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Who is this and what's happening? Wrong answers only.
  • scene from the first movie in the reboot of the scanners cinematic universe

  • Nicholson-Yes.gif
  • i don't care, hit it hard I dont wanna limp away from this one

  • Nicholson-Yes.gif


    no, seriously, where are we

  • In order to save democracy you must vote for Biden which will probably result in Kamala Harris becoming president. A person nobody voted for.
  • she dropped out before several weeks before iowa and was polling fourth in her home state of california if I recall correctly

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • yes and they are also unwilling to admit to themselves that Biden only got the nomination because obama got pete and warren-snake to drop out in order to stop Bernie

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • lol they're not going to replace him

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • replacing Biden with Hil and her losing again would be the funniest outcome, ergo

  • What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • I am going to take what Terrance McKenna described as “a heroic dose” and go on a rollercoaster

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • there's a lot tbqh but there's a lot I dont get about ppl my age and older too

    (as long as it doesn't negatively impact me, I try not to get too worked about much. I feel like there used to be a lot more of "well I guess that's not for me" rather than "fucking kids are the death of society" among older generations before lead poisoning became so prevalent.)

  • there is something so perfectly... nyt columnist about a post saying all ya gotta do is vote harder

    (obviously it privileged to think everyone can just pull up stakes and move to Italy, but it's equally naive to think we can magically turn the us into a first world country by voting harder)

    Doomerism, NotJustBikes, and Urban Planning

    NotJustBikes is getting dragged on Twitter for this post.

    What do you think? Is he right? Wrong? Not wrong, but an asshole?

    When I see how hard advocates and sympathetic planners have to work in 2023 to get a halfassed facility that would never make it off the drawing board in the Netherlands, it's hard for me to say he's wrong.
