Pressure vs Temp
Pressure vs Temp
Pressure vs Temp
What happens at the gender triple point?
The gender triple point, aka gender superposition, is where a gender can be calculated and estimated, but not observed. Attempting to observe the gender changes it to a different state.
In layman's terms, this is also called "mind your own fucking business, your obsession with my genitals is fucking weird and creepy."
That's where you find the bisexual she/theys in hetero relationships.
Transcendence of gender as a concept entirely
I am I, gender is a social construct I no longer need. My gender can be perceived in infinite variations depending upon the observer.
All 3 states exist at the same time, rapidly alternating between them.
Where is gender plasma?
or gender bose-einstein condensate?
Gender chain-melted state? Gender superglass? Gender string-net liquid?
Hmm. I recommend you don't Google that on Bing.
I Binged it on DuckDuckGo and got really interesting results about gender differences in blood plasma.
No gender plasma?
No gender bose-einstein condensate? Metallic gender?!
What about the gender triple point?
There is no gender triple point because there are only two genders /s
Just kidding, ther obviously is a gender triple point, I just didn't want to admit that my knowledge is too limited to know anything about it.
Solid = conforming
Gas = non-conforming
Fluid = either or both depending on the person at the moment
Super critical = ignores gender as a concept entirely in their self-definition; OR, considers themselves a gender that is based on different standards entirely, like certain religious positions in human cultures where a spiritual leader is considered to be neither/no gender
Can confirm, am gender sublimating
How'd you find a way around the gender triple point?
I was sure this was 196. But Apparently not
Ahh shit I'm not hot enough. Even self-pressuring isn't working :((
Have you tried applying gentle pressure to yourself? It can be very good
Oh, I'll definitely try that. Thanx for the advise! :3
Bose/Einstein gendersate
Look, all I want to know is at which pressure/temperature I turn into a dragon. And how risky is this, considering spontaneous unicornization?
I'm super critical of gender. Let's get rid of all those. Gender vacuum.
Gender grenade
Does this mean I can specialize in critical gender theory? Wait until the conservatives hear about this one.
finally, some real fuckin' science
Nice profile picture!
under pressure
Gender gas. I'm gender gas. Final answer, Regis.
Regis? Someone call a doctor!
I knew the concept of gender had a scientific basis! That's why people are so sure about the whole paradigm
Someone should make a phase diagram as well. With temperatures on the Y axis and percentage of being gay or straight on the X axis. Like we do fora alloys
i'm in a flux of queer plasma and loving it
and higgs bosons know how to party-cle
You make a good gender critical point.
Hey guys. In high school I graduated with fantastic grades in physics. I have a BSc in Chemical Engineering. Can somebody explain supercritical fluids to me please
you missed a supercritical race theory joke in there somewhere
im cheese
I feel like ð axis are inverted, intense gay panic isn't exactly caused by a lack of pressure!