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What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Absolutely. I never cared for his political stuff. Get that shit out of here. Just geek out on historic stuff, but please no more misogynist social darwinist garbage...

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • What are the actual questions?

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • Accepted isn't the right word. I think consumers "voting with their feet" just isn't that relevant when it comes to these issues. This model of thinking works when it's about the product offering. Bad product? Too expensive? Demand dwindles.

    But the issue doesn't directly impact the product offering, consumers won't "vote with their feet" in significant numbers. Worker exploitation? People will still buy cheaper clothes. Oil money dictatorships? Cheap luxury airlines. Privacy invasion? But all my friends are on there. I could go on.

    The self-correcting market model is flawed. For these issues, strong government intervention is needed. It's possible that a competitor comes along and they're able to capture the market, but that will only happen with a superior product offering. But not because of different TOS or whatever people don't consider part of what they're buying.

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • All of Israel is stolen land. They're stealing even more as we speak.

    To answer your question: They will and they have outright killed thousands, tens of thousands of Palestinians. They destroyed schools, hospital, cemeteries, media offices, homes. They are not letting in food in the country, causing a goddamn famine. Everybody has seen it. Everybody knows it's happening.

    You can sod right off if you want a specific number of summary executions before it 'counts' as a genocide. Absolutely abhorrent behavior. I'm blocking your ass right now. Bye.

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • Now you're at genocide denial. I'm done. Fuck that

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • And then the occupation continues. How does that solve anything? There will be another resistance group, of course. Israel already was a pain in the ass for Palestinians before October 7th. They don't see going back to that situation as meaningful progress.

    Nothing about your stance is pragmatic. It doesn't even make logical sense. It's cowardice to give in and the rest of the world can go back to ignoring suffering of the Palestinians. Israel is genociding Palestinians and you're here blaming Hamas??

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • What about national and international pressure on the Netanyahu government?

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • lol All you've done is defend Israel here

    "it's simple, Hamas just has to surrender" is not a peace plan

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • I don't believe their words. Stop fighting

    Edit: I see OP supports Israel. After all that's become clear about their genocide.

  • "They want the votes": Ted Cruz says Democrats are pro-Palestine just for show
  • Because sticking up for Palestine while constantly getting smeared as a terrorist sympathizer and an antisemite... is taking the easy road?

  • Supreme Court Will Rule On Gender-Affirming Care For Minors
  • "What about the children?"

    Drives kids to suicide

    Conservatism is a cancer

  • Disney are war criminals
  • Disney used to make war propaganda videos

  • Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It's clean and ready to rock the solstice
  • That's what I thought, yeah. Some people...

  • Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It's clean and ready to rock the solstice
  • I wasn't really, only in a rhetorical sense. You're kinda being a dick about it, tho. Are you on a mission to be the most downvoted commenter or something? Don't let me get in your way.

  • I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
  • I just wanted to share the story.

  • I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
  • Someone in Norway has the same name as me, and they made a PayPal account. They accidentally used my email during signup and I got some weird emails in Norwegian. So I called PayPal. I asked them to change the email. "You can't, because it's not your account, you just admitted". Uh, ok. Can you close the account? "It's not your account". Can you contact the account owner and tell them to fix it? "We don't have their email". Can I use account recovery and close it? "Then you would be breaking into someone else's account".

    So what should I do? PayPal put a notice on the account in case they log in, and told me to just ignore the emails. I was baffled. Just ignore the emails? Stop sending them then! But there really isn't anything I can do. I tried account recovery anyway, but it didn't work.

    They never logged in I think. They probably made another account with the correct details and never thought about this one. So I've been getting the "our terms and conditions have changed" email once or twice a year and ignoring them. They're still in Norwegian.

    I just looked it up, this has been going on since 2015. Maybe I should contact PayPal again and tell them how ridiculous they've been.

  • Just down the road
  • It is

  • qevlarr qevlarr
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