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Do your parents help you financially?
  • Financially, no.

    With babysitting? Absolutely.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Which country builds a NPP in only 5 years, China?

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • That's how long they actually end up taking to build.

    Look up the project history of your local NPP and see how long it was from planning approval to putting power on the grid.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • What about livestock, like a horse turning a mill?

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • If you start building a new nuclear plant today, it’ll start generating power around the year 2045, by which time renewables with storage will have gotten even cheaper.

    Bet you the public will be on the hook to pay for that white elephant because utility companies privatize profits and socialize losses.

  • Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
  • “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” -Some Rapist

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • I agree with you 100%. Have a downvote.

  • What is the deal with API documentation that can seem so terse to a hobbyist?
  • Why is the documentation incomplete?

    Asks every programmer since the dawn of time.

  • do you know anyone who uses Only Fans for G-rated work?
  • SUBSCRIBE NOW to learn the REAL SECRETS that BIG TECH doesn’t want you to know!

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Can’t read, paywalled.

    Let me guess, Ukraine didn’t want to give up half their country in exchange for a promise from Putin to not conquer the other half a few years later.

  • I feel betrayed...
  • For comparing machines to horses, use the power a horse can sustain all day long. Early industrial use of horses did not run them ragged and swap every 5 minutes.

  • iOS keyboards that don't censor "bad words"
  • You can add things to the ducking dictionary.

  • I'm the God of R.
  • Just guessing but maybe dump the result set to a plain list in a webpage.

  • 5 men convicted for Jetflicks, illegal streamer with more content than Netflix, Hulu and Amazon combined
  • More content than Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon all in one place? That’s terrible! Where can I see this dastardly collection?

  • 22 June 2024
  • I was into this old computer game “Bouncing Babies” when this comic came out.

    There was a hospital on fire and someone keeps tossing babies out the window and you’re the fire crew and bounce them into a waiting ambulance.

  • Ukranian drone operator defuses a Russian FPV drone that failed to explode and returns the munition to sender.
  • Good work? But munitions are cheap and people are priceless so this fool should just blow it up next time.

  • 'Atlas' Road Locomotive, the UK, 1930s?
  • I would have assumed it was a giant electric motor, so thanks for the link.

    I just wish there were diagrams to show the interior and mode of operation.

  • Sourdough batard with scalded khorasan
    • 100g whole khorasan flour
    • 200g boiling water
    • 100g whole khorasan flour
    • 500g bread flour
    • 340g warm water
    • 200g starter
    • 16g salt

    > Pour 200g boiling water on 100g khorasan flour, mix until fully hydrated, rest 15m > > Add another 100g khorasan, 500g bread flour, 340g warm water > > Mix with dough hook 3 minutes @ speed 2 > > Cover and rest for 1/2 to 3 hours to autolyse > > Mix with dough hook speed 2 for 8 minutes, develop gluten to windowpane > > Add 200g starter and 16g salt > > Mix with dough hook for 8 minutes @ speed 3 > > Final dough temperature should be 74F > > Cover and bulk ferment at room temp for 12 hours > > Divide and preshape dough, rest 15-30 minutes > > Shape dough, proof on counter 1-2 hours > > (Optional) Retard dough in fridge 6-48 hours > > Bake with steam @ 450F 38-50 minutes depending on loaf size

    Calvin Coolidge was America's Coolest President

    I mean it’s right there in his name. Also I did a book report on him in middle school. Actually he was an ineffective president who steered America right into the great depression, but he had a good one-liner.

    Bug: Bottom icon bar keeps disappearing (v1.14)

    Starting with version 1.14, the bottom icon tray keeps disappearing. It can still be clicked but won’t stay visible, I just get white space at the bottom.

    Using default theme and system dark mode settings (daytime). Phone is iPhone 14 ProMax with iOS 16.

    Jamón Serrano on homemade sourdough spelt bread

    Jamón Serrano on homemade sourdough spelt bread

    Sourdough bâtard with spelt

    Got a good ear on this sourdough bâtard with 25% bolted spelt flour.

    !Crumb shot

    Interview with an Emacs Enthusiast in 2023 [Colorized]

    Interview with an Emacs Enthusiast in 2023 [Colorized]

    You guys have no idea what you're missing out on with Emacs. It can even run vim!

    deegeese deegeese
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    Comments 2.1K