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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • I'm also a big fan of most things being closed on Sundays. It's so much more peaceful outside. Good for the soul to not have 24/7 consumerism stuffed down your throat. I also don't like that it's always the people with the shittiest jobs/salaries who suffer because Karen needs chocolate croissants at 2 am

  • Sounds like you just don't like 100% stacked column charts. This is their primary use case after all. I can't see how an XY plot would do a better job, wouldn't there just end up being a ton of overlap, making it hard to discern the differences between the smaller segments? Do you have an example where you think an XY plot represented this type of data better?

  • 10-year smoker here who quit 5 years ago. My cravings were gone after about a month. I had nightmares about smoking occasionally for the first year or so though. I really didn't wanna fall back into the trap

    I attribute the lack of cravings mostly to quitting using "the easy way to quit smoking" book by Allen Carr. It really helped how I thought about smoking as a whole. It's designed to be read while you're quitting, but maybe even 4 years later it could help you - worth a shot I'd say.

  • A shame the whales got priced out though, although they may have won out in the long run. I wonder if it's too late for us to follow in their steps and return to the water as well.