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Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help?
  • Are these roms/hacks that aren't in the roms megathread? I'd have to assume most of these already have duplicates somewhere else just by nature of them being put online

  • Some wisdom about bad bosses
  • Somehow I read this and was like "ah yes this is good advice" then I saw what community I'm in

  • Chicken soup
  • I agree.

  • Strange behavior after closing game
  • Maybe - I'm really bad at explaining things so I'll probably just get more specific than I have to

    Basically, there's two menus I'm referring to - the "play game" menu and whatever menu you have before that (I'll just say library). Without starting a game, I can go to and from each menu with one button press. If I start and exit any game, I return to the play game menu, but in order to go back to the library menu I have to press B twice; it acts like I'm closing an invisible menu or something which could be the black screen in your case.

    In reality, this bug isn't anything major - I just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing it and/or if anyone knew why it was happening (maybe someone with CSS experience could make a plugin to fix it)

  • Strange behavior after closing game

    Every time I close a game, there's an extra invisible window or popup thing I need to close before I get to the recent games menu. This only started happening sometime before the 3.5 update and I was hoping that it was just a bug that was going to get fixed but nothing has happened so far.

    Anyone else have this issue? Does anyone even know what I'm talking about?

    29 September 2023
  • We need to make sure Ram Ranch stays open 24/7 all year round

  • Sorting comments by Top is awkward
  • This weirdness also happens when a child has more points than the parent (sorting by top)

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • Originally I thought this was a good thing, but my opinion quickly shifted after seeing a lot of non-hexbear posts getting a lot of hexbear spam instead of healthy discussions like I was expecting

  • blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy
  • Basically they blocked the communities but not the instances they were hosted on, so people on can still interact with posts and comments made by people like me

  • Simutrans - A transportation simulator
  • Pretty much the same game, except this one has some upgrades and some downgrades from OpenTTD (based on a quick google search)

  • I like the interface, and have been a user of the reddit version for years...
  • A lot of Lemmy consists of FOSS enthusiasts, so something that's paid and proprietary wouldn't look as good in their eyes.

    There's also the fact that the free version of Sync uses (Google?) ad tracking to show you ads, so those people would also be upset.

  • I keep meaning to make one of these. Looks so fun! "Raspberry Pi Bartop Arcade Cabinet"
  • I made one of these, albeit not a very good one - the exterior is made of stained wood but hey, I'm still proud of it :)

  • Please have mercy on me
  • yyyeeeooowww

  • potat potat

    average internet lurker

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