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What's the difference between "College" and "University"?
  • A university is a typically a collection of colleges (or schools).

    For example: Harvard University is made up of Harvard College, Harvard Business School, Harvard Divinity School, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Law School, Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, etc.

    For all intents and purposes - we use the word “college” and “university” interchangeably because they’re the same level of education. Either can do associates through doctoral.

    Community colleges, however, only focus on 2 year degrees and certain certifications.

  • What's your favorite old school forum?
  • I had a lot of good years on Fark.

  • Benefits of smoking cigarettes?
  • You want to kill germs? Use mouthwash. There’s pretty much nothing beneficial about smoking cigarettes.

    Even when you take the health considerations out of account, you will reek. I assure you, nobody wants to spend time around a partner that emits a nauseating scent. It’s a bad habit in every sense of the term.

    Yes - nicotine can be a quick stress reliever. That’s about al it’s good for.

    I understand that you need something to help you get through the days, but there are tons of other things that you could do.

    Heck, even switching to vaping will improve your health outcomes considerably. And you won’t smell.

    I don’t know why you’re fighting your girlfriend on this, it seems like she’s genuinely concerned and you’re being so stubborn as to look online to justify your addiction. Yes, you are addicted. You smoke more than a pack a week and refuse to quit or offer a compromising alternative. If I was her, I’d leave you.

  • Removed
    The countries that refuse to renounce Islamophobia care about Chinese Muslims the most.
  • Well, by that logic, Switzerland isn’t a democracy. The country that decides pretty much everything on referendum.

    And Ireland only became a democracy 3 years ago.

    For what it’s worth, Blasphemy laws can be compatible with democracy. Democracy is only about fair elections and rule of the people. If the people want blasphemy laws, that’s still democracy.

    Freedom is a spectrum - and blasphemy laws just make a country less free. Not necessarily less Democratic.

  • What other shows to watch for fans of Star Trek?
  • Thanks for these recommendations! I actually never watched X-Files, and a friend of mine binge watched all of it earlier this year and was sending me funny clips. I should add it to the list.

    LOVED Station Eleven. It might be a top 5 show of all time. The first episode felt like a slog until that last minute. Partially ‘cause we were kinda living that pandemic.

    But I was absolutely hooked and psyched to see more. And every episode after was “holy crap!” moments through to the very end.

    Some of the best storytelling I’ve seen on TV. Really rich character development and such a beautiful concept altogether. It made me really hopeful.

    Same writer/creator as The Leftovers (which I also recommend, very cool show - 3 seasons with an ending, gets progressively weirder and wilder).

  • What genres of music do Lemmites enjoy?
  • …Spiiiriiiit…..

  • What genres of music do Lemmites enjoy?
  • I heard ‘Congregation’ in the show Devs (loved it), and was surprised I never listened to them before. Went back and listened to the whole catalog… several times over. It’s the best airplane music.

  • What genres of music do Lemmites enjoy?
  • I listen to a bit of everything. Bands in my recent rotation include Low, 3rd Secret, Motörhead, Rick James, L7 and Joji, Aimee Mann, Mdou Moctar, Aphex Twin, Beastie Boys. Donny Benet

    King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard’s PetroDragon Apocalypse is my favorite album all year.

    My favorite all time genre is industrial. So stuff like The Young Gods, Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, KMFDM, Ministry, Filter, Mulitple Man, Meat Beat Manifesto, Pig, Emptyset, Youth Code, Atari Teenage Riot / Alec Empire, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Download…

  • What genres of music do Lemmites enjoy?
  • The PetroDragronic Apocalypse is one of the best records I’ve heard in some time, from any band, in any genre.

    I can’t stop listening to it. To add, I’m not really a fan of any of their other records. They’re clearly good, just doesn’t resonate with me as much as this one does.

  • TV Show Recommendations
  • If you like IT Crowd, then Black Books is for you. One of the best comedies of that era. Start with the Grapes of Wrath Episode.

    Peep Show is also great.

  • What other shows to watch for fans of Star Trek?

    Hi all, maybe this community can help recommend some new shows. I'm looking for Star Trek-like 'world-of-the-week' stuff.

    I've already seen the following:

    The Orville The Expanse Battlestar Galactica Farscape Babylon 5 (I forgot that I never finished it, so it's going back on the menu) Stargate SG-1 Quantum Leap (looooove Scott Bakula) Doctor Who (Not all of it, but pretty caught up since Eccleston) Firefly Sliders Foundation (really enjoyed this one, especially the Cleon clones storyline) Andor (not a big Star Wars guy, but I really liked this series)

    Is Andromeda worth watching? What else is out there? Thanks in advance!

    Insurance in US
  • Indeed. Prior to 2010 - it was a roll of the dice. If insurance wasn't provided through your work, you had to be lucky enough to live in a State with decent laws preventing some of these predatory insurance practices. Back then, the uninsured rate was close to 19%. Almost 1 in 5 Americans.

    Today, that rate is 8.4%. Which hails the victory of the ACA because "91.6% of Americans have insurance" sounds nice. And compared to where we were 13 years ago, it is nice.

    In reality, we have 28 million uninsured people, many of whom are children. There's a long way to go.

    While I'm personally satisfied with my level of coverage and standard of care, I don't understand how we can comfortably accept a society that bankrupts our most vulnerable residents for being sick. I'm baffled how this wasn't already solved or mostly resolved in my lifetime. Or at least seeing more states take on the Hawaii or Massachusetts health care models.

