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Looking for advice - Help me advocate for my employer to open up our products to Home Assistant integration
  • Nah got a bunch of bunnings stuff as well. The Arlec Grid Connect stuff works well, I got a smart plug with a USB that actually has a separate relay for the 5V.

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • Yeah I wasn't judging at all mate. Just reminds me of my childhood, sneaking back up at night to watch the music videos :)

  • Let’s make games open source, so future generations can enjoy them
  • Yeah but I feel like the spirit of open source is still to allow it imo. First point on the Open Source Definition:

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.
  • I'm in Australia and we still do this? I have a loyalty discount for being a customer for 7 years, AU$57/month for unlimited data on my mobile and free calls to 40 countries ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Looking for advice - Help me advocate for my employer to open up our products to Home Assistant integration
  • I'm not sure they have, but there's still so much stock of old firmware out there, there are even companies who straight up haven't pushed an update for their devices yet. Maybe I'm having more luck because I'm Aussie? But even CostCo had a home-brand of bulbs they haven't updated yet.

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • Does M-class include the requirement of having 1.0g (or near enough)? I didn't know that. Does that mean the federation is only made up of planets where humans don't look daft moving around? Or maybe it has something to do with production budgets... 🤔

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • Gosh seeing that "rage" tv bug in the corner is nostalgic.

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • I thought that it was canonical, at least in some series, that the viewscreen is a window that displays a 1x view of outside and any time they want to zoom in, or are hailed, if turns into a monitor? I swear there's been multiple times where someone was sucked out of the bridge through it.

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • Doesn't the sun's, and other star's, magnetic field cause this phenomenon?

  • Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA
  • Is this true for everything in orbit though? Like, the ISS is in near earth orbit and so it's absolutely just falling. But what about things up in a geostationary orbit? What about the moon?

  • Kate Mulgrew told Rick Berman she wanted a gay character on the Voyager bridge
  • 'Resolutions' called, it wants to build up a relationship between Janeway and Chakotay and then throw it away never to be heard from again.

  • Looking for advice - Help me advocate for my employer to open up our products to Home Assistant integration
  • There's Tuya Cloudcutter now that can hack a lot of current devices wirelessly. It's a good way to get cheap "open firmware" IoT devices.

  • Looking for advice - Help me advocate for my employer to open up our products to Home Assistant integration
  • Yes but I'd imagine it's a cloud API if it's paid, not a local API. While yes, you could use this to make a HA integration, it would never reach platinum status. The customer seems to he wanting them to open up the API calls the "Brain" makes to the cloud, to intercept them.

  • Let’s make games open source, so future generations can enjoy them
  • Are you kidding? Think about all the skilled contributors that currently work on emulators, do you not think that some of them would switch to working on re-compiling games? And I agree there are probably weird platforms that it wouldn't be easy for, but anything x86 is going to be much more trivial. I mean, someone was even reverse-engineering Super Mario 64, re-coding the entire game. The original source code and ability to use the code without getting sued would make things so much easier. Yeah, not every game would be done, but the big titles would be.

    As far as emulating the rest, access to the source code would make it far, far simpler to figure out compatibility issues and make sure that every game is actually playable.

  • Let’s make games open source, so future generations can enjoy them
  • Part of the spirit of open source is that commercial distribution be allowed. So there's no issue with doing this.

  • my home rule
  • I zoomed in for the knife, and spotted the goomba.

  • Rethinking open source generative AI: open washing and the EU AI Act
  • That's fair, thank you for explaining. I was going to say but forgot, this is assessing specifically for "openness" not 'open source-ness' though.

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • From the AGPL:

    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it;

    Requiring the use of a trademarked logo, you won't allow the use of, doesn't seem very reasonable to me.

  • Rethinking open source generative AI: open washing and the EU AI Act
  • and for good reason

    I'd love to hear that reasoning. Personally, I will avoid using a FOSS product if the documentation is terrible or non-existent. Obviously I have grace for new* or bleeding-edge projects. But I've avoided using some FOSS stalwarts simply because I don't have the time to dedicate to trial and error learning.

  • This feels like an overreach by the admin...

    I was banned from for “personal attacks” for 3 days because of calling someone a “piece of shit” after they called me a “cunt”. The comment calling me a cunt wasn’t removed and the user hasn’t been punished at all by the admins.

    The comments in question:

    ! modlog:

    ! !

    In the interest of full disclosure, this is my other comment that was removed:


    And here’s the comment of that user I was referencing, in the Blahaj modlog after it was removed:


    This feels like an overreach, especially when the admin clearly didn’t feel it was important to punish their own user for “personal attacks” in the same thread.

    it’s just the rule thing to do

    please don’t start shit in the comments, i’m too disabled to care

    [Bug] App Icons

    Hey friends, I see you just pushed another test flight build, cheers for all the new updates. However, I just tried changing the App Icon and it doesn’t work at all, just stays on the default one. I tried a bunch to see if it was just one of them glitching out, but none of them work.

    video rule

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like NorahKing94.
    Can we defederate

    It’s just an instance of reposting reddit links. These showed up in my All feed sorted by Hot even though there’s zero interaction. It just feels like spam.

