchist perspective than using proprietary license but this is not something I have thought about that much. The pro would be it being impossible to get the license stolen how almost happened to Disco Elysium creators.

    I'm searching for people interested in creation of remote, horizontal game dev worker cooperative

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > Hi! > > > > > > As I wrote in the title I'm looking for people interested in such an endeavor. I already tried creating such a project but due to internal disagreements it didn't pan out, still I am very interested in trying this out. Game dev is very susceptible to exploitation from capitalists which is very unfortunate given that means of production are essentially socialized already - we have FOSS software like Godot that is enough to create very elaborate projects and we can collaborate remotely so no land is needed either. This makes it I think a very fruitful direction to go, because costs of game dev are not very big and returns can be big if the game is successful. I know that there is a huge competition in game dev, but given that in worker cooperative nothing is siphoned by capitalists at the top I think it's not impossible to get to the level of subsistence on game dev, while being able to affect the culture and promote cooperativism among the general population and among video game creators. I don't have a specific game dev experience but I like solving complex problems and I am interested in doing a worker cooperative, I already did quite a bit of research during my previous attempt at this type of worker cooperative and I would for this coop to get inspiration from Igalia, Motion Twin and Sociocracy. At my last project people had issues that I am fine with anti-foundationalist philosophies so please consider that I like those and I like to discuss from those lenses. I am very good at self-directed learning and I could especially do stuff like coding, design, writing plot and characters, I could research some more legalistic side of cooperative but it would be nice certainly to have someone who has some expertise here. That still leave places for people interested in audio and graphics and I am very fine with redundancy in some aspects of the required "expertise", still I am a big believer in learning by doing and getting feedback and improving based on this feedback so I am mostly looking for people willing to learn, explore and collaborate to hopefully create something cool. I would like to create games such as Planescape Torment, Disco Elysium, Hotline Miami, FTL: Faster Than Light, Spec Ops: The Line, Portal 2, Undertale, Getting Over It, The Talos Principle, Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines, KOTOR 2. If you are interested in this project please get in touch, we may correspond a bit and see if we would like to collaborate! > > > > > > I somewhat wonder about trying to release those games on FOSS licenses (still with asking for “paying” for them to support the creators), that would be “purer” from anarchist perspective than using proprietary license but this is not something I have thought about that much. The pro would be it being impossible to get the license stolen how almost happened to Disco Elysium creators.

    I'm searching for people interested in creation of remote, horizontal game dev worker cooperative


    As I wrote in the title I'm looking for people interested in such an endeavor. I already tried creating such a project but due to internal disagreements it didn't pan out, still I am very interested in trying this out. Game dev is very susceptible to exploitation from capitalists which is very unfortunate given that means of production are essentially socialized already - we have FOSS software like Godot that is enough to create very elaborate projects and we can collaborate remotely so no land is needed either. This makes it I think a very fruitful direction to go, because costs of game dev are not very big and returns can be big if the game is successful.

    I know that there is a huge competition in game dev, but given that in worker cooperative nothing is siphoned by capitalists at the top I think it's not impossible to get to the level of subsistence on game dev, while being able to affect the culture and promote cooperativism among the general population and among video game creators. I don't have a specific game dev experience but I like solving complex problems and I am interested in doing a worker cooperative, I already did quite a bit of research during my previous attempt at this type of worker cooperative and I would for this coop to get inspiration from Igalia, Motion Twin and Sociocracy.

    At my last project people had issues that I am fine with anti-foundationalist philosophies so please consider that I like those and I like to discuss from those lenses. I am very good at self-directed learning and I could especially do stuff like coding, design, writing plot and characters, I could research some more legalistic side of cooperative but it would be nice certainly to have someone who has some expertise here. That still leave places for people interested in audio and graphics and I am very fine with redundancy in some aspects of the required "expertise", still I am a big believer in learning by doing and getting feedback and improving based on this feedback so I am mostly looking for people willing to learn, explore and collaborate to hopefully create something cool.

    I would like to create games such as Planescape Torment, Disco Elysium, Hotline Miami, FTL: Faster Than Light, Spec Ops: The Line, Portal 2, Undertale, Getting Over It, The Talos Principle, Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines, KOTOR 2. If you are interested in this project please get in touch, we may correspond a bit and see if we would like to collaborate!

    I somewhat wonder about trying to release those games on FOSS licenses (still with asking for “paying” for them to support the creators), that would be “purer” from anarchist perspective than using proprietary license but this is not something I have thought about that much. The pro would be it being impossible to get the license stolen how almost happened to Disco Elysium creators.

    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Camus, Albert and the Anarchists

    Nick Heath Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Spring 2007 Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great existentialist writer Albert Camus.

    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists
    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Camus, Albert and the Anarchists

    Nick Heath Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Spring 2007 Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great existentialist writer Albert Camus.