  • Insurance in US
  • An individual can sign up for a plan through their State’s health insurance exchange or the federal government’s website.

    It is usually more expensive than getting it through an employer - but works to serve small business owners, freelancers, etc.

    A few States (like Massachusetts) have semi-universal systems that cover all individuals that earn under 150% of poverty, independent students, newly unemployed, etc.

    A lot of Americans are also covered under Medicare, Medicaid , Social Security and other programs.

    Retirees aged 65 and older are eligible for Medicare - a semi-universal federal system that covers pretty much everything and accepted most places.

  • how do you make friends if large gatherings arent your thing?
  • I met one of my closest friends on r/needafriend. Turns out, she lived like a 10 minute walk from me - and we met up over some food.

    On paper, our friendship shouldn’t work. We have little in common in terms of activities and goals. But we know how to make each other laugh and ‘get’ each other’s personality. Been like 9 years.

    Whether it’s Reddit, Lemmy, Discord or some other platform - there’s definitely people out there looking for the same things. Online is a good place to start.

    See if your closest city has a ‘Speed Friending’ event. Here in Boston, we have “Skip the Small Talk” and you get seated with a stranger and a dialogue prompt. I found that to be really effective too.

  • Reddit refugees vs. Lemmy sever admins
  • It's been rough since 6/30. I can barely browse and leave comments in my .world account. I'm sticking to .ml for now.

  • I (27M) fell in love with a girl (20F), she rejected me and I wanted space, now she want's me to continue our friendship
  • it always makes me miserable to see her happy with someone else

    Well, frankly - you can’t handle a friendship with her. Friends are supposed to support each other’s successes and you don’t have the capacity to be genuine about it right now.

    It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or weak or whatever. It’s human nature. It’s part of the risk we take when we have the capacity to love. Even when we want a friendship and understand that value, there remains an unskippable hurdle.

    Go to the festival, but you should tell her honestly that you’re not ready to be friends - and it has nothing to do with her. And ask her to respect your boundaries in the interim.

    Maybe in a few months or a year, you’ll be a better place to reconnect. Maybe by the time you’re ready, you’ll find your circle of friends to be more fulfilling and you don’t need her.

    Time and space. You otherwise can’t heal if you’re constantly having sounds reopened.

  • What mobile apps is everyone using in the fediverse?
  • I've got two for Lemmy.

    mlem is currently being developed for iOS with around ~20 contributors. It's in early open beta, and I'm psyched because there's supposed to be a massive update between now and tomorrow.

    memmy for iOS looks promising. Really intuitive 'swipe to upvote/downvote/reply' feature and browses similarly to Apollo. It's very barebones right now, the project is just a few days old and there's one developer (as far as I know).

  • How are we going to pay for all this?
  • Wikipedia is the 7th most visited website in the world, more popular than Amazon, TikTok, even PornHub. It's not funded by advertisers or other bullshit - rather through reader donations.

    With that said, Wikipedia is still centralized content whereas Lemmy isn't. Meaning there's fewer expenses and pressure on any one instance or server to succeed. And if one instance or server doesn't succeed, your access to the Federation is far from over.

  • Can someone clarify or debunk some Lemmy/fediverse allegations for me?
  • If you use (the developer's instance), I would recommend reading the front page sidebar. Under RULE #1 - "No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia".

    Here is a screenshot for reference, feel free to share with folks.

    If the enemies of Nazis are religious, ethnic and sexual minorities - then 's front page immediately puts to rest any notion they are associated with far-right ideologies.

    That said, my best understanding is that one or more of the developers identify as communists/anticapitalist and are involved in and /c/socialism.

    And with that in mind, a platform like Lemmy is communist by nature: nobody owns it.
    So it doesn't matter who the developers are, really. What matter is who runs the server and instance you're using. You, as a user, have a choice in how you wish to connect to the Federation.

  • this is so bittersweet...
  • Before Netflix, there was Blockbuster.
    Before YouTube, there was Metacafe and janky websites hosting Flash or Quicktime Player.
    Before Spotify, there was PeopleSound and iTunes gift cards.
    Before Discord, there was IRC and AOL Chatrooms.
    Before Facebook, there was MySpace and Friendster.
    Before iPhone, I had an LG Dare and Palm Pre. Good god!
    Before Reddit, there was Digg, Slashdot and Fark.

    Something better always comes along. Especially if that "better" is tied to a streamlined, easy to use, easy to learn UI.

    Reddit would've never gotten as big as it did without third party support. Not just apps like Apollo, RIF and Narwhal - but tools like Imgur and RES.

    Lemmy and "The Federation" (I'm not quite yet sold calling it the Fediverse...) has a lot of potential to be that "better than Reddit" online space. Nobody owns all of it, so there's safeguards against the things that we're blacked out.

    And it's partially why its a fixer-upper.

    We, the community, are going to need to make Lemmy the space we want it to be. That means competition between instances and servers, that means user generated tools and content. I read the RIF developer is working on a Tildes app for iOS and Android. Mlem iOS app is in early Beta, but are working hard to have a stable release for 6/30. Jerboa's out on Android already and folks seems to like it so far.

    Give it time. We're all new. And whether it's here or somewhere else - we always land on our feet. Maybe the only thing we have in common with u/spez : there's nowhere to fail but up.

  • An argument for USB-C iPhones
  • There's a good chance Apple would get rid of the port entirely and stick to wireless charging. My understanding is that the regulations doesn't requires a port. Rather, if it does have a port, it needs to be USB-C.

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