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YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes
  • No we don't, we have 400+ years of capitalist history to tell us what comes next; Oligarchy, neo-feudalism...

    People: Cory Doctorow didn't invent this concept. Read a book.

  • YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes
  • It will end up being like FreeVee on Prime for anyone who's ever watched a movie or anything on there. They straight up randomly just inject ads in at random times, often not even during scene breaks. Characters are sometimes mid-sentence... Oh, and we're back to the volume of the ads being 2x louder than the movie itself because I guess that law Congress passed way back in the day only applied to cable and broadcast TV.

    It makes it nearly unwatchable. So get ready for that experience.

  • Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'm opposed to'
  • Oh great. Can't wait for Sony or something to come in and completely ruin the IP with a movie or some shit.

  • Gabe Newell, the Man Behind Steam, Is Working on a Brain-Computer Interface
  • Man, the way that headline begins, I thought he had died.

    On a macabre, but related, note: how long after Gabe's death before Steam goes public and turns to shit? I'd give it 6 months.

  • Yacht sinks after latest incident involving orcas in strait of Gibraltar
  • Is this revenge for the cruise ship that killed that endangered whale?

    Are the cetaceans fighting back? Are we at war with whales?? That would be pretty badass.

  • Which are the F-Droid apps everyone should download?
  • Does the bird one actually work? Nature can get pretty loud, I could see that being an issue.

  • Can't find any forums that allow for Tor posts
  • I don't know what it is you want to distribute, but if it is newsworthy or political in nature, I think most media outlets (like "legit" ones like WaPo, NYT, etc.) have ways of contacting them through Tor for situations where the person with the information might have legitimate fears for their safety (e.g. whistleblowers).

    But that's really only for a certain type of "post."

  • Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
  • You seem confused as to what defines a term. The thing written in a dictionary comes from observing the real world. The real thing isn't constrained by some written words on a website, it's literally the other way around.

  • Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
  • You seem to think if it's not explicitly in a dictionary, then it doesn't define a word. That's not how the real world works.

  • Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
  • Yes, and take that a few steps further: does that need for profit ever end? Where does the idea of "constant growth" eventually inevitably lead?

  • Steam Spring Sale 2024 live, Valve list the Top 100 games on Steam Deck
  • I think a big part of that, for me at least, is Steam Input plus the trackpads being an actually usable alternative to using a mouse to move a cursor.

    Those two features have made countless games that I never imagined I'd be playing on a controller, let alone a portable device, completely playable.

    Steam Input alone is such a killer feature that I rarely see people talking about. The amount of customization you can do on a game-by-game basis is actually kind of hard to believe.

  • Netflix is bringing back Black Mirror in 2025
  • The first Netlfix season (season 3 I think?) was still good. But aside from that, I agree.

  • Thinking about making the big switch – recommend me a distro!
  • Fair enough... It's been nearly a month since I commented here so I don't remember the exact situation, but if having a lot of updates was an issue, then yeah maybe not EndeavourOS. There may be LTS versions, but since it's based on Arch, I'm not sure. I personally don't mind it, and have yet to have a single issue with an update "breaking" something (though I have Timeshift set up to take a snapshot before updating just in case), but I guess

    I could see someone being annoyed by having the little thing pop-up to tell you how many things you could update, but I kind of like it I think. It kinda feels like I'm very slowly, incrementally, making my laptop better, albeit usually in ways I can't even perceive at the time.

    But hey, everyone has their preferences. That's why there's a billion distros to choose from.

  • Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students
  • I imagine the people who still run independent companies that fill vending machines (I'm not sure if this is still the model, or if capitalism ruined that as well) will gladly install the M&M branded machines, when the rental fees go down drastically.

    At least that's how I see this playing out: Machine is provided to small business for cheap (possibly free), majorly increasing their ever-thinning profit margins. I'm sure the cost of snacks increasing every month is a nightmare for people who stock vending machines, and their profit margins must be thinner than they've ever been.

    They'll install the new machines, and maybe even make marginally more total profits... of course the real money is in the data being collected by the machine.

    Shit, I bet they could start having vending machines where they just give you shit for free, all you have to do is give a thumbprint, or strand of hair, or fingernail, or cornea scan, etc... And people would use them. Hey, free shit right?

  • Thinking about making the big switch – recommend me a distro!
  • I second EndeavourOS. My first distro and it's been a great experience. I've felt no desire to switch.

    Steam/games have worked great.

  • Naomi Klein: If Biden Wants to Stop Trump, He Should Step Down
  • It will be far far worse under Trump.

  • Naomi Klein: If Biden Wants to Stop Trump, He Should Step Down
  • Yeah it fucking sucks. Trolls and 14 year old edge lords with no understanding of how the real world works

  • the Amerian Dialect Society's 2023 Word of the Year Is “Enshittification”
  • Yeah, this behavior has a name already, it's called "rent seeking." It's kind of annoying that so many people think this is a new phenomenon.

  • NSFW
    Robot Sex Rule
  • Competitive chess just got a whole lot more interesting.

  • prole prole
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