    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists
    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Camus, Albert and the Anarchists

    Nick Heath Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Spring 2007 Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great existentialist writer Albert Camus.

    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists
    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Camus, Albert and the Anarchists

    Nick Heath Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Spring 2007 Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great existentialist writer Albert Camus.

    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists
    Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Camus, Albert and the Anarchists

    Nick Heath Camus, Albert and the Anarchists Spring 2007 Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great existentialist writer Albert Camus.

    Challenge to spread anarchism during the first week of May AFCC (

    Attached: 2 images Participate in our challenge to spread anarchism around the world! Weź udział w naszym wyzwaniu by szerzyć anarchizm na świecie! #anarchism #zine #challenge #propaganda #anarchistmay

    AFCC (
    Challenge to spread anarchism during the first week of May AFCC (

    Attached: 2 images Participate in our challenge to spread anarchism around the world! Weź udział w naszym wyzwaniu by szerzyć anarchizm na świecie! #anarchism #zine #challenge #propaganda #anarchistmay

    AFCC (
    Challenge to spread anarchism during the first week of May AFCC (

    Attached: 1 image Participate in our challenge to spread anarchism around the world! #anarchism #zine #challenge #propaganda #anarchistmay

    AFCC (
    Challenge to spread anarchism during the first week of May AFCC (

    Attached: 2 images Participate in our challenge to spread anarchism around the world! Weź udział w naszym wyzwaniu by szerzyć anarchizm na świecie! #anarchism #zine #challenge #propaganda #anarchistmay

    From Stirner to Mussolini From Stirner to Mussolini

    Review: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism In 1910 Luigi Fabbri and Armando Borghi abducted an anarchist woman who had shamed their friend by divorcing him. Together, they forced her into a gynecological exam so the doctor could publicly pronounce her deformed and incapable of se...

    From Stirner to Mussolini From Stirner to Mussolini

    Review: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism In 1910 Luigi Fabbri and Armando Borghi abducted an anarchist woman who had shamed their friend by divorcing him. Together, they forced her into a gynecological exam so the doctor could publicly pronounce her deformed and incapable of se...

    From Stirner to Mussolini
    From Stirner to Mussolini From Stirner to Mussolini

    Review: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism In 1910 Luigi Fabbri and Armando Borghi abducted an anarchist woman who had shamed their friend by divorcing him. Together, they forced her into a gynecological exam so the doctor could publicly pronounce her deformed and incapable of se...

    From Stirner to Mussolini
    Feels alien sometimes
  • I have an interesting argument to not vote if the election results are "clear" - you don't give any information this way. If the side you are closer to wins without your vote, it's more likely that your bigger enemy will spend resources to try to beat them, and then only if you vote you can make them lose resources on electoralism without any gain for them, because they thought that they had a chance when they didn't. You want your opponents to play games that they cannot win - even capitalists do that with suggesting workers that they too can become capitalists if they work hard enough - then workers start playing the game they are structurally meant to lose, from this the capitalist class keeps it's advantage.

  • Removed
    Voting doesn't work!
  • He suggest too that voting in actual swing state can matter, while if you are in a state ruled by some party there your vote doesn't matter in the first past the post system.

  • Voting doesn't work!
  • Yeah, like I am voting to not give fascists slots in the system without the fight, but the truth is that direct organizing is much better to change the system and you can easily fall into the trap of caring too much about electoral politics.

  • Removed
    Voting doesn't work!
  • Anark mostly argues that caring about electoralism for structural reasons is waste of time if you want to improve the situation. I do agree with very slight "voting as a harm reduction" argument but it's very easy to go in the direction of actually caring to much about electoralism as a vehicle of a social change, which historically and structurally is indeed wrong. Direct organizing in the real world is what makes meaningful change in the world.

  • Anyone interested in making video games?
  • I don't have game dev experience but can code, did work through godot 2d tutorial and it seems fine and one person can do textures. About the rest we will see if they actually contribute, if yes then we will have some extra developers.

  • Anyone interested in making video games?
  • I don't think I specifically invite users to design process, only devs, artists, designers etc. I think we are only interested in people willing to contribute and that is clear to me given how I've written the post. And I don't think we plan our games to be FOSS, well maybe first few that we deem not good enough to get money from. But I personally am not against piracy, so if someone doesn't want to pay they can just pirate it.

  • Anyone interested in making video games?
  • In practice we will strive to reach consensus with majority vote when we cannot find one - that's how we will decide everything I think. Not the purest, but good enough for me I would say.

  • A brief overview of the Socialist legacy of the 20th century
  • Anarchists usually participate in a lot of grassroots movements, which put pressure on the state to benefit oppressed groups through reformism. So they too have an impact here, they just have a much more ambitious project that is extremely hard to create in a current world situation, but they are actively improving the lives of oppressed people.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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