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  • "[sigh]'s a living!"

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Yeah, that makes sense. I wish I could track down where I read this to figure out if it's a bad source or I'm misremembering it. I may be mistaking Tacitus' reference to Christ, but I don't think it's that. I distinctly remember reading about some sort of population record of a Rabbi named Jesus and thinking, "Wow, I'm surprised a record like that survived." The problem is this was 10+ years ago, and search engines suck now, so I'll never find it again.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Interesting, what kind of records do we have from Alexander's time? And yeah, I agree, the early gospels and the later Roman references probably indicate Rabbi named Jesus was crucified, but I don't think that a secondary source or religious texts really meet OP's criteria for, "physical proof." (Although we probably don't have, "physical proof," for a lot of historical events we generally accept have happened).

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • I had read that there were Roman census records that proved a Rabbi named Jesus did live at about the right time, but now I can't find a source to back that up, so that's probably bunk.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Relics are almost always fake, and there are usually multiples of them at any given time. A lot of people have had Jesus' foreskin throughout the years, and I think there are 5 or 6 heads of John the Baptist floating around right now.

  • Fuck the law
  • Elon Musk's X revenue has officially plummeted, new documents show
  • I still get emails from my dormant account, and according to my Gmail, the sender is, "X (formerly Twitter)," so I don't think we're done with that yet.

  • druletectives
  • "You see, I need cocaine to accelerate my thought process and unleash the full potential of my mind. I'm not sure what you would get out of it, but I'm sure it would be a waste, by comparison."

  • druletectives
  • No. Sherlock has cocaine, but he doesn't share cocaine.

  • Dads of Lemmy, should we consolidate the Dad communities?
  • Yeah, I vote fatherverse, not only for the active mod but it has the best name.

  • what's some stuff that costs around 1$ that you would recommend?
  • Oh no, did they? I haven't had one in a while...

  • what's some stuff that costs around 1$ that you would recommend?
  • I'm a Mucho Mango man myself, but they're all good choices.

  • Math
  • I'm American, I definitely learned this stuff in 7th or 8th grade. Granted, I didn't use it past high school, and I forgot it before I finished college, but that's definitely when I learned it.

  • Not Likeable
  • Let's fix your fixing of my analogy. Imagine the two restaurants you mentioned exist. Now imagine thinking the people who don't go out to eat are entitled.

    And yeah, I know you're going to tell me that elections have consequences for everyone, whether they vote or not, but most people who don't vote don't see it that way. Sure, a small percentage of them are withholding their vote as a protest, but most of them are working class people that are barely getting by. They're not going waste what little free time they have voting for a candidate if they don't think it will help them. So stop trying to shame them into voting and give them something to vote for.

  • nuanceposting the trolley thing
  • This post is citing data from 2016? So it's referencing something that didn't happen. Also, Bush beat Gore by 537 votes. Sure, if Nader hadn't run Gore would have won, but you could just as easily blame the loss on the Florida GOP, "accidently," purging thousands of legitimate voters by, "mistaking," them for felons, or on the Butterfly Ballot that caused an untold number of voters to select the wrong candidate. I guess my goal here lol is to point out when people are blaming their preferred candidate's loss on a mostly statistically insignificant portion of voters, and if you don't like hearing what other people have to say you don't have to post yknow.

  • Not Likeable
  • ...OK? Neither are restaurants.

  • Political Memes pjwestin
    I'm begging you to learn how to use this term.

    Tankie's original use was for British communists who supported Soviet military expansion. In the modern sense, it is used to describe communists who are authoritarian-apologists. For example, a communist who romanticizes the Soviet Union or makes excuses for the Uyghur genocide is a tankie. I've also seen it stretched to include militant anti-capitalists, or more commonly, "militant," anti-capitalists who call for violent resistance to capitalism from the safety of a keyboard.

    Democratic-Socialists are not tankies. Socialists are not tankies. I don't even think most communists qualify as tankies. Criticizing Democrats does not make you a tankie. Condemning Israel's human rights violations does not make you a tankie. Voting third party doesn't make you a tankie. I see this term used here every day, but never correctly.

    pjwestin pjwestin
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