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Here's your reminder not to support Intel
  • Without revealing too much personal information, I was laid off from Intel a few months ago. They did a huge downsizing in my division and I think it's gonna fuck up the organization long term inshallah At least one of the people on my former team left the company shortly after the layoffs (and thes person had been there almost 10 years) and I expect more will do similarly

    I started working there because the technical side of the work seemed interesting, and I didn't reflect critically enough on their position as a US military contractor as well as a huge supporter of the Zionist entity. The cognitive dissonance started building in my head when they announced a $3b investment in the occupied Palestinian territories for them to open a new chip plant (and this was since the genocide started), which made me very upset. I was getting ready to quit when I got laid off, which ended up being the best outcome because I got severance lol

    Anyone have any leads on any tech companies that are actually ethical? lenin-dont-laugh

  • This shits gayer than the folsom street fair
  • I think federally at least sexuality is a protected characteristic, but I don't think the courts in Idaho would respect that so you'd need to have the funds to appeal it up a few levels

    Btw the ruling to make sexuality a protected characteristic was an incredibly rare Gorsuch W where he ruled that discriminating based off of sexual orientation was discriminating based off of sex (i.e. if you refuse service to Jim because Jim dates Bob, but you wouldn't refuse service to Jane because Jane dates Bob, then that's implicitly discrimination based off of sex)

  • Google Photos Alternative
  • Not the OP, but looked some things up because I was curious. Ente has a 2Tb storage option that costs $300/year or $30/mo; not sure how much you pay for that much storage in Google Photos. Their FAQ says they have an easy import process from Google Photos via Google Takeout (bulk download your data from all Google services). No idea if ente respects the geotags but I imagine they would (seems like an important feature for a Google photos killer).

  • [cw: eugenics, physical child abuse] I'm feeling physically ill after reading this article: America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’

    Elon Musk (father of 11) supports their cause. Thousands follow their ideology. Malcolm and Simone Collins are on a mission to make it easier for everyone to have multiple children. But are they really model parents?

    America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’

    I'm at a loss for words with this

    And to think these are only the cases they are begrudgingly recognizing.
  • Highly recommend an instant pot - you don't even need to soak beans and it's really not much effort! Mine paid for itself very quickly, bought it on craigslist for $40. Dried beans are much cheaper and easier to store than canned

  • The hell are they supposed to say, assholes? "Fuck the guy who gave us weapons?"
  • Do you have some pointers to some reading about this? All I know about the YPG is that Brace Belden joined their forces at some point and the US backed them which made a lot of leftists think they were CIA or something

  • And to think these are only the cases they are begrudgingly recognizing.
  • I highly recommend getting an instant pot or sth and cooking dry beans - it'll pay for itself pretty quickly plus there are lots of really good recipes with it, esp Indian food. You can probably find one on Craigslist/marketplace for like $30-40 esp if you're patient

  • Not the onion
  • Yeah actually it seems that SawStop is being very disingenuous with this where they're trying to lobby for this "safety" bill to be passed that makes it so only they can sell table saws. If they really cared about safety, they should make the patent free for all to use like the 3 point seatbelt

  • Biden/Harris campaign event refuses entry to 2 women on the basis that they were wearing hijabs

    Love voting for the lesser of two evils candidate who won't let women wearing a hijab in to their campaign rallies! Can you imagine the lib reaction if this happened at a Trump event?

    the orange site demonstrating its full bootlicking support for the 4th reich on a thread about openai selling to the pentagon

    some real great takes here !bootlicker

    >I was brought up in a household that was anti military. > >Only as an adult was I able to form my own opinion. > >Without a strong military in the past we would certainly not be here today and without a strong military now, who knows what other nation might decide to attack our sovereignty. > >It's childish to be anti military - it shows you do not understand the interconnectedness of our society - good and bad.


    > > It's disingenuous to ignore the effect the aggression of the cold war and its aftermath had on the current Russian situation. > > Bro, I don't know what warped version of reality you live in, but without a strong American military to stand up to the Soviet Union during the Cold War, you'd be speaking Russian right now. Ukraine blew their chance to join NATO as soon as possible like everyone else did when the Cold War ended, and they are now being slaughtered en masse by Russia in their attempts to turn them into their newest southwestern oblast.


    > As a liberal raised during the backlash to the Iraq War, my attitude towards the Military Industrial Complex has really changed in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s seemingly inevitable invasion of Taiwan. Add in the possibility that the US could be dragged into new wars in the Middle East and even possibly South America, and I really don’t think we have the luxury to say “weapons bad, let’s not build any”. > > Being the policeman of the world absolutely sucks. War absolutely sucks. But one of the best ways to prevent China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, etc from saying “might make right, let’s take this land and these resources from our neighbors, since no one can stop us” is for the US to say, “no, we will stop you and we have the will and the tools to easily do it.”


    who's responsible for the US choosing to police the world? !who-did-this

    > The US is the most benign empire one could wish for. History makes that plain, and just peeking over the fence at contender's tendencies and track record further reinforces that. Easy moral justification backed by actual moral justification.



    in honour of all the defense of us atrocities i present to you: the hacker news logo with the fascist "life rune" symbol:


    maybe we can get that as an emoji in the same vein as !reddit-logo

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