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Oh DO you now? 🙄
  • Oh yeah, my poor Firefox can't handle a zip file...

  • [OpenSUSE] Warning that last update might break a few things
  • Yesterday update fixed the graphics issues for me. As for the WiFi issues I can't speak because I'm using wired connection.

    Edit: I'm on tumbleweed BTW.

  • SOLVED Trouble moving form steam to heroic launcher
  • Never touched heroic launcher so can't really help you there. Normally I just use Lutris, works without fail every time.

    Can you change the runner in heroic launcher? Like proton instead of wine?

  • Full height images not working?
  • Yeah, I have the same problem at my end. Not all images, but most of them. Its a Thunder issue because when using other clients all the images are full height.

  • Evangelion studio Gainax files for bankruptcy
  • Good read. Thanks for sharing.

  • NSFW
    [OC] (x4) One of my best Buds , Hyperion F1 RoyalQueenSeeds
  • Because its sexy has fuck.

  • Newish user migrating to Linux
    • Network

    • Offline

    • Minimal Virtual Machine

    • Live

  • Newish user migrating to Linux
  • Indeed I'm, try it in a VM in whatever system he wants.

    openSUSE tumbleweed normal installation image doesn't have a live system to try. Although there is a live image to try it in a VM, but you can't use it to install. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Better to try it in a VM before having the work to install it on bare metal.

  • Newish user migrating to Linux
  • Try openSUSE tumbleweed in a VM if plasma is your thing. IMHO is one of the best plasma implementations I've tried.

    I've been using it for a year now, does everything I need. No problems whatsoever in gaming.

    The only thing I had to do, was enable a extra repo in YAST for installing the codecs to be able to play movies and such.

  • EFF "cover your tracks" browser privacy test
  • I don't know if you posted a link to the actual site (I'm not seeing one, just a screenshot),

  • [release] 1.10.1
  • Thank you for the quick updates!

  • After Raids, NYPD Denied Student Protesters Water and Food in Jail
  • Are they funding a RoboCop program or something? 11 billion. WTF?!

  • [release] 1.10.0-20240505-pre
  • Thanks! And thanks for the update!

  • [release] 1.10.0-20240505-pre
  • I have noticed something in the last 2 releases that I think didn't happen in the previous releases.

    When you tap back two times in the main screen, the app is supposed to exit. One tap prompts a message to press back again to exit, the second tap exits. The app does exit, but previously when launching the app again it started from the top of the feed, now it starts in the same spot where it was last time I exited it.

    Is this the intended behavior, or is there some option I'm not seeing?

  • [BUG] Blank black space above keyboard when writing into something
  • I don't think the problem is the video link, using 2 different web interfaces the video loads fine. Same for the links posted in the thread.

    When using Raccoon, all the links lead to the screenshot that I posted earlier.

  • [BUG] Blank black space above keyboard when writing into something
  • I don't have that bug in LineageOS 21 (Android 14) with Heliboard, but your screen recording link doesn't work in raccoon.

    It leads to the following screen with no video:

  • [release] 1.10.0-20240501-pre
  • Thanks for the update!

    Raccoon is now my favorite app for Lemmy.

    About the opening links in custom tabs, I think the option is switched with the internal browser. Custom tabs is opening the internal browser and the internal browser is opening the custom tabs.

    Other than that, awesome update. Thanks one more time.

  • KDE Wayland Screen Energy Saving Problem

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi everybody. > > I was trying to make the switch to Wayland, but this little problem is really keeping me in X11. > > The display turns off, says that there is no signal/input, turns off again but after that it wakes up immediately. > > This happens either by using the shortcut to turn the display off Ctrl + Alt + D or waiting for the 10 minutes specified in the Energy Saving options. > > I've found this Bug 462695 at where it says the problem is from openSUSE. > > I've already disabled KScreen 2 in Background Services. > > In X11 the display has no problems entering energy saving mode. > > Does anybody have the same problem or any idea what it might be keeping the display from sleeping? > > My specs: > - openSUSE Tumbleweed > - Kernel 6.4.11-1-default > - DE: Plasma 5.27.7 > - CPU Intel i5-4670K > - GPU AMD ATI Radeon RX 6750 XT

    pfaca Spunky Monkey
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