    [Bug/Feature Request] Hide Downvote Button

    I’m on an instance that has downvotes disabled, and I’m wondering if we could add an option to hide the downvote button from the UI when the signed in instance has it disabled. I’ve changed the swipe so it doesn’t have the downvote, but it still shows up in the feed.

    As well it could be nice to have a setting for an alternate to the downvote swipe so that auto-changes depending on instance as well.

    PSA about HardlightCereal aka DroneRights aka PM_ME_FAT_ENBIES







    ! I’m a chaser and came on to you? Despite telling you I had a partner in the same message? I’m sorry, but you’re just not that interesting. It was a joke because you had a PM_ME username. But yeah, now you’ve accused a trans person of being a chaser. What next? I’m glad the 196 mods saw through your application, yikes. You all need to sort this out because I am livid at being accused of being a bloody chaser by some troll when I’m a trans woman, then getting a permanent ban from for trying to alert the admin of a third instance. Clueless Stoner? You sure are, you make us other stoners look switched on by comparison.

    [Feature Request/Bug] Downvote Button

    I’m on a server that has downvotes disabled. I’m wondering if we can get an update that hides the downvote button/slide when it’s disabled? I accidentally press it 2-3 times per day and the error dialogue can be frustrating. I was thinking there could be an option for what to replace the ‘slide right to downvote’ shortcut with when it’s hidden. Such as share or copy link.

    Quake II Remaster Source Code Released Id Publishes Quake II 2023 Source Code on Github

    Source code for Quake II's 2023 rerelease is now available for all. The classic gameplay brings modern updates and is as modder friendly as Doom. The code is GPL-licensed and on Github now.

    Id Publishes Quake II 2023 Source Code on Github
    [request] Local Instance Link Setting

    So at the moment, when you share a post, you get a link to the post on the instance the communities on. Obviously, you aren’t always sharing links with people that are also on your instance, so this behaviour is usually fine. But I have a few friends on my local instance, so it would be nice to be able to link them directly. Maybe having the options be Local/Remote/Ask, with a little options list each time if people want that.

    Queer Music Norah - She/They
    Laura Jane Grace | True Trans Soul Rebel
    I got this tattoo for myself the day I was diagnosed with MAIS

    It's a personal mash-up of the Agender, Intersex and Transgender symbols, and a little bit of inspiration from dog desexing tattoos. I'd been questioning since late puberty if I might be Intersex, I never grew an Adam's apple and hardly any body hair despite family genetics. I came out as trans femme non-binary in my early 20s, but it wasn't until the third doctor I saw for hormones that questioned if I might have an intersex condition. The first doctor I saw never questioned that my T was well below the male range because I wanted to start HRT anyway. But he also still put me on T-blockers which have some awful side-effects, including dropping my T to completely zero. Thankfully I'm off those these days and estrogen alone keeps my T where it needs to be.

    The last test that she ran was for sterility, so the day I got that result was when I got my official diagnosis. I'd never really wanted kids of my own, and didn't worry when starting HRT, but it still really shook me to learn that I'm not able too. Hence, I dropped into my local tattoo parlour with a rough sketch, because the adrenaline and pain from that helped me deal with my emotions in a more healthy way.

    Anyway, hi, I'm Norah and that's my story :)

    Witches and Faggots, Dykes and Poofters [Documentary]

    > A documentary about the first Mardi Gras parade in Sydney, Australia. I found a copy of this earlier in the year and posted it on Content Warning for police brutality.

    cross-posted from:

    I'm cross-posting this here as I thought this community might find it interesting as well. I think the way I procured it also leads to a bigger discussion about the preservation of queer film & media. I think it's important, now more than ever, for younger and freshly realised queer people to see that we've been here and fighting for our rights for a really long. Videos like this one feel like they evoke a more visceral connection to that past.

    Retro Lemmy BBS in Windows Terminal

    So the how-to I promised in my last post:

    1. Install the neonmodem package under your default WSL distro. I'm using Debian. You've got to move the executable to your /bin/ folder.
    2. Go to your Windows Terminal settings and click on 'Add a new profile'. Duplicate your default profile.
    3. Rename the profile to 'Neon Modem Overdrive'. You can download the favicon from
    4. Under 'Command line' you want to change it to show as below. This will launch it within it's own tab, and will close out when you quit NMO. C:\Windows\system32\wsl.exe ~ --shell-type login neonmodem
    5. Under 'Additional settings' at the bottom, click on 'Appearance'.
    6. I'm using the 'Vintage' colour scheme, and have the 'Retro terminal effects' setting enabled for those crispy old scanline vibes.
    Neon Modem Overdrive in WSL

    I spent this evening playing with Neon Modem Overdrive and ended up getting it set up as it's own profile in Windows Terminal. That way I could give it it's own profile, including the retro screen effect. Will comment tomorrow with a guide :)

    princessnorah Norah - She/They

    👽Dropped at birth from space to earth👽


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