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Free wallpaper rule
  • Those are really cool, I will save it for my rotation

  • This post hit me like a bus
  • And I will continue liking petting catgirls pats

  • This post hit me like a bus
  • Now I wanna see the complete thesis

  • Gamer Rule
  • Just buy a gag, it makes saying a slur more difficult, saving yourself from bans

  • In the doghouse [Clearly Confused]
  • Better played with a cookie in the middle

  • Inhuman rule
  • Ublock doesn't seem to work with their proxy

  • Inhuman rule
  • It's more of a me problem as I don't like installing more apps than needed, I just use Firefox for watching YouTube or download the videos to watch later with yt-dlp. Both of these methods need me to disconnect the VPN

  • Inhuman rule
  • Can't use YouTube with my VPN without signing in

  • Miss me with that low bitrate
  • I run a samba server with nfo files scrapped straight from themoviedb.

    I use kodi for viewing as it's easy to install anywhere.

    rtorrent for acquiring material.

  • Just a typo [GRS]
  • Mood but I would die of kidney stones because of drinking before being able to send that message

  • What's in your future?
  • GRS coming hot with the best material

  • I've successfully installed mint/cinnamon and not sure how to proceed
  • If it's her first time with Linux, I don't think going full vim will be useful.

    Something with a GUI might be better like gedit for simple text editing would be enough.

    For coding you can use VSCodium, it's a VSCode replacement that's compatible with the majority of VSCode plugins.

    If you want more information about a package or program, you should go to the wiki page for the package on the debian wiki or the archwiki. Your Linux distribution (distro) is based around debian so most packages will be avaliable in mint.

  • That new book
  • I can't leave books half-read. I leave a series because it gets boring or I just don't feel like finishing it but never a book.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • BrainOS open source drivers for linux when?

  • How Subscriptions RUINED the Internet (and everything else)
  • For now, the internet still works for me, I will change the settings if something breaks

  • programmer_belch Programmer Belch


    Linux and FLOSS enthusiast, trying to unplug myself from the net by selfhosting. Enfasis on trying.

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