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Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • Stable, in this context, just means "point release". If you meant "doesn't break", that describes most rolling release distros.

    ...unless you've used KDE in the last month. Holy cow, just let me alt-tab into a fullscreen window without throwing a fit.

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • I don't hate flatpaks, but flatpaks require more disk space than the same apps from traditional repositories, and they only support a handful of the most common default themes. Since I only ever use older and slower computers, my disk space is limited, and I like to rice my desktop, I personally avoid them. But your use-case may differ.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • You're thinking in reverse. Walled gardens keep you in, not out. Without logging into your Steam account (pretending you don't have one), try to download a mod for a game you bought on GOG and see how it goes for you.

  • Not Likeable
  • I suspect that for every Manchin and Sinema who took the negative publicity, there are 10 Manchins and Sinemas who didn't have to. They'll cash out when it's their turn. Call me cynical if you want.

  • Me in the comments of any windows fuck up post
  • I played with Endeavor years ago, but not extensively. If memory serves, it's pretty much just preconfigured Arch with some nice theming, a Calamares installer, and a few simple scripts. Garuda adds even more theming (too much for my tastes, actually), a few GUI utilities, notifications when your system is overdue for an update, and an update script that runs common post-update tasks (like grub-install) and takes snapper snapshots automatically, so basically user-friendly bloat.

  • Removed
    TBH 6 was kind of a downgrade from 5
  • It's the micromanagement. When earlier games became tedious, I could just pick a quicker game speed, and I would suddenly feel like I was playing with more momentum. But in VI, it actually kills momentum, as if driving the slightly faster route to work at the cost of particularly frustrating traffic, since the most tedious micro isn't turn-based, but city-based. You only have to plan districts/improvements once per city, so I find I can still have fun with VI if I play suboptimally (i.e., tall) on tiny maps and with mods that let me cram more civilizations into the game. I've probably put in a few hundred hours this way.

    But I'd rather just play IV or V.

  • Security
  • Wait, are you setting up PPAs? If you're using a user-friendly distro, either flathub should be enabled by default or the AUR is easily accessible with pamac or the chaotic-AUR. If software availability is a problem, I don't know what to tell you; I think you started with a more difficult distribution than you intended to. PPAs suck.

  • Pls pls pls....
  • The classical music world has been through this before, with Richard Wagner. Orchestras in Israel wouldn't play his music for decades, but eventually, even they relented. It's good music. Well, I mean, between the boring halves of hours, anyway, it's good music.

  • Why can't I get eww to load this literal variable? [Solved]

    Edit: TL;DR, a literal can't contain multiple children. The opening bracket that starts the literal must be closed at the end of the literal, with no other yuck appended.

    I've been playing with Elkowar's Wacky Widgets in an attempt to replace tint2 on openbox. Specifically, I've been working on a taskbar widget. So far, I've managed to make a few bash scripts to generate all the necessary yuck (and png files) to create a rudimentary icon-only taskbar that updates itself every time _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW changes. I've confirmed that the yuck works when I manually copy/paste the output of the bash script into eww.yuck.

    Anyway, I've assigned this script to a deflisten variable called "tasks". When I run "eww state" in a terminal, I confirm that "tasks" is indeed defined (and regularly updated) with yuck that looks like this.


    (box :tooltip Xfce4-terminal (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x120000a 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Xfce4-terminal.png))) (box :tooltip Geany (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0xe00010 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Geany.png))) (box :tooltip Thunar (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x140000d 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Thunar.png)))

    (Unrelated, but why doesn't eww recognize "~/" in image filepaths?)

    But when I use "tasks" to generate my taskbar widget with a literal, nothing appears, save for a slight overall change in the spacing on my topbar, though this happens inconsistently. Here is the relevent yuck.


    (defwidget task_bar [] (box :orientation "horizontal" :space-evenly true :spacing 2 :halign "start" (literal :content tasks)))

    Here's the full tree:


    (defwindow main :class "main" :monitor 0 :geometry (geometry :x "0px" :y "0px" :width "100%" :height "16px" :anchor "top center") :vexpand false :stacking "fg" :windowtype "dock" :wm-ignore true :reserve (struts :distance "16px" :side "top") (topbar))

    (defwidget topbar [] (box :orientation "h" :space-evenly false (foo) (task_bar) (bar)))

    (deflisten tasks ~/.config/eww/scripts/

    (defwidget task_bar [] (box :orientation "horizontal" :space-evenly true :spacing 2 :halign "start" (literal :content tasks)))

    I found a possibly related closed issue at but the issue doesn't provide much detail.

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    Edit: Lemmy does funny things with ` quotes. Click the view source button to see raw text.

    Edit2: I booted up my openbox/eww setup this morning and was shocked to find a working task bar when I opened a window... but only the first window. Once I open a second window, my taskbar is blank.

    Edit3: Edit2 was my eureka moment. Why would only the first window load? I now have a suspicion that eww literals are treated as parents that can't have more than one child; when I shifted the literal's parent "box" into the bash script, the task bar suddenly worked! The new task_bar defwidget looks like this.


    (defwidget task_bar [] (literal :content tasks))

    And "tasks" is now defined as


    (box :orientation "horizontal" :space-evenly true :spacing 2 :halign "start" (box :tooltip Xfce4-terminal (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x120000a 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Xfce4-terminal.png))) (box :tooltip Geany (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0xe00010 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Geany.png))) (box :tooltip Thunar (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x140000d 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Thunar.png))) )

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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